Psych. Test-Kohlberg and Likona

  1. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development:
    • 1. Avoiding Punishment
    • 2. Behavior that benefits them
    • 3. Avoid the disapproval of others
    • 4. Respect for Authority
    • 5. Rights for others/welfare of community
    • 6. Own Priciples
  2. What age does a person reach stages 3 and 4?
  3. Not everyone reaches these stages
    5 and 6
  4. Kohlberg's 6 stages are found in these 8 societies
    • Swiss
    • Taiwanese
    • Mexicans
    • Belgians
    • Chinese
    • Hopi
    • Israeli
    • Sioux
  5. Not all psychologists agree that the 6 stages automatically. What do the stages depend on?
    • How the child was raised in the home
    • Whether the child was rewarded or punished for certain behavior
  6. Moral Reasoning:
    what we say we will do
  7. Moral Behavior
    what we actually do
  8. Hypothetical Situation-You as a parent find something illegal in your son/daughters room. You should:
    • 1. Take time to chill. Pick a time to talk about it
    • 2. Be honest. Tell them what you found.
    • 3. Let them know you're human. Say this is hard to talk about.
    • 4. Look for reasons, then solutions. Tone of voice is crucial.
  9. Empathy
    putting yourself in other persons shoes
  10. Factors leading to a teen's move toward independence:
    • 1. Privacy- Don't talk with, talk at.
    • 2. Conflict- Push buttons
    • 3. Friends- Rely on them
    • 4. Visibly Different:
    • Music, Hair, Clothes, Language
  11. Example of empathy:
    Parent says "Why do you think I'm so worried when you are late?"
  12. Teens who can empathize say:
    "I'm sorry I should have called"
  13. Parents should work on developing value on teen's independence. What's an example of this?
    • If the teen wants to go to Steamboat, CO for the weekend:
    • Say Yes when you can
    • Say No when you have to. A parent must draw the line somewhere or they cop out as a parent.
  14. How many stages does Dr. Likona have in his moral development theory?
  15. Stage 0 in Dr. Likona's theory:
    • Age: B-4yrs. Pre School
    • Stage: 0
    • Main Idea: Kids in essence are morally innocent
    • Characteristics:
    • 1.Lie
    • 2.Cheat
    • 3.Steal
    • 4.Don't attempt to reason right from wrong
    • 5. Think it's right to get their way.
  16. Stage 1 in Likona's theory:
    • Age: 4-5yrs.
    • Stage: 1
    • Main Idea: Operate on a fear of punishment.
    • Characteristics:
    • 1. Know rules and consequences of breaking them
    • 2. Fear Punishment
    • 3. Parents shouldn't use verbal or physical abuse
    • 4. Parents following discipline should say "I still love you, I just don't like what you did"
  17. Stage 2 in Likona's Theory
    • Age: 6-7yrs.
    • Stage: 2
    • Main Idea: Moral Standards are "not yet" internalized
    • Characteristics:
    • 1. Standards are not a part of thoughts and actions
    • 2. Self centered (What's in it for me?)
    • 3. Begin to think about parents
  18. Stage 3 of Likona's theory
    • Age: 8-9yrs.
    • Stage: 3
    • Main Idea: Moral standards are internalized
    • Characteristics:
    • 1. Understand wrongdoing
    • 2. Feel guilt
    • 3. People will be disappointed
    • 4. Develop a true conscience
    • 5. Fear of acceptance (Will I or won't I?)
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Psych. Test-Kohlberg and Likona
Moral Devel. Test