
  1. Primary vs Secondary response
    2ndary result of memory cells, 20 days to full activation vs 5 days
  2. Platelets
    Parts of membrane bound cytoplasm torn from megakaryocytes.. megakaryocytes remain in marrow. Platelets function in clotting.
  3. Path of blood
    • (Systemic)
    • Left ventricle, aorta, arteries, arterioles, arterioles, capillaries. Venules, veins, superior and inferior vena cava right atrium.
    • (Pulminary)
    • Right ventifle, pulmonary arteries, arterioles, capillaries of lungs. Venules, veins, pulmonary veins, left atrium.
  4. Alveoli
    grapelike clusters where gas exchange takes place.
  5. diaphragm
    domeshaped muscle, skeletal, below lungs. Allows breathing.
  6. humoral immunity effective vs:
    bacteria, fungi, parasitic protozoans, viruses, blood toxins.
  7. larynx
    behind epiglottis. Voice box, contains vocal cords. Stimulates coughing if nongaseous material enters.
  8. CO2 carries in blood in 3 ways:
    • 1. in physical solution
    • 2. as bicarbonate ion and;
    • 3. in carbamino compounds (combined with hemoglobin and other proteins).
  9. Systole, diastole
    Ventricles contracting, relaxation of heart and then contraction of atria.
  10. Plasma composition
    proteins, albumin, immunoglobulins (antibodies), fibrinogen (clotting), water, iopns, urea, ammonia etc.
  11. Vagus nerve
    innervates SA node, slows contractions down. Parasympathetic.
  12. Nasal cavity
    • filters moistens warms air.
    • Coarse hair at front. Mucus from goblet cells traps/moistens.
    • Cilia moves mucus and dust back to pharynx for swallowing or spit.
  13. Types of acquired immunity
    • humoral or B-Cell
    • cell mediated or T-cell
  14. A few extra ideas about respiratory system
    chemoreceptors monitor CO2 levels in blood and increase breathing rate when they go up. pH and O2 are monitored by peripheral chemoreceptors as well. Low pH is a result of high CO2 (in acidic form).
  15. Steps in infected cell situation
    • cell mediated immunity: T-lymphocytes, mature in thymus where they are tested against self antigens.
    • Differentiate into helper T, memory T, supressor T and killer (cytotoxic) T cells. Killer T cells bond to antigen carrying cells, puncture the cell. Attack transplanted tissue and cancer.
  16. trachea
    in front of esophagus. ringed cartilage covered by ciliated mucous cells that move dust towards pharynx.
  17. origin of blood cells
    stem cells in bone marrow
  18. steps in bacterial infection
    inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils engulf bacteria. Interstitial goes into lympathic system and lymphocytes are in lymph nodes. Macrophages present antigens to B lympocytes. B lymphocytes use helper T cells to differentiate into memory and plasma cells. Plasma cells make antibodies which go into blood and attack bacteria. Memory cells are for secondary response.
  19. inflammation
    dilation of blood vessels, increased capillary permeability, swelling of tissue cells, migration of macrophages and granulocytes to inflamed area. Impedes spread of infection.
  20. lymphatic system
    collects excess interstitial fluid and returns to blood. Also large particles. Flow goes through lymph nodes which fight infection. Lymph system is open. Many lymph nodes contain lymphocytes throughout system.
  21. Carbonic anhydrase
    enzyme to catalyse reversible reaction:

    CO2 + H2O --> HCO3- + H+
  22. Arterie contractions
    arteries wrapped around with smooth muscle innervated by sympathetic nervous system. Used to reroute blood and regulate bloodpressure.
  23. leukocytes
    white blood cells. Have organelles, no hemoglobin. Protect vs foreign invaders.
  24. sinoatrial node (SA node)
    autorhymic pacer of hear in the right atrium
  25. pharynx
    throat, passage way for food/air.
  26. bronchi
    Lt and Rt split off trachea, branch into bronchioles which terminate in alveoli.
  27. bundle of His
    conductive fibers in the ventricle wall. potential branches via Purkinje fibers that fork off bundle, allowing for uniform and strong contraction throughout heart.
  28. blood composition
    blood is connective tissue. centrifuged blood composed of plasma, buffy coat of white blood cells, red blood cells.
  29. hemoglobin
    4 polypeptide subunits, each with a heme group-- with iron in the center. Each can combine with one O2, forming oxy hemoglobin. cooperativity, a cascade effect.
  30. Oxygen saturation of hemoglobin depends on:
    lower O2 affinity if high CO2 pressure, low pH (high H+), high temperature, BPG.
  31. Venules, Veins
    veins contain much more blood by volume than arteries. Blood slowest in capillaries, next slowest in veins. Veins have valves to prevent backflow.
  32. artrioventricular node (AV node)
    • receives action potential from SA node, but is slow to contract.
    • Delays ventrical contraction so atria can finish before ventricals contract.
  33. erythrocytes
    red blood cells, no organelles. Live 120 days, burst in spleen or liver and are broken down.
  34. capillaries
    microscopic blood vessels, one cell thick. use pinocytosis, diffusion or transport, fenestrations, or movement through cell spaces. Initially hydrostatic pressure more than osmotic, water flows out. At end, reverse is true. 10% fluid loss to interstitium --> lumph.
Card Set
Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System