- Freud
- theory of personality development
- personality developed by age 5
- basic biological needs
- "i want"
- conscious. fulfill id
- "I can"
Super Ego
- ethics and morals
- "I should"
- people are positive
- conscious as important as sub-conscious
Carl Jung
- neofreudian, freuds students
- personal unconscious, collective unconscious, archetypes
personal unconscious
like freuds subconscious
collective unconscious
shared, inherited reservoir of memories traced from out species history
common themes held by everyone, component of collective unsconscious
Defense mechanisms
Distorts reality/ subconscious techniques used to protect ones self
6 defense mechanisms
- regression
- repression
- rationalization
- reaction formation(replace with opposite feeling)
- projection
- displacement
humanistic approach
humans are positive
self actualization
psychological need that is met after all physcial and psychological need are met and self-esteem is achieved
abraham maslow
heirarchy of needs, motivation, fulfilling potential
Carl Rogers
people are basically good and unconditional positive regard
unconditional positive regard
an attitude of acceptance even while knowing the faults of that person
whole person, unique qualities
how you percieve yourself
Fully functioning
when the organism and self become one
Rollo May
believe people are good and bad
alfred adler
proposed interiority complex
B.F. Skinner
- Behaviorism
- more interested in perdicting and controlling behavior than understanding it
Albert Bandura
emphasized interactions between people and their situations
reciprocal determinism
- personality influened by:
- environment
- interpreting and reacting to events
- personalities create situation in which we react
locus of control
external vs. internal
tyranny of choice
the abundance of choice make people unhappy and indecisive