Chapter 10

  1. Xerostomia
    Dry Mouth or decreased production or lack of saliva.
  2. Vesicant
    • 1. Blistering; causing or forming blisters.
    • 2. An agent used to produce blisters. It is much less severe in its effects than are escharotics.
    • 3. A blistering gas used in chemical warfare.
  3. An abnormal decrease in the number of platelets.
  4. Stomatitis
    Inflammation of the mouth (including the lips, tongue, and mucous membranes).
  5. Palliation
    The alleviation of some aspects of a disease, e.g., the reduction of the pain and suffering accompanying an illness.
  6. Any virus that causes malignant neoplasms.
  7. The branch of medicine dealing with tumors.
  8. Neutropenia
    The presence of an abnormally small number of neutrophils in the blood, usually less than 1500 to 2000 per microliter. Severely low levels of neutrophils predispose patients to infection.
  9. Neoplasm
    A new and abnormal formation of tissue, as a tumor or growth. It serves no useful function but grows at the expense of the healthy organism.
  10. Nadir
    • 1. A low point in any measurement.
    • The term is usually used for the low blood cell counts that occur after cancer chemotherapy.
  11. Mucositis
    Inflammation of a mucous membrane.
  12. Metastasis
    • 1. Movement of bacteria or body cells (esp. cancer cells) from one part of the body to another.
    • 2. Change in location of a disease or of its manifestations or transfer from one organ or part to another not directly connected.
  13. Malignant
    Growing worse; resisting treatment, said of cancerous growths. Tending or threatening to produce death; harmful.
  14. Leukopenia
    Abnormal decrease of white blood cells usually below 5000/mm3
  15. In Situ
    • 1. In position, localized.
    • 2. In the normal place without disturbing or invading the surrounding tissue.
  16. Desquamation
    • 1. Shedding of the epidermis.
    • 2. The peeling skin characteristic of postmature infants.
  17. Cytotoxic
    Destructive to cells.
  18. The inhibition of cell division caused by the close contact of similar cells, a natural brake in the healing of wounds.
    Contact inhibition
  19. Drug therapy used, e.g., to treat infections, cancers, and other
    diseases and conditions.
  20. Any substance or agent that produces cancer or increases the risk of
    developing cancer in humans or animals.
  21. Malignant neoplasia marked by the uncontrolled growth of cells, often
    with invasion of healthy tissues locally or throughout the body.
  22. A tissue sample removed from the body for microscopic examination,
    usually to establish a diagnosis.
  23. Not recurrent or progressive, nonmalignant.
  24. Suppression of appetite, due to depression, malaise, onset of fevers and illnesses, disorders of the alimentary tract (stomach), alcoholism, drug addiction and Many medicines and medical procedures
  25. A reduction in the mass of circulating red blood cells.
  26. Absence or loss of hair result from serious illness, drugs, endocrine disorders, certain forms of dermatitis, hereditary factors, radiation, or physiological changes as a part of the aging process.
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Chapter 10
Nursing Care of Patients with Cancer