Sociolgoy chapter 12

  1. Biological Determinism
    explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characterstics
  2. Comparable Worth
    the principle of paying women and men equivalent wages for jobs involving similar levels of skill.
  3. Discrimination
    overt negative and unequal treatment of the members of some social group or stratum solely because of their membership in that group or stratum.
  4. "Doing Gender"
    a theoretical perspective that interprets gender as something that is accomplished through the ongoing social interactions people have with one another.
  5. Dual Labor Market Theory
    theroetical description of the occupational system defining it as divided into two major segments the primary labor market and the secondary labor market
  6. Feminism
    beliefs and actions that attempt to bring justice, fairness, and equity to all women, regardless of their race, age, class, sexual orientation, or other characteristics
  7. Gender
    socially learned expectatins and behaviors associated with members of each sex.
  8. Gender Identity
    one's definition of self as a woman or man.
  9. Gender Segregation
    the distribution of men and women in different jobs in the labor force
  10. Gender Socialization
    the process by which men and women learn the expectations associated with their sex
  11. Gender Stratification
    the hierarchical distribution of social and economic resources according to gender.
  12. Gendered Institution
    the idea that whole institutions are patterned by gender
  13. Glass Ceiling
    popular concept referring to the limits that women and minorities experience in job mobiltiy
  14. Hermaphroditism
    a condition produced when irregularities in chromosome formation or fetal differentiation produce persons with mixed sex characteristics.
  15. Homophobia
    the fear and hatred of homosexuality
  16. Human Capital Theory
    a theory that explains differences in wages as the result of differences in the individual characteristics of the workers.
  17. Ideology
    a belief system that tries to explain and justify the status quo
  18. Index of Dissimilarity
    a measure used to indicate the number of workers who would have to change jobs to have the same occupation distribution as the comparison group.
  19. Labor Force Participation Rate
    the percentage of those in a given category who are employed.
  20. Liberal Feminism
    a feminist theoretical perspective asserting that the origin of women's inequality is in traditions of the past that pose barriers to women's advancement
  21. Matriarchy
    a society or group in which women have power over men.
  22. Multiracial Feminism
    form of feminist theory noting the exclusion of women of color from other forms of theory and centering its analysis in the experiences of all women.
  23. Occupational Segregation
    the pattern by which workers are separated into different occupations on the basis of social characteristics such as race and gender.
  24. Patriarchy
    a society or group in which men have power over women.
  25. Radical Feminism
    feminist theoretical perspective that interprets patriarchy as the primary cause of women's oppression
  26. Sex
    used to refer to biological identity as male or female
  27. Sexism
    a system of practices and beliefs through which women are controlled and exploited becaus of the significance given to differences between the sexes.
  28. Socialist Feminism
    a feminist theoretical perspective that interprets the origins of women's oppression as lying in the system of capitalism.
  29. Title IX
    the federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in any educational institution that recieves federal funds.
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Sociolgoy chapter 12
Key Terms from Chapter 12