Sociology Chapter 11

  1. Affirmative Action
    Programs in education and job hiring that recruit minorities over a wide range but do not use rigid quotas, or those that use admissions slots for minorities in education and set aside contracts in the economy.
  2. Anti-Semitism
    the belief or behavior that defines Jewish people as inferior and that targets them for stereotyping, mistreatment, and act of hatred.
  3. Assimilation
    process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society.
  4. Authoritarian Personality
    a pesonality characterized by a tendency to rigidly categorize people and to submit to authority, rigidly conform, and be intolerant of ambiguity.
  5. Aversive Racism
    a subtle, nonobvious, or covert form of racism.
  6. Color-blind Racism
    Ignoring, legitimate racial ethnic, cultural, and other differences between groups.
  7. Contact Theory
    The theory that prejudice will be reduced through social interaction with those of different race or ethnicity but of equal status.
  8. Cultural Pluralism
    Pattern whereby groups maintain their distinctive culture and history
  9. Discrimination
    overt negative and unequal treatment of the members of some social group or stratum solely because of their membership in that group or stratum
  10. Dominant Group
    the group that assigns a racial or ethnic group to subordinate status in society.
  11. Ethnic Group
    a social category of people who share a common culture, such as a common language or dialect, a common religion, and common norms, practices, and customs.
  12. Ethnocentrism
    the belief that one's ingroup is superior to all out-groups
  13. Forms of Racism
    types of racism such as old fashioned racism, aversive racism, laissez faire racism, color blind racism, and others
  14. Hypersegregation
    a pattern of extreme segregation
  15. Institutional Racism
    racism involving notions of racial or ethnic inferiority that have become ingrained into society's institutions
  16. Laissez-faire Racism
    negative sterotyping of minorities, and blaming minorities themselves for economic, occupational, and educational lack of achievement.
  17. Minority Group
    any distinct group in society that shares common group characteristics and is forced to occupy low status in society because of prejudice and discrimination
  18. Out-Group Homogeneity Effect
    the tendency to percieve members of an out group as identical in various characteristics.
  19. Prejudice
    the negative evaluation of a social group, and individuals within that group, based upon conceptions held about the group despite facts that contradict them.
  20. Race
    a social category, or social construction, that we treat as distinct on the basis of certain characteristics, some biological, that have been assigned social importance in the society
  21. Racial Formation
    the process by which groups come to be defined as a race through social institutions such as the law and schools
  22. Racialization
    a process whereby some social category such as social class or nationality takes on what are perceived in society to be race characteristics.
  23. Racism
    the perception and treatment of a racial or ethnic group, or member of that group, as intellectually, socially, and culturally inferior to one's own group
  24. Residential Segregation
    the spatial separations of racial and ethnic groups in different residential areas.
  25. Salience Principle
    categorizing people on the basis of what initially appears prominent about them.
  26. Scapegoat Theory
    argument that dominatn group aggression is directed toward a minority as a substitute for frustration with some other problem.
  27. Segregation
    the spatial and social separation of racial and ethnic groups
  28. Stereotype
    an oversimplified set of beliefs about the members of a social group or social statum that is used to categorize individuals of that group
  29. Stereotype Interchangeability
    the principle that negative sterotypes are interchangeable from one racial group, or gender, or social class, to another.
  30. Urban Class
    a grouping of people, largely minority and poor, who live at the absolute bottom of the socioeconomic ladder in urban areas.
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Sociology Chapter 11
Key terms from chapter 11