aller in the present tense.
avoir in the present tense
in the present tense
faire in the present tense
Conjugate prendre in the present tense
je prends- tu prends
- il prend
- nous prenons
- vous prenez
- ils prennent
(also for apprendre, comprendre, entreprendre (to begin), reprendre (to start again),- and surprendre (to surprise)
-Ir verbs conjugated like -er verbs
- Drop the "ir" and change to "e, es, e, ons, ez, ent"
- ouvrir, couvrir, découvrir, rouvrir, offrir, souffrir, cueillir (to gather/pick), accueillir
-Ir verbs conjugated like -re verbs:
dormir, mentir, partir, repartir, sentir, servir, sortir
- Drop the "mir, tir, vir" endings and add "s, s, t: to the singular forms;
- Drop the "ir, ir, ir" endings and add "ons, ez, ent" to the plural forms of the verbs.
- example: sortir
- je sors
- tu sors
- il sort
- nous sortons
- vous sortez
- ils sortent
Conjugate in present tense: Verbs with Stems in -gn- and Infinitives in -indre
ex. craindre (to fear)
- In the singular persons, drop the "dre" endings and add "s, s, t".
- In the plural persons, drop the "ndre" endings and add "gnons, gnez, gnent".
- Ex: craindre
- je crains
- tu crains
- il craint
- nous craignons
- vous craignez
- ils craignent
- Other words ending in -indre: atteindre (to reach), éteindre (to extinguish), étreindre (to embrace), feindre (to feign), peindre (to paint), teindre (to dye), contraindre (to constrain), plaindre (to pity), rejoindre, joindre.
Conjugate -ttre verbs in the present tense
ex. battre (to hit), mettre (to put)
- In the singular persons, drop the "tre" endings and add "s, s, t"
- In the plural persons, drop the "re" endings and add "ons, ez, ent".
- ex. battre
- je bats
- tu bats
- il bat
- nous battons
- vous battez
- ils battent