Muscles that extend the hip
- Gluteus maximus
- Gluteus medius (posterior)
Muscles that flex the hip
- Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)
- Gluteus minimus
- Psoas major (when origin is fixed; insertion to origin)
- Iliacus (when origin is fixed; insertion to origin)
Muscles that laterally rotate the hip
- Gluteus maximus (upper fibers)
- Psoas major (when origin is fixed; insertion to origin)
- Iliacus (when origin is fixed; insertion to origin)
- Piriformis
- Quadratus Femoris
Muscles that medially rotate the hip
- Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)
- Gluteus minimus
Muscles that abduct the hip
- Gluteus maximus (upper fibers)
- Gluteus medius (all fibers)
- Gluteus minimus
Muscles that adduct the hip
Gluteus maximus (lower fibers- not primary)
Muscles that flex the trunk
- Psoas major (insertion fixed; origin to insertion)
- Iliacus (insertion fixed; origin to insertion)
Gluteus Maximus
- Postural muscle
- Origin: coccyx, posterior sacrum, posterior iliac crest, sacrotuberous ligament, sacroiliac ligament
- Insertion: iliotibial tract (upper fibers), gluteal tuberosity (lower fibers)
- Actions: extends hip, laterally rotates hip, abducts hip (upper), adducts hip (lower- not primary)
- NR
- Superficial
Gluteus medius
- (similar to deltoid)
- Origin: External surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines, just below the iliac crest
- Insertion: Lateral aspect of the greater trochanter of femur
- Actions: Abducts hip (all fibers), extends hip (posterior), laterally rotates hip (posterior), flexes hip (anterior), medially rotates hip (anterior)
- NR
- Both- deep to gluteus maximus
Psoas major
- Origin: Bodies and TVPs of lumbar vertebrae
- Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
- Actions, origin fixed: flexes hip (primary hip flexor), may laterally rotate hip
- Actions, insertion fixed: flexes the trunk, tilts pelvis anteriorly
- Actions, unilaterally: assists with lateral flexion of lumbar spine
- NR
- D
- Origin: Iliac fossa
- Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
- Actions, origin fixed: flexes the hip, may laterally rotate the hip
- Actions, insertion fixed: flexes the trunk, tilts pelvis anteriorly
- NR
- D
TFL (Tensor Fasciae Latae)
- Origin: External iliac crest, posterior to ASIS
- Insertion: Iliotibial tract
- Actions: flexes, medially rotates and abducts hip (femur)
- NR
- S
- Origin: Anterior sacrum, distal to SI joint
- Insertion: superior aspect of the greater trochanter
- Actions: abducts femur when hip is flexed, laterally rotates hip
- Ropy at trochanter
- Deep
Quadratus Femoris
- Origin: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
- Insertion: between greater and lesser trochanters of posterior femur
- Actions: lateral rotation of hip
- NR
- Deep