Mediative Questions

  1. Consciousness: invite meta-cognition:
    • What may have led to your decision to____.
    • Why is this important to you?
    • How might you know you are on target?
  2. Consciousness: encourage the making of new connections:
    • What seems to be/might be similar in these two situations?
    • What are some possible patterns?
    • If there were a common source for these, what might it be?
  3. Craftsmanship: elicit criteria:
    • What criteria might you want to use to____?
    • If you could only get one benefit, what's your hunch about what would be most productive in regard to_____?
    • Of all the possibilities, what might be most effective?
  4. Craftsmanship: pose a data search
    • How might you find out more about that?
    • What indications might you have that_____?
    • What information might validate this?
  5. Efficacy: Invite reflection about being in charge
    • What are your options?
    • Over what do you have control?
    • Of the few elements you can influence, what might have the greatest effect?
  6. Efficacy: Elicit knowledge, skill, or positive attitude
    • How do you do the work and maintain your integrity?
    • What might it take to get you to make a difference?
    • Which of your skills does this call for?
  7. Flexibility: invite a shift in perceptual position
    • If you wer______, what might you be thinking?
    • When you have experienced______what did you need?
    • What meaning might this have for ______?
  8. Flexibility: filters of perception
    • Given what you know about the way s/he perceives things, what's your hunch about what might be going on for____?
    • Given those details, what's the big picture goal?
    • What does s/he seem to be paying attention to?
  9. Interdependence: invite collaboration
    • In the spirit of collaboration, how can you preserve your sense of what's right, and still work to be effective?
    • What might be some common goals you share?
    • What might be in it for both of you?
  10. Interdependence: elicit positive intentions of others
    • What might be the positive outcomes s/he is expecting?
    • If you wer to assume that s/he is well-intentioned, what needs might s/he be trying to meet?
    • What might happen if his/her needs were met?
  11. Causal Factors: Craftsmanship
    • What was your thinking about sequence?
    • What are some specific patterns or trends that seem to be emerging?
    • What criteria did you use to decide to _____?
  12. Casual Factors: Consciousness (4Q)
    • How might you account for this?
    • How did you make decisions about____?
    • How does this compare to how you planned it?
    • How did you know to do that?
  13. Casual Factors: Efficacy
    • What are some of the things you did to make it go so well?
    • Which of these skills seemed most useful?
    • How did you know you could handle the situation?
  14. Casual Factors: Flexbility
    • What do you think might have been going on for_____?
    • What were some of the options you considered?
    • If I were a _____how would I perceive_____?
  15. Casual Factors: Interdependence (2Q)
    • What are some common values between you and _____?
    • What might be some of the resources you utilized?
  16. Planning: Clarify goals
    • What might be some of the connections of this goal to the standards? (Con)
    • Specifically, wha tmight you mean when you say, "learn_____?"(craft)
    • How might this objective relate to the objectives of your team members?(inter)
  17. Planning: specify success indicators
    • How might you know when you have reached the goal? (Con)
    • What might be some of the evidence you can collect? (Craft)
    • What might you see/hear that will let you know you've reached the goal? (flex)
  18. Planning - Approaches: efficacy (4Q)
    • What might be some strategies you have used before that were effective?
    • What might be some of your choices?
    • How might your actions enhance student learning?
    • Ove what factors might you have most control?
  19. Planning - approaches: Flexibility (4Q)
    • What might be some strategies you considered before deciding on these?
    • How might these strategies support student learning in other settings?
    • What are you hunches about how the students will view this lesson?
    • What are some of your predictions about how this lesson will go?
  20. Planning - approaches: Craftsmanship (6)
    • In what sequence might you place your strategies?
    • What might be happening simultaneously?
    • How long are you anticipating___ will take?
    • What criteria might you use to determine when to use another strategy?
    • What might be the long and short-term effects of_____?
    • What might you need to do to be the best prepared you can be for this lesson?
  21. Planning - approaches: Interdependence
    • What might be the primary value of this lesson/strategy to your students?
    • What kind of help might be useful to you with this lesson?
    • How might some of your teammates support you with this lesson?
  22. Planning - Personal learning and self-assessment ((7Q)
    • What might eyou want to be sure to do well? How might you know you're doing it? (E)
    • What do you want to exercise control over in yourself? On what past successful experiernces might you draw? (E,Con)
    • What might the group/class feel is more important for you to focus on in yourself? What are some possible ways of assessing this? (F)
    • If you could videotape this lesson, what might you want to see/hear in yourself when you replayed it? (Con, F)
    • What might be important for you to pay attention to in yourself? How might you determine whether or not you do this? (Con)
    • Waht personal skills or processes might you want to perfect in this session? How might you know you've done this? (Cft)
    • What might you learn from this group? How might you know you've learned this? (I)
  23. Planning - Reflect on conversation ( 5)
    • How has our conversation supported your thinking?(E, Con)
    • How has our conversation been helpful to you? (E, Con)
    • Where are you in your thinking now compared to where you were when we stareted? (Con)
    • What key indicators might be most critical to your goals as a professional? (Cft, E)
    • What might be some of the specific things about this conversation that were helpful? (Cft)
Card Set
Mediative Questions
questions for coaching