Hemophilia A has a deficit or abnormality of clotting factor ______
Hematomos, ecchymosis, and epitaxis are all signs and symptoms of what?
Hemophilia A
Arteriosclerosis, artherosclerosis, angina pectoris, ad myocardial infarction are all types of what?
CAD-coronary artery disease
Blockage in the right coronary artery is more likely to cause _______
right coronary artery supplies blood to what?
SA and AV nodes
Blockage of left coronary may lead to what?
impaired pumping capability and congestive heart failure
Left coronary artery supplies blood to what?
left ventricle
Atheromas or plaques form primarily in _______ _______
large arteries
This occurs due to lack of oxygen in heart muscle, ususally when demand is sudden and can be due to impairment, exertion or a combo of the two.
Angina (chest pain)
Angina is relieved by what?
rest and intake of nitroglycerin
This is the primary cause of death in American men and women
MI-myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Occurs when there is prolonged ischemia to heart muscle which leads to cell death or infarction. Sudden substernal pain radiating to left arm and neck, severe, steady and crucshing with no relief with rest or nitro
myocardial infarction
Infarction in left ventricle or hypertension effects the _______ ________ first
left ventricle
pulmonary valve stenosis or pulmonary disease effects the _______ _________ first
right ventricle
depending on cause, one side of the heart usually fails first with ?
congestive heart failure.
congestion develops behind the affected ventricle, output is less than inflow of blood =?
backup effect
CHF backup effect of pulmonary congestion (edema) is what sided?
left sided
CHF backup effect is congestion in systemic circulation (legs, feet, digestive organs) is what sided?
right sided
results from decreased circulating blood volume,leading to decreased tissue perfusion and general hypoxia
shock (hypotension)
this is an abnormality in the areteris or veins outside the heart, most common sites of artheromas in the peripheral circulation
peripheral vascular disease
signs and symptoms of this include increased fatigue and weakness in legs as blood flow decreases, intermittent claudication (leg pain associated with exercise due to muscle ischemia
peripheral vascular disease
this is a vasospastic condition where intermintent severe vasoconstriction occurs in srteioles and small arteries in superficial tissues of the digits.
raynaud's syndrome
temporary ischema with pallor, numbness and cyanosis followed by vasodilation, redness and throbbing pain
effects of vasospasm with raynaud's syndrome
signs and symptoms include mouth breathing, sore throat, rhinorrea and the most common pathogen is the rhinovirus
infectious rhinitis (cold)
this is secondry to a cold or allergy that has obstructd the drainage of one or more of the paranasal sinuses into the nsal cavity
it can be diagnosed by transillumination and signs and symptoms include nasal congestion, fever, sore throat and severe pain in facial bone
first stage of this is called congestion, second stage is called consolidation and it is caused by streptococcus pneumoniae
lobar pneumonia
this is necrosis of bronchial epithelium, caused by mycoplasma and the signs are a nonproductive, hacking cough
interstitial pneumonia
causes by a gram negative bacteria called leionella pneumonia-thirives in warm moist environments like a/c units and spas
legionnare's disease
this disease is transmitted as an autosomal recessive disorder-it is caused by a defective gene on the 7th chromosome
cystic fibrosis
name the two stages of tuberculosis
primary infection and reinfection (secondary infection)
caused by cigarette smoking, has the igns and sympoms of impaired expiration, barel chest, hyperinflation and clubbed fingers
signs and symptoms of this disease include a hoarse, barking cough, inspiratory stridor and restlessness-it is also known as croup
this occurs most commonly in the duodenum
peptic ulcer
fatty diarrhea-bulk, greasy loose stools with a foul odor
red blood on the surface of the stool is called?
frank blood
small hidden amounts of blood detected via testing-posible bleeding ulcers in stomach or small intestine
occult blood
dark clolored tary stool-significant bleeding higher in the digestive tract-acted on by bacteria causing the dark color
these consist of cholesterol, bile pigments(billirubin) and calcium salts
gall stones
white gallstones are primaril made up of
gallstones tha are made primariyl of billirubin are what color?
thransmission of this disease is oral-fecal, often from water and shellfish, there is no carrier state and outbreaks may occur in daycare centers
hepatitis A
disease caused by a DNA virus (HBV), carrier state is common, transmitted by blood and body fluids-there is a vaccine available
hepatitis B
this diseaseis caused by an RNA virus (HEV), it is spread oral-fecal, no chronic/carrier state, more common in Africa and Asia-has a 2-9 wek incubation
crohn's disease and ulcerative collitis are known as
chronic inflammatry bowel disease
pylonephritis is a(an) _______ tract UTI
cystitis and urethritis are ________ tract UTIs
what is the most causitive agent of a UTI?
E. coli
most UTI infections are from microbes _________ from perineal area
women are more vunerable than men to UTIs due to
shortness if the urethra, proximity to the anus and irritation
infection from ureter to renal pelvis and medullary tissues (tubules), purulent exudate fills pelvis and calyces, medulla is inflamed, urinalysis reveals urinary casts
APSGN ia a representative form, usually begins as an upper respiratory infection, middle ear r strep throat andit produces a dark, cloudy coffee colored urine
may be caused from excessive insoluble salts in filtrate or inadequate fluid intake and the treatment is called lithotripsy
urolithiasis (kidney stones)
75% of calculi are _____________ and the rest are mainly _____________
calcium salts, uric acid
any solid material in urinary tract causes a ________, which leads to a calculi which can be small or large (___________)
nidus, staghorn calculi
develops rapidly, ologuria, increased serum urea, elevated BUN, metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia are signs and symptoms of what?
acute renal failure
kidneys have a _______ ________, so disease is often asymptomatic until well advanced
reserve capacity
gradual irreversible destruction of tubules as a result of chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, or long term exposure to toxins is what?
chronic renal failure
oliguria, pruitis, peripherla neuropathy, memory loss, failure of kidny to activate vitamin D, CHF, arrhythmias, osteoporosis, systemic infections and uremic frost are all what?
late signs of chronic renal failure (end stage failure)
inherited disease, autosomal dominant trait is more common in adults and recessive form appears in infancy and childhood
polycystic kidney disease
loss of logical thinking, analytical skills, communication skills and other intellectual abilities is a result of
left cerebral hemisphere damage
behavioral problems, "neglect" syndrome, deficient spacial orientation and recognition of relationships, impaired moblity and appreciation of music and art indicate what?
damage to right cerebral hemisphere
affected person does not respond o apinful or verbal stimuli, body is flaccid and some reflexes are present-most serious level of consciousness
loss of all reflexes, fixed and dilatated pupils, slow, irregular pulse and respiration=?
terminal stage, deep coma
loos of awareness and mental capabilities (from diffuse brain damage), brain stem function continues, appears to be a sleep/wake cycle yet unresposive to stimuli
vegetative state
condition in which an individual with brain damage is aware and capable of thinking but is paralyzed and canno communicate
locked-in syndrome
transient ischemic attack (TIA) serve as ________ ______ to more sever CVAs-not all stokes are preceeded by a TIA
warning signs
without a constant source of ________ and ________ the brain suffers permanent brain damage
glucose, oxygen
___________ __________ are the most frequent cause of hydrocephalus
developmental abnormalities
suteres have not closed, head enlarges, fonanels bulge, scalp veins appear dilated and eyes showing the sunset sign are signs and symptoms of what?
neural tube defects that cause failure of the posterior spinal process on vertebrae to fuse
spina bifida
prodromal signs, aura, loss of consciousness, strong tonic muc=scle contraction, clonic stage, contractions subsideand consciousness slowly returns, person is confused and fatigued
pattern for tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures
brief loss of awareness, eye lid twitches, lip smacking, occurs many times a day, 5-10 seconds long, stares into space for a moment then reumes activity, more common in children
absense (petit mal) seizure
involves progressive de-myelination of the neurons of the brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves-blurred vision, scotoma, weakness in legs and paralysis-there is no cure
multiple sclerosis (MS)
dysfunction of the extrapyramidal motor system, occurs due to progressive changes in basal nuclei (substantia nigra) where there is a reduction in dopamine
common form of dementia, progressive loss of intellectual function and memory, confusion, language skills, motor coordination and personality-specific cause is yet unknown
alzheimer's disease
deficit of corticosteroids, weight loss, hypotension, syncope, hyperpigmentation
addison's disease
excess glucocorticoids, moon facem buffalo hump, bruising of the skin, hypertension, glucose intolerance
cushing's syndrome
GH (growth hormone) is located in the _______ ________ and does what?
anterior pituitary and promotes growth of all body tissues
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is located where? it controls what?
anterior pituitary, simulates thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones
ACTH (adrenocirticotropic hormone) is located where ? it does what?
anterior pituitary; stimulates adrenal cortex to produce cotical hormones, also aids in protecting body in stress situations
PRL (prolactin) is located where? it does what?
stimulates secretion of milk by mammary glands
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is located where? it does what?
anterior pituitary; stimulates growth hormone activity of ovarian follicles and growth of testes, also the development of sperm cells
LH (luteinizing hormone) is located where? it does what?
anterior pituitary; causes development of corpus luteum at site of ruptured ovarian follicle in females, stimulates secretion of testosterone in males
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) is located where? it does what?
posterior pituitary; promotes reabsorption of water in kidney tubules (at high concentrations stimulates blood vessel constriction)
oxytocin is located where? it does what?
posterior pituitary; causes contraction of uterine muscle, and ejection of milk from mammary glands
Thyroxine (T4) , Tri-iodothyronone (T3) is located where? it does what?
thyroid; increases metabolic rate, influences both mental/physical activities, required for normal growth
calcitonin is located where? it does what?
thyroid; decreases blood calcium levels
PTH (parathyroid hormone) is located where? it does what?
parathyroids; increases blood calcium levels and regulates exchange of calcium between blood and bones
epinephrine and norepinephrine are located where? does what?
adrenal medulla; neurotransmitter, increases BP and HR, activates cells influenced by sympathetic nervous system
cortisol (95% of glucocorticoids) is located where? it does what?
adrenal cortex; aids in metabolism of carbs, proteins adn fats, also active during stress
aldosterone (95% f mineralcorticoids) is located where? it does what?
adrenal cortex; aids in regulating electrolytes and water balance
sex hormones are located where? they do what?
adrenal cortex; influences secondary sexual characteristics
thymosin is located where? it does what?
thymus; promotes growth of T cells in active immunity
melatonin is located where? it does what?
pineal gland; regulates mood, sexuall development and daily cycles in response to the amount of light in the environment
insulin is located where? it does what?
pancreatic islets; needed for transport of glucose into cells, required for cellular metabolism of ffods, decreases blood sugar levels
estrogens (estradiol) female sex hormone is located where? it does what?
ovaries; stimulates growth of primary sexual organs (uterus, uterine tubes) and development of secondary sexual organs
glucagon is located where? it does what?
pancreatic islets; stimulates liver to release glucose,increases blood sugar levels
testosterone-male sex hormone is located where? it does what?
testes;stimulates growth of primary sexual organs (testes, penis) and development of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth on body and face, deepening of voice)
prostoglandins are located where? it does what?
these hormones are made by most body tissue; act, are produce and are inactivatd close to their origin such as infalmmatory responses, induced labor and abortions
these are derived from proteins and related compounds
amino acid compounds
these are derived from fatty acid (steroid cholesterol)-steroids
lipid compounds
chemical messenger that has regulatory effects on cells or organs (target tissue)
secretion of endocrine gland
specific tissue acted on by each hormone
target tissue
fracture at an angle to the diaphysis of the bone
oblique fracture
a break that angles around the bone; usually due to a twisting injury
spiral fracture
a break in the distal radius at th ewrist; commonly occurs when a person attempts to break a fall by extending the arm and open hand
colle's fracure
fracture of the lower fibula due to excessive stress on the ankle (ex. when stepping down with force)
pott's fracture
a tear in the ligament
a tear in the tendon
a metabolic bone disorder resulting in decreased bone mass and density, loss of bone matrix and mineralization
major factor in hip and vertebrae fractures in the elderly
kyphosis (hunchback) and scoliosis (lateral curvature) and loss of height are signs and symptoms of what?
rickets is a disease due to the deficit of ________ & _______ in children
vitamin D;phosphate
Osteomalacia is a disease due to a deficit of vitamin D and phosphate in ________.
rickets and osteomalacia occurs with:
dietary deficits, malabsorption, prolonged intake of phenobarbital and lack of sun exposure
an inherited skeletal disorder characterized by degeneration of skeletal muscle
muscular dystrophy
duchenne's muscular dystrophy is a metabloic defect caused by a deficit of ________.
waddling gait appears when walking and gowers sign is evident; these are symptoms of ?
muscular dystrophy
a degenerative, non-inflammatory joint disease
what is damaged or lost due to erosion from mechanical stress leading to osteoarthritis?
articular cartilage of weight bering joints
in osteoarthritis, cartilage surface becomes _______ and _______ interfering with normal joint movement
rugh; worn
in osteoarthritis, pieces of bone break off into the synovial cavity causing further __________, & secondary ________ may ensue in surrounding tissues
irritation; inflammation
in osteoarthritis, ______ & _________ (bonespurs) develop around the margin of bone
no systemic effects are present with ?
the ________ system and _________ system work mtogether to control body functions
nervous; endocrine
the endocrine system and nervous system work together to ?
control body functions
the most cpmmon cause of endcrine disorder is ?
adenoma- development of benign tumor
diabetes mellitus has two causes...name them
relative deficit of insulin secretion from beta cells in the islets of langerhans OR insulin resistance
define insulin resistance
lack of response by cells to insulin
insulin deficit is used to cover both decreased ________ of insulin and insulin ___________
secretion; resistance
building up synthesis of complex substances from simple molecules is doen by ?
anabolic hormone
deficient insulin results in abnormal metabolism of __________, ________ & ___________.
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Type 1 diabetes is also known as ?`
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), or juvenille diabetes
a severe form of type 1 diabetes results from ____________________________ and requires replacement therapy
absolute deficit of insulin
type 1 diabetes occurs more often in ?
children and young adults
the genetic factor of type 1 diabetes = _______ _____ are destroyed in a(an) _____________ response
beta cells; autoimmune
2 complications that occur more frequently in type 1 diabetes
hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis
type 2 diabetes is also known as ?
non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or "mature on-set" (adult) diabetes
type 2 diabetes occurs due to a _______ or ________ deficit of insulin
relative; partial
type 2 diabetes is milder and usually develops in older adults, most are ______________.
___________ diabetes may occur during pregnancy then disappear after delivery
decreased transport and use of glucose, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polyuria, dehydration, polydipsia, polyphagia are all what?
initial stage of insulin deficit
catabolism of fats and proteins, ketoacidosis, body pH decreases(more acidic) are all what?
tetany (muscle twitching/spasms) and possible cadiac arrhythmias is caused by what?
hyperparathyroidism leads to what?
increased PTH causes calcium to leave bone leading to osteoporosis is caused by what?
increased predisposition to kidney stones can ne caused by what?
dwarfism is caused by a ________ of growth hormone (GH)
gigantism is caused by _______ growth hormone in ___________.
excess; children
acromegaly is caused by _______ growwth hormone in _________.
excess; adults
diabetes insipidus is caused from a deficit of _________ hormome, causing dehydration
manifestations of diabetes insipidus include ________ and thirst
enlargement of the thyroid gland is called what?
a goiter
a goiter is usually caused from insufficient ________ levels
a goiter can develop due to ____________and __________
hyperthyroidism is also known as what?
grave's disease
hyperthyroidism is an increased secretion of _____ & _____.
T3 ;T4
excessive growth hormone in adults is called ?
lack of reponse to cells by insulin is called what?
insulin resistance
the ________system and endocrine system work together to control body function
gestational diabetes may occur during pregnancy and immediately turns to type 2 diabetes
manifestations of hypoglycemia (insulin shock) are due to high insulin levels
signs and symptoms for ________ ________ are related to dehydration, metabolic acidosis and electrolyte imbalance.
diabetic ketoacidosis
rickets is caused by a deficit of what?
vitamin D
this term refers to bleeding between menstral periods
a sprain is a tear in the what?
hypothyroidism is the _________ secretion of T3 and T4
hyperthyroidism occurs more frequently in _______ over 30.
hyperthyroidism is related to an autoimmune factor and is manifested by the signs:
hypermetabolism, toxic goiter, exophthalmos, thin with increased appetite
hypometabloism, endemic goiter, lethargy, weight gain with decreased appetite are all signs and symptoms of what?
a destructive, inflammatory, autoimmune disorder
hashimoto's thyroiditis
severe hypothyroidism in adults; manifested as facial puffiness and a thick tongue
untreated congenital hypothyroidism; impairing mental amd physical development
occurs when the bone is brokn to frm 2 or more separate pieces =?
complete fracture
occurs when the bone is only partially broken
incomplete fracture
grrenstick fracture is an example of what?
incomplete fracture
________ or open fracture results whn the skin is broken
compound or ______ fracture has more damage to soft tissue and a higher risk of infection
________ fracture is when the skin is not broken at the fracture site
a single break in the bone in which the bone ends maintain thier alinment and positions
simple fracture
multiple fracture lines and bone fragments
comminuted fracture
occurs when a bone is crushed or collapses into small pieces; common in vertebrae
compression fracture
occurs when one end of the bone is forced or telescoped into adjacent bone
impacted fracture
results from a weakness in the bone structure due to conditions such as tumor or osteoporosis~break occurs spontaneously with very little stress
pathologic fracture
result from repeated excessive stress; aka fatigue fracture
stress fracture
occurs in the skull when the broken section is forced inward on the brain
depressed fracture
fracture across the bone
transverse fracture
break along the axis of the bone
linear fracture
clicking sound as cartilages run together
crepitus, pain, anlarged joints, muscle atrophy are signs and symptoms and radiographic evidence confirms diagnosis
often begins insidiously in small joints (fingers) followed by inflammation of wrists, elbows and knees; remissions and exacerbaions lead to progressive joint damage
rheumatoid arthritis
considered an autoimmune disease that causes chronic systemic inflammation
rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid factor is an antibody against IgG present in _______ & ________.
blood;synovial fluid
joints may appear to recover after first period of acute inflammation with what?
rheumatoid arthritis
joint fixation and deformity = what?
granular tissue "pannus" forms and spreads over articular cartilage, pannus releases enzymes that destroy cartilage; cartilage is eroded creating an unstable joint, pannus becomes fibrotic limiting movement leading to ankylosis
process of rheumatoid arthritis
systemic signs of rheumatoid athritis
malaise, fatigue, depression, fever
nodules may form on pleura, heart valves and eyes with what?
rheumatoid arthritis
insidious at first, inflammation appears in fingers and wrists symetrically; joints are red, swollen, and painful, progressive loss if mobility; joints become fixed and deformed
rheumatoid arthritis
confirmation of diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is what?
swelling of three joints for a minumum of 6 weeks
form of inflammatory arthritis
form of arthritis caused by deposits of uric acid and urates in a joint
progressive inflammatory disorder of the vertebral joints
ankylosing spondylitis
this leads to rigid spine
ankylosing spondylitis
in prostatic cancer ______ ______ are detectable upon rectal exam; often in posterior lobe
hard nodules
urethral obstruction is ___________ an early sign of prostatic cancer due to _______
what 2 serum markers aid in diagnosis of prostatic cancer?
PSA prostate specific antigen
prostatic acid phosphatase (not diagnostic alone)
sequale for benign prostatic hypertrophy include:
distended bladder, renal damage, dilated ureters
compression leads to variable degrees of urinary destruction & subsequen infection, prosate gland enlarges abd can be palpatated upon rectal exam~no increased risk for cancer
benign prostatic hypertrophy
microbes migrate up uterine tubes and cause obstruction due to purulent exudate and edema; drainage to uterus is obstructed, infection can spread easliy to peritoneal cavity causing peritonitis
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
in breast cancer, the cancer infiltrates surrounding skin and adheres to it causing _______.
serious bacterial nfection caused by microbes such as chlamydia and can lead to strictures, adhesions and infertility
different types of carcinomas with breast cancer, most arise from cells of ______ ________.
ductal eputhelium
malignant tumor of breat tissue that develop in ______ ______ quadrant in half the cases, usually unilateral
upper outer
with up to 400,000 deaths per year it is a major cause of death in women
breast cancer
STDs are also known as what?
venereal disease
STD are among the _____ _____ contagious diseases and are frequently ____________, especially in women
most common; asymptomatic
treatment for iron deficiency anemia= ?
iron supplements and iron rich foods
These STDs are bacterial
chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis
these STDs are viral
genital herpes, genital warts, HPV, Hep B, and HIV
Amenorrhea is defined as ?
without menses
dysmenorrhea is defined as ?
abnormal/difficult/ painful menses
oliomenorrhea is defined as ?
scanty/few menses~bleeding between periods
body's nonspecific response to tissue injury; results in redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and pain (dolor)
time between enrance if microbe into the body and the appearnace of clinical signs if disease
incubation period~may last days to months
timewhen a person "feels something is wrong" i.e. headache and fatigue
prodromal period
time when infection develops and clinical manifestations peak; may become chronic infection or systemic, like septicemia, if not totally eradicated
acute period
time during infection when signs subside is what?
recovery or convelescent period
cause a reduction in oxygen trnsport due to decreased hemoglobin;decreased erythrocytes = ?
iron deficit may occur due to insufficient _______ _______ and impaired ____ _______.
dietary intake ; iron absorption
sickle cell anemia is due to a ________ HbS gene
pallor, weakness, tachycardia, dyspenea, jaundicem and splenomegaly are signs and symptoms of ?
sickle cell anemia
pernicious anemia results from what?
vitamin B12 deficiency
main sign of pernicious anemia
large, sore , red, shiney tongue
condition of increased production of erythrocytes by bone marrow and oatiient appears plethoric and cyanotic
first indicator of this disease is a large painless, non-tender cervical lymph node and lymphocytes appear to be defective
hodgkin's disease
spontaneous bleeding or excessive bleeding following minor tissue trauma, often indicates a ______________ disorder
about 80% of these cases involve B-lymphocytes, initial manifestation is an enlarged, painless lymphnode
non-hodgkin's lymphoma
high numbers of immature nonfunctional cells in bone marrow and circulation; examples, ALL & AML; common in children
acute leukemia
insidious onset, common in adults, mild signs of fatigue, weakness, frequent infections; examples CLL & CML