Chem 10

  1. H
    • Hydrogen
    • 1A - Metal/gas
  2. He
    • Helium
    • 8A - Noble Gases
  3. Li
    • Lithium
    • 1A - Alkali metals
  4. Be
    • Beryllium
    • 2A - Alkaline earth metals
  5. B
    • Boron
    • 3A - Metalloids
  6. C
    • Carbon
    • 4A - Metalloids
  7. N
    • Nitrogen
    • 5A - Non-metals
  8. O
    • Oxygen
    • 6A - Non-metals
  9. F
    • Fluorine
    • 7A - Non-metals
  10. Ne
    • Neon
    • 8A - Noble gases
  11. Na
    • Sodium
    • 1A - Alkali metals
  12. Mg
    • Magnesium
    • 2A - Alkaline earth metals
  13. Al
    • Aluminum
    • 3A - Metalloids
  14. Si
    • Silicon
    • 4A - Metalloids
  15. P
    • Phosphorus
    • 5A - Metalloids
  16. S
    • Sulfur
    • 6A - Non-metals
  17. Cl
    • Chlorine
    • 7A - Non-metals
  18. Ar
    • Argon
    • 8A - Noble gases
  19. K
    • Potassium
    • 1A - Alkali metals
  20. Ca
    • Calcium
    • 2A - Alkaline earth metals
  21. Group 1A
    Alkali metals
    • H - Hydrogen
    • Li - Lithium
    • Na - Sodium
    • K - Potassium
    • Rb - Rubidium
    • Cs - Cesium
    • Fr - Francium
  22. Group 2A
    Alkaline earth metals
    • Be - Beryllium
    • Mg - Magnesium
    • Ca - Calcium
    • Sr - Strontium
    • Ba - Barium
    • Ra - Radium
  23. Group 8A
    Noble gases
    • He - Helium
    • Ne - Neon
    • Ar - Argon
    • Kr - Krypton
    • Xe - Xenon
    • Rn - Radon
  24. Group 7A
    • F - Fluorine
    • Cl - Chlorine
    • Br - Bromine
    • I - Iodine
    • At - Astatine
  25. A - series family
    Representative Elements
  26. B - series family
    Transition Elements / Metals
  27. size
    • tera
    • 1012
  28. size
    • giga
    • 109
  29. size
    • mega
    • 106
  30. size
    • kilo
    • 103
  31. size
    • hecto
    • 102
  32. size
    • deca / deka
    • 101
  33. size
    • deci
    • 10-1
  34. size
    • milli
    • 10-3
  35. size
    greek u
    • micro
    • 10-6
  36. size
    • nano
    • 10-9
  37. size
    • pico
    • 10-12
  38. size
    • femto
    • 10-15
  39. Diatomic Elements:
    • molecules made up of two atoms
    • H2 - hydrogen, O2 - oxygen, N2 - nitrogen
    • group 7A - halogens
    • F2 - fluorine, Cl2 - Chlorine, Br2 - bromine, I2 - Iodine
  40. Dalton's Atomic Theory
    • 1. elements are made of tiny particles called atoms
    • 2. all atoms given element are identical
    • 3. atoms of a given element are different from any other element
    • 4. compounds - different atoms combined always have same relative numbers & types of atoms
    • 5. atoms are indivisible; atoms are not created or destroyed in chem reactions, just regrouped
  41. Law of Constant Composition
    A given compound always contains the same proportions (by mass) of the elements. (i.e. water always contains 8g of (8 O - oxygen) and 2.7g of ( 6 C - carbon)
  42. Group 3A
    • B - Boron
    • Al - Aluminium
    • Ga - Gallium
  43. Group 4A
    • C - Carbon
    • Si - Silicon
    • Ge - Germanium
    • Sn - Tin
    • Pb - Lead
  44. Group 5A
    • N - Nitrogen
    • P - Phosphorus
    • As - Arsenic
    • Sb - Antimony
  45. Group 6A
    • O - Oxygen
    • S - Sulfur
    • Se - Selenium
    • Te - Tellurium
  46. Group 3B
    Sc - Scandium
  47. Group 4B
    Ti - Titanium
  48. Group 5B
    V - Vanadium
  49. Group 6B
    • Cr - Chromium
    • W - Tungsten
  50. Group 7B
    Mn - Manganese
  51. Group 8B
    • Fe - Iron
    • Co - Cobalt
    • Ni - Nickel
  52. Group 1B
    • Cu - Copper
    • Ag - Silver
    • Au - Gold
  53. Group 2B
    • Zn - Zinc
    • Cd - Cadmium
    • Hg - Mercury
Card Set
Chem 10
Memorization for Intro Chem