Muscle Gait Lab - Goniometer

  1. Shoulder Flexion
    • Pos: Supine, arm by side of table
    • axis: head of humerus in glenoid fossa
    • Prox: mid-axillary to hip/great. trocanter
    • dist: mid line of humerous
    • Black scale
    • Sagittal Plane around coronal axis
  2. Shoulder Extension
    • Pos: prone, arm on table, elbow straight, palm up
    • Axis: head of humerous in glenoid fossa
    • Prox: mid-axillary line to hip/great. trocanter
    • Dist: midline of humerous (lat. epi.)
    • BLACK scale
    • Sagittal plane around coronal axis
  3. Shoulder ABduction
    • Pos: Supine, forearm supinated, palm toward ceiling.
    • Axis: acromion process, A -P
    • Prox: parallel to sternum, lateral thorax area
    • Dist: midline of humerous (med. epi)
    • BLACK scale
    • Frontal plane around A-P axis
  4. Shoulder ADduction
    • Pos: Supine, shoulder flexed 90*, palm to opp. shoulder
    • Axis: acromion process, S-I
    • Prox: parallel to table, pointing away from head
    • Dist: anterior mid-humeral line
    • RED scale
    • Frontal plane around A-P axis
  5. Shoulder Internal Rotation
    • Post: supine, shoulders ABducted 90*, elbow flexed 90*, palm toward feet.
    • Axis: olecranon process, sight a line through shaft of humerous
    • Prox: perpendicular to table toward floor
    • Dist: midline of forearm to ulnar styloid
    • BLACK scale
    • Transverse plane around longitudinal axis
  6. Shoulder - External Rotation
    • Post: supine, shoulder ABducted 90*, elbow flexed 90*, plam toward feet
    • Axis: olecranon process sight a line through humerous
    • Prox: perpendicular to the table toward floor
    • Dist: midline of forearm to ulnar styloid
    • BLACK scale
    • Transverse plane around longitudinal axis
  7. Elbow Flexion
    • Post: supine, forearm supionated
    • Axis: lateral epi.
    • Prox: midline lateral humerous (humeral head as ref.)
    • Dist: mid-line lateral forearm, radial styloid as ref.
    • BLACK scale
    • Sagittal plane around coronal axis
  8. Elbow Extension
    • Post: supine, forearm supinated(raise humerous off table to visualize)
    • Axis: lat. epi
    • Prox: mid-line lat. humerous, humeral head as ref.
    • Dost: mid-line lat. forearm, radial styloid as ref.
    • BLACK scale
    • Sagittal plane around coronal axis
  9. Wrist Flexion
    • Post: supine, elbow flexed 90*, palm toard feet
    • Axis: medial wrist through pisiform
    • Prox: medial mid-line of forearm, olecranon process as ref.
    • Dist: Medial hand 5th MCP jt ref.
    • BLACK scale
    • Sagittal plane around coronal axis
  10. Wrist Extension
    • Post: supine, elbow flexed 90*, palm toard feet
    • Axis: medial wrist through pisiform
    • Prox: medial mid-line of forearm, olecranon process as ref.
    • Dist: Medial hand 5th MCP jt ref.
    • BLACK scale
    • Sagittal plane around coronal axis
Card Set
Muscle Gait Lab - Goniometer
Lab flashcards