Minor Works

  1. What is the first complete setting of the items of the Ordinary?
    Messe de Notre Dame
  2. Who wrote the Messe de Notre Dame?
    Guillaume de Machaut
  3. In the Messe de Notre Dame, how are the Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, and Ite missa est similar?
    They are melismatic with a setting of the cantus firmus.
  4. What is the style of the Gloria and Credo of the Messe de Notre Dame?
    They have a syllabic style reminiscent of the 13th century conductus.
  5. What is significant about the use of cantus firmus in the Messe de Notre Dame?
    Machaut uses cf based on appropriate Gregorian melodies rather than cf from outside the liturgy.
  6. Who coined the terms "Ars Nova" and "Ars Antiqua?"
    Phillipe de Vitry
  7. Who wrote "Ordo virtutum"?
    Hildegard von Bingen
  8. What musical genre is Hildegard's "Ordo virtutum?
    morality play/sacred drama
  9. What is the name of Hildegard von Bingen's morality play?
    Ordo Virtutum
  10. What is the name of the three-volume collection of Hildegard von Bingen's visions as set in poetry and music?
    Symphonia armonie
  11. What genre of music is found in Hildegard's "Symphonia armonie?"
    77 monophonic chants
  12. What is typical about the texts found in Machaut's motets?
    They combine French texts about the anguishes of love with fragments of Gregorian chant.
  13. Who wrote the motet "De souspirant cuer dolent/Tous corps qui de bien amer/Suspiro"?
  14. Name a motet by Machaut.
    De souspirant cuer dolent/Tous corps qui de bien amer/Suspiro
  15. Name a motet by de Vittry.
    Petre clemens/Lugentium siccentur/Non est inventus
  16. Who wrote "Petre clemens/Lugentium siccentur/Non est inventus"?
    de Vittry
  17. Who wrote "Venecie, mundi splendor/Michael, qui stena domus/Italie mundicie?"
    Johannes Ciconia
  18. What two compositional devices can be found in Ciconia's "Venecie, mundi splendor/Michael, qui stena domus/Italie mundicie?"
    Hocket and his signature.
  19. What is the earliest tenor mass known in complete form?
    Power's Missa Alma redemptoris mater
  20. What unifying compositional element is found in Power's Missa Alma redemptoris mater?
    all four movements (no Kyrie) use a strictly recurring isorhythmic tenor
  21. Power's Missa Alma redemptoris mater is similar to Dunstaple's Missa Da gaudiorum premia?
    They have an identical tenor layout
  22. Name four sources of early organum.
    St. Martial, Santiago de Compostela, Chartres, and Winchester Troper
  23. What are the St. Martial, Santiago de Compostela, Chartre, and Winchester Troper?
    Major collections of early organum.
  24. What composer is associated with the Magnus liber organa?
  25. What major collection of early Notre Dame organum is associated with Leonin?
    Magnus liber organa
  26. What are the two main sections or clausulae of the early organum from the Notre Dame school?
    Organal and discant clausulae
  27. Perotin wrote hundreds of this type of clausula that are to be used with Leonin's organum.
    Substitute discant clausula
  28. How many voices were used in the organum in the Magnus liber organa?
    Two voices
  29. Give an example of a tenor-cantus firmus motet by Ockeghem.
    Alma redemptoris mater
  30. Ockegehem's "Alma redepmtoris mater" is an example of what type of musical genre?
    tenor-cantus firmus motet
  31. What are the three types of early Renaissance motets?
    Tenor-cantus firmus, song, and isorhythmic
  32. What are the characteristics of the song motet?
    3 voices, treble dominated (stratified 1+2), highly consonant harmonic fabric, Marian texts (including song of Solomon), and was probably based on improvisational styles.
  33. Give an example of a song motet by Dunstaple.
    Quam pulchra est
  34. Dunstaple's "Quam pulchra est" is an example of what type of musical form?
    song motet
  35. Give an example of a song motet by Dufay.
    Ave regina caelorum a3
  36. Dufay's "Ave regina caelorum a3" is an example of what form.
    song motet
  37. Give an example of isorhythmic motet by Dunstaple.
    Veni sancte spiritus
  38. Dunstaple's "Veni sancte spiritus" is an example of what type of musical form?
    Early Renaissance isorhythmic motet.
  39. Give an example of a motet by Josquin.
    Ave maria virgo serena
  40. Who composed the EVIP motet, Ave maria virgo serena?
  41. Describe the style of Monteverdi's first two books of madrigals.
    Ornamented style of Marenzio
  42. How is book 3 of Monteverdi's madrigals different than the previous two books?
    More serious and influenced by de Wert, more interest in text being intelligible, more interest in painting emotional mean and not just visual images.
  43. Name a parody mass by Victoria.
    O magnum mysterium
  44. What important work by Willaert began the polychoral tradition?
    Psalms for Vespers
  45. Willaert's Psalms for Vespers influenced what important motet style.
    Venician polychoral
  46. What is the collection of English isorythmic mass segments from the early Renaissance?
    Old Hall Manuscript
  47. Name two composers from the Old Hall Manuscript.
    John Dunstaple and Leonel Power
  48. What type of compositional style is used in the mass segments of the Old Hall Manuscript?
  49. Give an example of a mass by Leonel Power.
    Missa Alma redemptoris mater
  50. "Missa Alma redemptoris mater" is by what early renaissance English composer?
    Leonol Power
  51. Give an example of an early renaissance cyclic cf mass by Dufay?
    Missa Se la face ay pale
  52. The cyclic cf in Dufay's "Missa Se la face ay pale" is based on what?
    His chanson of the same name.
  53. Give an example of a canonic mass.
    Missa Prolationem by Ockeghem
  54. What type of mass is the "Missa Prolationem?"
    canonic mass
  55. Name two masses by Victoria and identify their compositional style?
    O magnum mysterium (parody) and De Beata Maria Virgine (paraphrase)
  56. Give an example of a mass that empoys soggetto cavato.
    Willaert's Missa ut mi sol.
  57. Missa L'homme armés by Josquin is an example of what type of middle renaissance mass?
    CF Mass
  58. What two masses by Josquin are examples of the middle renaissance CF mass?
    Misss L'homme armés
  59. Give an example of a parody mass by Josquin?
    Missa Pange Lingua
  60. Who wrote the 1st generation renaissance chanson "Mon cuer me fait?"
  61. Who wrote the parody mass, "Missa pange Lingua," in the middle renaissance?
  62. Give an example of a program chansons?
    Jannequin's La Guerre
  63. Janequin's La Guerre is what type of Parisian chansons?
    program chansons
  64. Give an example of a parody mass from the middle renaissance?
    Josquin's "Missa pange lingua"
  65. Identify a Parisian chanson by Claude de Sermisy.
    La, la, la, je ne l'ose dire
  66. Who wrote the chanson, "La, la, la, je ne l'ose dire?"
    Claude de sermisy
  67. Name a Parisian chanson by Orlando di Lasso.
    Bon jour, mon coeur
  68. Who wrote the chanson, "Bon jour, mon coeur?"
    Roland de Lassus
  69. Give an example of an early Italian madrigal.
    Jacques Arcadelt "Il bianco e dolce cigno"
  70. Arcadelt's "Il biano e dolce cigno" is an example of what genre of music?
    Early Italian madrigal
  71. Name an example of the serious style of middle renaissance Italian madrigal.
    "Anchor che col partire" by Cipriano de Rore
  72. "Anchor che col partire" by Cipriano de Rore is an example of what genre of music?
    The serious style of middle renaissance Italian madrigal
  73. Identify an Italian hybrid madrigal from the middle Renaissance?
    "Amor, vittorioso" by Gastoldi
  74. Give an example of an Italian musical comedy from the middle renaissance.
    L'ampfiparnaso of 1597 by Vecchi
  75. Identify a late Italian madrigal written in the ornamented style.
    Gia torna by Luca Marenzio
  76. What is an example of an late Italian madrigal written in the expressionist/"mannerist" style?
    "Moro lasso" by Don Carlo Gesualdo
  77. Give an example of a late Italian madrigal written in the recitational style.
    Tirsi morir volea by Giaches de Wert
  78. What work by Monteverdi employs three distinct compositional styles: stile antico, solo motet monody, and mixed concertato?
    Vespers of 1610
  79. Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610 use what three distinct compositional styles?
    stile antico, solo motet monody, and mixed concertato
  80. Give an example of a musical characteristic in Carrisimi's Jephte that was popular at the time.
    Offstage chorus
  81. What was Giacomo Carissimi's most famous oratorio?
  82. What accompanying instruments were used in Carissimi's oratorios?
    Continuo, or 2 violins and continuo
  83. Give an example of a dialogue by Cavalieri.
    Rappresentazione de anima de corpo
  84. Describe the length of an early oratorio (i.e. Carissimi).
    One musical structure of small sections connected together
  85. Name a collection by Schütz where you could find duets with basso continuo?
    • Kleine Geistliche Konzert
    • What are the performing forces in Schütz's
  86. Name two works by Heinrich Schütz that were impacted by the Thirty Years War.
    Kleine Geistliche Konzert and Musikiliches Exequien
  87. What is the name of the nine-part collection of over 1200 chorale-based works by Michael Praetorius?
    Musae Sioniae
  88. What compositional styles are employed in Musae Sioniae by Praetorius?
    Vol 1-4 are poly-choral, later volumes are simpler
  89. What are two examples of works by Schütz in the polychoral motet style?
    Psalmen Davids & Symphoniae Sacrae III
  90. Psalmen Davids & Symphoniae Sacrae III by Schütz are examples of works in what style?
    Polychoral motet
  91. Give an example of a work by Schütz in the German stile antico motet style?
    Geistliches Chormusik
  92. Geistliches Chormusik by Schütz is an example of what style?
    German stile antico motet
  93. Name an example of a work by Schütz in the Latin stile antico style.
    Cantiones sacrae
  94. Cantiones sacrae by Schütz is an example of what style?
    Latin stile antico motet
  95. Identify two examples of German smaller scale works by Schütz.
    Kleine Geistliches Konzert and Symphoniae Sacre II
  96. Kleine Geistliches Konzert and Symphoniae Sacre II by Schütz are examples of what style of music?
    German smaller-scale works
  97. What is an example of a smaller-scale Latin work by Schütz?
    Symphoniae Sacrae 1
  98. What are the styles of each of the Symphoniae Sacrae by Schütz?
    1=Latin small-scale work, 2=German small-scale work, and 3=polychoral motet
  99. Itdentify the responsorial passion written by Schütz.
    St. Luke, St. John, and St. Matthew
  100. What holidays do the historia by Schütz celebrate?
    Christmas and Easter
  101. What musical characteristics are associated with the Pre-Weimar period cantatas of J. S. Bach?
    Old-fashioned: no recit, five-part French string scoring
  102. What is the major difference between the Pre-Weimar cantatas and the Weimar cantatas of Bach?
    Source of text: Pre-Weimar=Biblical and chorale, Weimar=from printed collections, esp. Salomon Franck
  103. What are the musical characteristics of Bach's cantatas from the First Leipzig Jahrgang?
    Elaborate opening movements, but little use of chorale except in last movement
  104. What are the musical characteristics of Bach's cantatas from the Second Leipzig Jahrgang?
    Chorale cantatas: 1st mvmt-elaborate chorale fantasia, using melody and text of the 1st verse; Final mvmt-simple 4-part chorale setting of same chorale w/ last v. of text; Interior mvmts-based on interior verses, paraphrased or re-written as recits and arias
  105. The authenticity of which J. S. Bach motet is in question?
    Lobet den Herren
  106. Describe the general musical characteristics of J. S. Bach's motets.
    Closely related to stile antico, largely imitative, no independent instruments except for continuo, many are polychoral
  107. Name each of the Missa Brevis by J. S. Bach.
    F, A, G, and g minor
  108. Give an example of a full anthem by Henry Purcell.
    Hear My Prayer, O Lord
  109. Name a verse anthem composed by Purcell.
    Rejoice in the Lord Always
  110. Identify an example of an ode by Purcell.
    Come, come ye sons of art
  111. What six masses are associated with Haydn's early mass period?
    Missa Brevis in F, Great Organ Mass, St. Cecilia Mass, St. Nicholas Mass, Little Organ Mass, Mariazell Mass
  112. Describe the treatment in the solo writing in the early Haydn masses.
    Very simple or none at all
  113. Identify Mozart's first four complete masses.
    1. Waisenhausemesse, 2. Missa Brevis in G, 3. Missa Brevis in d, and 4. Dominicus Mass
Card Set
Minor Works
Questions about smaller, yet important works of music.