What is proprioceptor
awareness in the space provided Fundamentally mediated by the cerebellum, autopilot, tries to keep us level, terior/posterior drift,- when eyes are open you have a perception of where you are in space, but when you close your eyes it solely comes from the cerebellum.
ie Eddie still see's the world level
Principals of Proproceptors
- awareness body
- protection mechanism - all body parts have sensory
- stablity
What are the components
- sensor stimulator requires a response
How do they work
loses sense of where his arm was because Brandon brought himout of proprioception awareness. When you start to get altered motion or end up- in a restricted pattern your proprioceptors
change and their range gets smaller. When you treat them patients can be a little unsteady during tx or after as their proprioceptors change.
How do we apply them clinically
Someone who has lesioning will move not well the brain will be getting abnormal information in the lesion complex you give an abnormal- stimulus to the brain, the body provides the wrong response,
most times thebody will err on the side of stability ie fibrosus and laying down of tissue- which can become a pathology.
We create a reflexive pattern in the cord, LIGAMENTS have the most amount of proprioceptors and are a huge component to the lesionprocess, they give the most information to the brain.
What is the response you’re looking for?
Trying to change the proprioception of the individual. Youtemporarily destabilize someone you treat, they then have to readjust when theyleave your office. LOOKING FOR CHANGE
Types of Proprioceptors
- Muscle spindle
- Golgi Tendon Organ
Muscle Spindle - (INTRAFUSAL)
INTRAFUSAL)- deep within the belly of- the muscle,
run parallel with the fibers, large percentage of them in postural- muscles 50x as many.
Postural muscles send a ton of information (deep back muscles, rotators, intertransversarii, interspinalis) AFFERENT-To the core, EFFERENT-From- the core.
Cause the muscle to contract-rapidly move it to quick- causes the muscle to shorten and quickly contract to physically activate a muscle spindle.
Muscle spindle monitors
- length of muscle fibers
- and Rate of change
muscle spindles are found:
- deep within the belly of a muscle
- running paralle with fibers
- posteral muscles for stablization: Interspinalus, intertranseral solus and rotators
Sensory and motor innervation of muscle spindle
- Nuclear Bag Fibers-primary AFFERENT only (fast stretch-dynamic) Chain Fibers-Primary and Secondary afferents (slow stretch-static-and fast) Hint-Chains slow things down and hold things.
Brain stem very important-area of reflexes - why
have nuclei there we do a lot with- Keeps a record of all the muscle spindle lengths in the- body, same area takes care of cardiovascular activity, respiratory stuff
ie use- of Deep breathing-push hands together changes muscle spindles causing up in
- cardiovascular activity, when you cough you shorten respiratory stuff pull ribs
- out etc.
Golgi Tendon Organ
- it’s located within the tendon
- runs in series with the tendon
- -sense the tension in the entire muscle. (EXTRAFUSAL)
- Sensory information only no motor
- response
- responsible for tension and its rate of change
- Dynamic response-raising leg too fast in supine
- Static response- standing in position for long period of time causes muscles to contract but these are susceptible to fatigue-gives communication to muscle spindle to keep you erect and not falling over.
- Involuntary muscular relaxation- keeps
- muscle from tearing when muscle getting moved to fast.
Golgi Tendon Organ
2 types of fibers
- Necubus- only fast stretch
- Chain fibers: fasat and slow stretch