anterior pituitary hormones accronym
list the anterior pituitary hormones
- 1) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- 2) Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- 3) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- 4) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- 5) Prolactin (PRL)
- 6) Ignore - Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
- 7) Growth hormone (GH)
list the posterior pituitary hormones
- 1) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- 2) Oxytocin
list the posterior pituitary hormones
- 1) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- 2) Oxytocin
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Target: Thyroid gland
- Hormonal effects: secretion of thyroid hormones
Target: Thyroid gland
Hormonal effects: secretion of thyroid hormones
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- Target: Adrenal cortex
- Hormonal effects: Glucocorticoid secretion (cortisol, corticosterone)
Target: Adrenal cortex
Hormonal effects: Glucocorticoid secretion (cortisol, corticosterone)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Target: 1)Follicle cells of ovaries 2)Sustentacular cells of testes
- Hormonal effects: 1)Estrogen secretion, follicle development 2)Sperm maturation
Target: 1)Follicle cells of ovaries 2)Sustentacular cells of testes
Hormonal effects: 1)Estrogen secretion, follicle development 2)Sperm maturation
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- (Gonadotropins)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Target: 1)Follicle cells of ovaries 2)Interstitial cells of testes
- Hormonal effects: 1)Ovulation, formation of corpus luteum, & progesterone secretion 2)Testosterone secretion
Target: 1)Follicle cells of ovaries 2)Interstitial cells of testes
Hormonal effects: 1)Ovulation, formation of corpus luteum, & progesterone secretion 2)Testosterone secretion
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Prolactin (PRL)
- Target: Mammary glands
- Hormonal effects: Production of milk
Target: Mammary glandsHormonal effects: Production of milk
Prolactin (PRL)
Growth hormone (GH)
- Target: all cells
- Hormonal effects: Grown, protein synthesis, lipid mobilization & catabolism
Target: all cells
Hormonal effects: Grown, protein synthesis, lipid mobilization & catabolism
Growth hormone (GH)
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
- Target: Melanocytes of skin
- Hormonal effects: Increased melanin synthesis in epidermis
Target: Melanocytes of skin
Hormonal effects: Increased melanin synthesis in epidermis
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- Target: Kidneys
- Hormonal effects: Reabsorption of water, elevation of blood volume & presure
Target: Kidneys
Hormonal effects: Reabsorption of water, elevation of blood volume & presure
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- Target: 1)Uterus, mammary glands (females) 2)Sperm duct & prostate gland (males)
- Hormonal effects: 1) Labor contractions, milk ejection 2) Contractions of sperm duct & prostate gland
Target: 1)Uterus, mammary glands (females) 2)Sperm duct & prostate gland (males)
Hormonal effects: 1) Labor contractions, milk ejection 2) Contractions of sperm duct & prostate gland
The sodium potassium exchange pump maintains a gradient of sodium & postassium ions across the cell
membrane. What is more concentrated inside the cell?
The sodium potassium exchange pump maintains a gradient of sodium & postassium ions across the cell membrane. What is more concentrated inside the cell?
The sodium potassium exchange pump maintains a gradient of sodium & postassium ions across the cell
membrane. What is more concentrated outside the cell?
The sodium potassium exchange pump maintains a gradient of sodium & postassium ions across the cell membrane. What is more concentrated outside the cell?
For each ATP molecule consumed by a Sodium-Potassium exchange pump, what & how many molecules are pumped out(ejected) & what & how many molecules are pumped in(reclaimed)?
3 sodium ions ejected & 2 potassium ions reclaimed
3 sodium ions ejected & 2 potassium ions reclaimed
- For each ATP molecule consumed by a Sodium-Potassium exchange pump, what & how many molecules are pumped out(ejected) & what & how
- many molecules are pumped in(reclaimed)?
visceral layer
portion of a serous membrane that covers a visceral organ
portion of a serous membrane that covers a visceral organ
visceral layer
parietal layer
opposing layer to the xxxx layer that lines the inner surface of the body wall or chamber
opposing layer to the xxxx layer that lines the inner surface of the body wall or chamber
parietal layer
(signs/symptoms thyroid disease)
- 1) fatique
- 2) weight gain
- 3) cold intolerance
- 4) skin dry
- 5) hair dryness &/or loss
- 6) depression
- 7) dementia
- 8) muscle cranps & myalgia
- 9) bradycardia
- 10) constipation
- 11) infertility
- 12) edema
- 13) menstrual irregularity (hypermenorrhea common)
(signs/symptoms thyroid disease)
- 1) fatigue
- 2) weight loss
- 3) heat intolerance
- 4) skin moist (hyperhidrous)
- 5) hair fine & silky
- 6) nervousness
- 8) insomnia
- 9) tremor
- 10) muscle weakness
- 11) dyspnea
- 12) tachycardia
- 13) paplatations
- 14) hyperdefecation
- 15) Menstrual irregularity (hypermenorrhea common)
Cells of the Thyroid Gland & Parathyroid Glands
- 1) Follicular epithelium (thyroid)
- 2) C cells (thyroid)
- 3) Chief cells (parathyroids)
follicular epithelium cells
- hormones: 1)thyroxine (T4) 2)triiodothyronine (T3)
- targets: most cells
- homonal effects: increased energy utilization, O2 consumption, growth, & development
C cells
- hormone: calcitonin (CT)
- targets: bone, kidneys
- hormonal effects: decreased calcium concentrations in body fluids
chief cells
- hormone: parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- targets: bone, kidneys
- hormonal effects: increased calcium concentrations in body fluid
hormones of adrenal cortex
- Mineralocorticoids
- 1) aldosterone (primarily)
- Glucocorticoids
- 1) cortisol (hydrocortisone)
- 2) corticosterone
- 3) cortisone
- Androgens
- target: kidneys
- effect: 1) increased reabsorption of sodium ions & water by the kidneys
- 2) accelerates urinary loss of potassium ions
- target: most cells
- effects:
- 1) release of amino acids from skeletal muscles & lipids from adipose tissue
- 2) promotes liver formation of glycogen & glucose
- 3) promotes peripheral use of lipids
- 4) anti-inflammatory effects
hormones of adrenal medulla
- 1) epinephrine (E, adrelaline)
- 2) norepinephrine (NE, noradrenaline)
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
- target: most cells
- effects:
- 1) increased cardiac activity
- 2) increased BP
- 3) glycogen breakdown
- 4) blood glucose levels
- 5) release of lipids by adipose tissue