Biology 160

  1. Kingdom Protista
    • •Kind of a “catch-all” kingdom for unusual, simple organisms but COMPLEX CELLS
    • •Live just about everywhere
    • •There are heterotrophic types and autotrophic types
    • •The only common thing to say is they are all EUKARYOTIC
  2. 4 groups of Protista
    • • Protozoans
    • • Slime molds
    • • Unicellular algae
    • • Multicellular algae (seaweeds)
  3. 4 types of protozoans
    • Flagellates - most are free-living, some are parasitic: Giardia, Trypanosoma (Sleeping sickness)
    • Amoebas - extreme flexibility, BLOB, Lack of permanent locomotor organelles
    • Apicomplexans - All parasitic: Plasmodium apicomplexan causes malaria
    • Ciliates - use cillia to move, aquatic environments: Paramecium
  4. 2 types of slime molds
    • Plasmodial Slime Molds – one mass of multinucleated cytoplasm
    • Cellular Slime Mold - very unique organism:
    • Dictyostelium
    • unicellular organism – amoeboid, lives on bacteria, slug-like colony
    • needs to move for food, cells congregate and crawl away
    • reproductive structure – where spores are released that are resistant to adverse
    • conditions. Single cells develop from the spores
  5. 2 types of Algae unicellular
    • Dinoflagellates:
    • Pyrrhophyta
    • most are photosynthetic (autotrophic) Responsible for“redtides”–proliferate and produce a neurotoxin that kills fish and marine life, dangerous to eat that marine life.

    • Diatoms:
    • Chrysophyta
    • Unique glassy cell wall composed of silica
    • Form diatomaceous earth at the bottom of the ocean
  6. 3 types of GREEN PROTISTS (division Chlorophyta)
    Believed to be the group that higher plants arose from
    • Chlorella
    • Spyrogyra
    • Volvox, example of COLONY,many single cells living together
  7. 3 types of Algae Multicellular: “Seaweeds”
    • Chlorophyta (green algae),
    • Phaeophyta (brown algae),
    • Rhodophyta (red algae),

    Often display the higher organismal trait of ALTERNATION of GENERATIONS
Card Set
Biology 160
Survey of Biology