COM 110

  1. Name the four steps in the perception process
    selection, organization, interpretation, negotiation
  2. Selection involves...
    attending to stimuli and ignoring other cues
  3. name the ways we classify people (perceptual schema)
    appearance, social roles, interaction styles, interaction style, psychological traits, membership
  4. describe some of the traits associated with the perceptual schema of appearance:
    male or female, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, etc...
  5. describe some of the traits associated with the perceptual schema of social roles:
    student, attorney, wife, sister, boss, etc
  6. describe some of the traits associated with the perceptual schema of interaction style:
    friendly, helpful, mean, sarcastic
  7. describe some of the traits associated with the perceptual schema of psychological traits
    curious, nervous, insecure
  8. describe some of the traits associated with the perceptual schema of membership
    republican, immmigrant, Christian, Fraternity
  9. STORY: What was Christa Kilvington's story?
    She was a 4.0 student and single mother on welfare; she was stereotyped.
  10. Name the 3 characteristics of stereotypes
    • You categorize people on the basis of this easisly recognizable characteristic (noticing skin color)
    • You ascribe a set of characteristics for most or all members of the category (all men are insensitive)
    • You apply the set of characteristics to any member of the group (when you meet an older person, you assume him to be slow witted or confused)
  11. What are the influences on perception?
    • physiological (the senses, age, health, fatigue, hunger, biological cycles, psychological challenges)
    • Cultural differences (individulalist vs collectivist cultures)
    • social roles (gender roles, occupational roles)
    • self-concept
  12. Perception checking considerations:
    • completeness (sometimes all three are not necessary)
    • nonverbal congruency (non verbal cues match your words)
    • cultural rules (low context ie americans, vs. high context ie asians)
    • face saving (were you going to do the dishes or did you forget it was your turn)
  13. What are the five positions of the pillow method
    • 1) i'm right you're wrong
    • 2) you're right i'm wrong
    • 3) both right, both wrong
    • 4) the issue isn't important
    • 5) there's truth in all perspectives
  14. what are the locations of the positions in the pillow method?

    3 5 4

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COM 110
Chapter Notes