Drugs (Full)

  1. Epinephrine (Respiratory)
    Stimulates alpha 1, beta 1, and beta 2 adrenergic receptors in dose related fashion.

    • Bronchial Asthma,
    • Acute Allergic Reaction,
    • Anaphylaxis

    0.3-0.5 mg SQ
  2. Albuteral
    Relaxes smooth muscles of the bronchial tree by stimulating adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervious system

    • Asthma,
    • Bronchospasm,
    • COPD

    2.5 mg Nebulized
  3. Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent)
    Inhibits interaction of acetylcholine at cholinergic receptors on bronchial smooth muscle in the lung

    Relief of bronchospasm due to COPD & obstructive airway disease

    0.5 mg Nebulized
  4. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
    Prevents the actions of histamine by preventing histamines from reaching H1 receptor sites, and for reversing extrapyramidal reactions (EPS)

    • Allergic Reactions,
    • Anaphylaxis,
    • Acute EPS

    25-50 mg IVP, IM
  5. Methylprednisolone
    Suppresses acute & chronic inflammation

    • Anaphylaxis,
    • Bronchodilator for unresponsive asthma

    125 mg IVP
  6. Midazolam (Versed)
    Binds to benzodiazepine receptors; enhances GABA effects.

    To produce amnesia for RSI, Nasotracheal Intubation, & synchronized cardioversion

    2.5 mg slow IVP over 2 minutes, may repeated every 2 minutes if necessary
  7. Etomidate
    Creates an ultra-short-acting sedative/hypnotic effect

    • RSI,
    • Conscious sedation for cardioversion

    0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV over 30-60 seconds
  8. Succinylcholine
    Inhibits nerve impulse transmissions by binding the receptors for acetylcholine in the motor endplate. Depolarizing occurs which is evident with fasciculation.

    To facilitate intubation of a live patient

    1 mg/kg IVP over 10-30 seconds
  9. Vecuronium
    Inhibits nerve impulse transmissions by binding the receptors for acetylcholine in the motor endplate

    Induction or maintenance of paralysis after intubation to assist ventilations

    • 0.1 mg/kg IV
    • 0.01 mg/kg non-depolarizing dose
  10. Morphine Sulfate
    Binds to opiod receptors, producing analgesia & sedation. Increases peripheral venous capacitance & decreases venous return. Decreases myocardial oxygen demand.

    • Moderate to severe pain,
    • Pulmonary edema

    2-4 mg slow IVP
  11. Hydromorphone
    Inhibits ascending pain pathways in CNS, increases pain threshold, alters pain perception.

    Moderate to severe pain

    1-2 mg IV given over 2-3 minutes
  12. Fentanyl
    Inhibits ascending pain pathways in CNS, increases pain threshold, alters pain perception.

    Moderate to severe pain

    25-100 mcg IV
  13. Furosemide
    Inhibits loop of Henle. Sodium resorption.

    • Pulmonary edema,
    • Congestive heart failure

    40 mg slow IVP - 10 mg/minute
  14. Nitroglycerine
    Dilation of arterioles and veins in the periphery. Decreases workload of the heart and lowers myocardial oxygen demand.

    • Ischemic chest pain,
    • Congestive heart failure

    0.4 mg SL
  15. Aspirin
    Inhibits platelet aggregation.

    Chest pain associated with myocardial infarction

    81-324 mg PO
  16. Vasopressin
    Vasoconstriction and increase blood flow to the brain and heart during CPR.

    Anytime CPR is being done

    40 U IVP
Card Set
Drugs (Full)
List of EMT-P drugs for LTC (2010) note: each drug answer goes from description of how the drug works, to its indications, and then its adult dose