The Muscular Sys

  1. The human bdy has mre thn ____ individual muscles
    600 {657 2 b exact}
  2. Muscles casuse bones & supported structures 2 mve by alternating bet _____ & _____.
    • "Contraction"
    • &
    • "Relaxation"
  3. Skeletal Muscles:
    • Attached to bones by tendons
    • Cross joints so when they contract, bones they attach 2 move
  4. Smooth Muscle
    • Found on organ walls
    • Contractions produce movement of organ contents
  5. Functions of the Muscle: muscle has the ability 2 contract, permitting muscles 2 perform various functions.

    *Functions of the Muscle*:
    • "Movement"
    • "Stability"
    • "Control of body openings & passages"
    • "Heat Production"
  6. Functions of Muscle: *Movement*

    Skeletal Muscles...
    • Attached 2 bones by tendons
    • Cross joints so when they contract, nones they attach 2 mve.
  7. Smooth Muscle:
    • Found on organ walls
    • Contractions produce movement of organ contents
  8. The Cardiac Muscle...
    • Produces "Atrial" & "Ventricular" contractions
    • This pumps blood frm the heart in/2 the blood vessels
  9. Muscle Functions: *Stability*...
    • Holds bones tightly 2/gether
    • -stabilizes joints
    • Small muscles hold vertebrae 2/gether
    • -stabilizes the spinal column
  10. Muscle Functions: *Control of Bdy Openings & Passages*
    • Sphincters:
    • - Valve-like structures formed by muscles
    • - Control movement of substances in & out of passages
    • * Ex: a urethral sphincter prevents or allows urination
  11. Muscle Functions: *Heat Production*
    • Heat is released w/muscle contraction:
    • *Helps the bdy maintain a normal temp
    • *Moving your bdy can mke u warmer if cold
  12. Types of Muscle Tiss:
    • Myocytes - Muscle Fibers
    • Sarcolemma: Cell Membrane
    • Sarcoplasm: Cytoplasm of a cell
    • Myofibrils: Long structures in sarcoplasm

    *Arrangement of filaments in myobibrils produces striations*
  13. Muscle Tiss: Skeletal Muscle
    • Muscle fibers respond to the neruotransmitter acetylcholine
    • * Causes skeletal muscle 2 contract

    • Following contraction, muscles release the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase
    • * Breaks dwn acetylcholine
    • * Allows muscles 2 relax
  14. Muscle Tiss: Smooth Muscle...
    • Multi/Unit Smooth Muscle:
    • * In the iris of the eye & walls of blood vessels
    • * Responds 2 Neurotransmitters & Hormones

    • Visceral Smooth muscles:
    • *In walls of hollow organs
    • *Responds 2 nerurotransmitters
    • *Stimulates ea. other 2 contract so tht muscle fibers contract & relax 2/gether in a rhythmic motion ~ Peristalsis
  15. Smooth Muscles {Cont'd}...
    Peristalisis ~ rhythmic
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The Muscular Sys