
  1. Winding Road
  2. Divided Highway (Road) Begins
  3. Divided Highway (Road) Ends
  4. Cross Road
  5. Merging Traffic
  6. Lane Ends - Merge Left
  7. Slippery When Wet
  8. Signal Ahead
  9. Hill
  10. Two-Way Traffic
    • School Crossing
    • (Color can be fluorescent green or yellow)
    • Pedestrian Crossing
    • (Color can be fluorescent green or yellow)
  11. Railroad Crossing
  12. Advance Warning: Bicycles
  13. Soft Shoulder
    • Added Lane
    • (from right, no merging required)
  14. Deer Crossing
    • Curve Left
    • 35 mph or less recommended
  15. No Passing Zone
  16. Slow Moving Vehicle
  17. On multiple-laned roads, the far left lane is used only for:
    Overtaking and passing another vehicle.
  18. When a school bus is travelling towards you and is stopped with its red lights flashing and the rodeway is four lanes wide with a median, you should:
    Slow down and use caution as you pass the bus.
  19. The Implied Consent Law states that:
    You agree to a test of your breath or blood, if a police officer has reasonable grounds to determine if you have been driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  20. This sign in your lane:
    Tells you to slow or wait for all other traffic.
  21. When following a fire truck, you may follow no closer than:
    500 feet

  22. This sign is an example of what type of sign, and what does it mean?
    • Regulatory Sign
    • No U-turn
  23. The single biggest contributor to collisions is:
    Failing to see what is happening.
  24. About ___ % of fatality collisions involve alcohol.
  25. On a typical traffic light, which light is on top?
  26. What is the penalty for parking in a disabled parking stall without a permit?
  27. If you have an out-of-state license and become a Washington resident, you must obtain a Washington License within:
    30 days
  28. The "Do Not Pass" sign keeps you from:
    Passing anywhere, not just if you don't think it is safe.
  29. Bicycles should ride:
    With the flow of traffic and as near to the right side of the road as is safe.
  30. On a two-lane, two-way road, you may pass another vehicle when:
    Your view is clear and there is space to return to the driving lane.
  31. Motorist and bicyclist safety is increased by:
    Drivers leaving several feet of extra space when passing a bicycle.
  32. Pedestrians have the right of way:
    At crosswalks and intersections regardless if the crosswalk is marked (painted) or not.
  33. Who may provide traffic control?
    Law enforcement, highway construction or maintenance personnel, or school crossing guards.
  34. If you are stopped at a traffic light and the light turns green, how may you proceed?
    • Wait for cross traffic to clear
    • Turn left only when it is safe: on-coming traffic has the right-of-way.
    • When turning, yield to pedestrians if they are in or within one lane of your half of the roadway.
  35. A steady yellow traffic light means:
    Slow down and stop if it is safe to do so.
  36. A flashing yellow light means:
    Slow down and proceed with caution.
  37. A flashing yellow arrow means:
    You may turn in the direction of the arrow after yielding to oncoming traffic.
  38. A flashing red light means:
    • Come to a full stop and then proceed with caution.
    • It is the same as a stop sign.
  39. When may you turn on a red light?
    After coming to a full stop, you may turn right only if it is safe to do so, unless prohibited by signs.
  40. Stop Ahead
  41. Speed Zone Ahead
  42. Sharp Curve Right
  43. Yield Ahead
  44. When crossing railroad tracks, it is important to:
    • Obey all warning signals and gates, and not cross until they have stopped.
    • Watch for trains, especially if there are no automatic signals.
    • If there is more than one track, watch for multiple trains.
    • Make sure that there is room to clear the tracks before starting across.
  45. Moving violations in construction zones result in fines that are:
    Double what the usual fine would be.
  46. A regulatory sign with a red slash inside a red circle:
    Prohibits whatever is in the circle (for example, parking, u-turn, left turn, etc.)
  47. When should you not drive the posted speed limit?
    When conditions such as fog, rain, slippery roads or ice require that you reduce speed for safety.
  48. Where might you see lane control signs?
    Posted at the side of the road, above the road, or painted on the road surface.
  49. When is it permissible to drive past a stop sign without coming to a complete stop?
    NEVER - You must always come to a full and complete stop at a stop sign, and yield to pedestrians and other cars that have the right-of-way before proceeding.
  50. What is the penalty for failing to use chains when chains are required?
  51. What are some types of guide signs?
    • Green destination signs
    • Blue or brown service signs
    • Route number signs
  52. What does a solid white line on the roadway mean?
    • Solid white lines are used to mark both edges of two-way roads and the right edge of one-way roads. You should not drive to the right of the white line.
    • A solid white line between lanes of traffic means to stay in your lane.
  53. What does a solid yellow line on the roadway mean?
    • Solid yellow lines mark the left edge of a one-way road and separate traffic moving in opposite directions.
    • If there is a solid yellow line in your lane it means "No Passing".
    • You may cross a solid yellow line to turn left if it is safe to do so.
  54. What does a dashed yellow line on the roadway mean?
    • A dashed yellow line between opposing lanes of traffic means that you may cross it to pass if it is safe to do so.
    • If there is a dashed yellow line on your side and a solid line on the other side, it is a passing zone. You must return to your lane before the passing zone ends.
  55. What is a median and what are the rules for medians?
    • A median is the space in the center of a divided highway. It can be open space or can be marked by a divider or markings on the pavement.
    • It is illegal to drive in or across a median.
  56. When do you have to stop for a crosswalk or stop line?
    • When required to stop by a sign or signal, you must stop before you reach the crosswalk or stop line.
    • You must yield to pedestrians in or about to enter a crosswalk.
    • Stop if there is a light or other signal telling you to do so.
    • Intersections are considered to have crosswalks even if there are no markings on the pavement.
  57. What are the procedures for roundabouts?
    • Slow to 15-20 mph.
    • Yield to traffic in the roundabout before entering, and do not stop in the roundabout.
    • Follow the signs and lane markings.
  58. What are the signals for reversable lanes?
    • Often marked by double dashed yellow lines.
    • Green arrow: Okay to use this lane.
    • Red X: Do not use this lane.
    • Flashing yellow X: Use this lane only for turning.
    • Steady yellow X: The lane is changing. Move out of this lane as soon as it is safe.
  59. What are reserved lanes, and what does HOV 3 mean?
    • Reserved lanes are only for special vehicles. For example, they may be transit, bus, bicycle or carpool lanes.
    • HOV stands for High Occupancy Vehicle. There must be three people in a vehicle in an HOV 3 lane.
  60. What are two-way left turn lanes? How are they marked? How far can you travel in a two-way left turn lane?
    • Shared center lanes used by vehicles travelling in both directions.
    • Marked on each side by solid and dashed yellow lines.
    • Enter when safe. You can travel no more than 300 feet in a left turn lane. They may not be used for passing.
  61. What should you do if you miss a turn or exit.
    • Continue to the next exit.
    • Do not stop in travel lanes and do not back up.
    • It is illegal to back up on a shoulder or a freeway.
  62. When passing on a multi-lane highway, which lane should you use?
    • Pass to the left.
    • Never pass on the shoulder, whether paved or not.
    • On roads with more than two lanes in the same direction, the left lane is for passing only. Vehicles towing a trailer or over 10,000 lbs may not use the left lane unless posted.
  63. When turning from or onto a road with two or more lanes in the same direction, which lanes should you use?
    • Turn from the nearest lane to the nearest lane.
    • If more than one lane is allowed to turn, follow the lane markings and stay in your lane.
  64. Are U-turns legal in the State of Washington?
    • In most places, you may make a U-turn when it is safe to do so after yielding to other traffic.
    • Some towns and cities do not allow U-turns, so avoid U-turns if you are not sure of the rules.
  65. At an un-marked intersection, who should yield?
    Yield to vehicles in the intersection and to vehicles approaching from the right.
  66. At a 4-way stop, which vehicle proceeds first?
    • If it is clear who reached the intersection first, the first vehicle to reach the intersection proceeds first.
    • If unsure who reached the intersection first, yield to the vehicle on the right.
  67. What should you do when you approach an intersection where the stoplight is malfunctioning?
    • Stop, and treat the intersection as a 4-way stop.
    • It does not matter which road is the "main" road.
  68. What is the procedure for entering a roadway from a driveway, alley or parking lot?
    • Stop and yield to pedestrians on the sidewalk or in the crosswalk.
    • Yield to traffic on the roadway.
  69. When approached by an emergency vehicle with flashing lights or siren, you should:
    • Pull to the right and stop.
    • If you are in an intersection, continue through the intersection before stopping.
    • If you are stopped at a red light, remain stopped and let the emergency vehicle drive around you.
    • Follow any instructions from the emergency vehicle's loudspeaker.
  70. When a school bus has its red lights flashing you must:
    • STOP, no matter which side of the road the bus is on.
    • Wait until the flashing lights have stopped and until children are clear before proceeding.
    • If the road has three or more marked traffic lanes and is separated by a barrier or median, you may proceed without stopping.
  71. What is the special rule for yielding to a transit bus?
    You must yield to a transit bus that is signalling and is re-entering the roadway.
  72. When parking, you should:
    • Park in designated areas if possible.
    • Check traffic before getting out and shut the door immediately.
    • Take the ignition key and lock the car doors.
    • Never leave children under 16 in a parked car with the engine running.
  73. When parking on a hill:
    • With a curb facing uphill: Turn the wheel away from the curb so that it rolls back into the curb.
    • With a curb facing downhill: Turn the wheel towards the curb so that it rolls forward into the curb.
    • With no curb: Turn the wheel to the edge of the road so that the vehicle rolls away from traffic.
  74. When parallel parking, park within ____ inches of the curb.
  75. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of a traffic signal, stop sign or yield sign.
  76. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of pedestrian safety zone.
  77. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of a fire hydrant.
  78. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of a railroad crossing.
  79. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of a fire station driveway on the same side of the street or ___ feet of the driveway on the opposite side of the street.
    15 feet on the same side and 75 feet on the opposite side.
  80. It is illegal to park within ___ feet of a driveway, alley, private road, or area of the curb removed or lowered for access to the sidewalk (wheelchair ramp).
  81. Other places where parking is not allowed:
    • On bridges, tunnels overpasses or underpasses.
    • On the wrong side of the street.
    • On the street side of a parked vehicle (double parking).
    • On railroad tracks.
    • In a handicapped space without a placard.
    • On the shoulder of a freeway except in emergency.
  82. A white painted curb indicates:
    Only short stops are permitted.
  83. A yellow painted curb indicates:
    A loading zone or other restriction (no parking).
  84. Unless otherwise posted, speed limits are:
    • 20 mph in school zones
    • 25 mph on city streets
    • 50 mph on county roads
    • 60 mph on state highways
    • Interstate highways may have higher posted speeds.
  85. You may not drive with more than ___ people in the front seat.
  86. When can you text or hold a phone to your ear while driving?
    Never, unless you are reporting an illegal activity or a medical emergency, or preventing injury to a person or property.
  87. What are the rules for the use of headphones or ear-buds to listen to music while driving?
    They are illegal.
  88. In general, how far ahead should you look while driving?
    How far is this in the city?
    How far is this on the highway?
    Look as far as your vehicle will travel in 10 seconds. In the city it is about one block, but on the highway it is about a quarter of a mile.
  89. When turning left across oncoming traffic, turn on your turn signal at least ___ feet ahead of the turn.
  90. When should you dim your high beams?
    Dim your high beams when you come within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or if you are within 300 feet of a vehicle ahead of you.
  91. When travelling in fog, should you use your low or high beams?
    low beams
  92. When approaching a vehicle coming towards you with its high beams on, you should:
    Look away from the headlights and toward the right side of the road until the car has passed.
  93. When should you drive with your parking lights?
    Never. It is illegal to drive with just parking lights.
  94. Before you make a turn, you should turn on your turn signal at least ___ feet ahead.
  95. Why is it especially important to check your rear view mirror when going down a long or steep hill?
    Large trucks or busses may be going too fast down the grade.
  96. If your vehicle breaks down on the highway, what four things should you do (besides calling for help)?
    • Move the vehicle as far off the highway as possible.
    • Use your 4-way flashers, and if it is night leave your headlights on.
    • Try to stop where other drivers have a clear view of your vehicle.
    • Warn other drivers by placing flares 200-300 feet behind the vehicle or walk back and safely wave traffic around.
  97. Demonstrate the hand signals for right turn, left turn and stop.
  98. About how much room do you need to pass on a 55 mph highway? How can you tell if an oncoming car is too close?
    • You need about 1600 feet (one third of a mile) to pass.
    • If you are close enough to see that the car is moving then you don't have enough time.
  99. What are some places where you should not pass?
    Hills, curves, intersections, or any place where the lanes might be obstructed.
  100. When should you yield to bicycles?
    When the bicycle is in a bicycle lane, in a crosswalk or on a sidewalk.
  101. What is the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) for which you can be arrested?
    • .08 % if you are 21 or over.
    • .02 % if you are under 21.
  102. What is the "open container law"?
    It is against the law to have an open container of alcohol in a vehicle.
  103. Speed Limit (55 mph)
  104. Yield
  105. Hospital
  106. Flagger
  107. Optional Exit / Exit Only
  108. What is the traffic law regarding a fire hose?
    It is against the law to drive over a fire hose.
  109. If you are in an accident involving injury, you must:
    • Stop your car as soon as possible, out of traffic if possible.
    • Stay at the scene.
    • Notify police.
    • Render first aid if possible.
Card Set
Washington State Driver's Manual