A+ Study Guie

  1. What are the four primary fucnctions of hardware
    input, processing, output, and storage
  2. Why is all data stored in a computer in binary form
    Binary is the fromat that the computer "understands" not a programming language or a human language. All instructions between hardware and software in a computer are reduced to a simple yes or no a state of on or off
  3. What are the two main input devices and two main output devices
    • the two main input devices are the keyboard and the mouse
    • the two main output devices are the monitor and the printer
  4. what three things do electronic hardware divices need in order to function
    • a method for the cpu to communicate with the device
    • software to instruct and control the device
    • and electricity to power the device
  5. how many bits are in a byte
    8 bits in a byte

    4 bits are a nibble
  6. what is the purpose of an expansion slot on a motherboard
    an expansion slot on a motherboard is used for an expansion card, wich enables a device that is not on the motherboard to communicate with the cpu
  7. wich component on the motherboard is used primarily for processing
    the cpu (central processing unit) also called the processor
  8. what are some cpu manufacters
    intel amd cyrix ibm
  9. what techonology is most often used today to manufacture microchips
    CMOS- complementray metal-oxide semiconductor
  10. what are some other names for the system bus
    memory bus, host bus, front side bus, external bus
  11. what are two other names for the motherboard
    main board, system board
  12. what are the two basic types of cables found inside a computer case and what are their basic functions
    a data cable used for passing data between devices and a power cable used to supply power to a device
  13. what are types of ports that are often found coming directly off the motherboard to be used by external devices
    • serial port, parallel port, USB port, network port, Fire Wire or 1394 port, mouse port, keyboard port, S/PDIF port,
    • sound port, wirelenss LAN antenna port
  14. what is the purpose of the S/PDIF port
    the S/PDIF port connects to an wxternall home theater audio system, providing digital output and the best signal quality
  15. kinds of memory modules
    SIMMS (single inline mimory modules) DIMMs (dual inline memory modules) RIMMs
  16. what is the diffrence between volatile and nonvolatile memory
    • volatile memory is temporary and needs a constatn elelctrial charge to hold data
    • nonvolatile memory is permanent and holds memory even when electricity is turned off
  17. of the two types of storage in a system wich type is generally faster and holds data and instructions while the data is being processed
    primary storage
  18. wich type of storage in a system is generally slower but more permament
    secondary storage
  19. what techonology standard provides for up to four devices on a system, including the hard drive as one of those devices what are two common industry names loosely used to describe this standard
    ATA (AT attachment) also called EIDE (enhanced integrated drive electronics) or IDE
  20. what is the size of the data path on most system buses today
    64 bits
  21. what is the measurment of frequency of a system bus and cpu
    wich is faster the system bus or the cpu
    • frequency is generally measured in Hz, MHz, or GHz
    • the cpu is faster than the system bus
  22. types of buses that are likely to be on a motherboard today
    PCI (peripheral component interconnect) AGP (accelerated grpahics port) ISA (industry standard architecture) system bus, PCI express
  23. a power supply recives 120 volts of -what- power from a wall outlet and convertis it to 3.3 5 and 12 volts
    of -what- power
    AC, DC
  24. ROM BIOS or firmware chips that can be upgraded without replacing the chips are called
    flash ROM
  25. CMOS setup allows a technician to change configuration settings on a motherboard stoed in
  26. examples of secondary storage devices
    CD drive, hard drive, floppy frive, DVD drive, Zip drive
  27. a hertz
    one cycle per second
  28. megahertz
    one million cycles per second
  29. gigahertz
    one billion cycles per second
  30. an AGP slot is normaally used for a -what- expansion card
  31. how many sizes of PCI Express slots are currently maufactured for personal computers
  32. the three purposes the motherboard ROM BIOS serves
    the BIOS is used to manage simple devices (system BIOS) to start the computer (startup BIOS) and to change settings on the motherboard (CMOS setup)
  33. where does CMOS RAM recive its power
    CMOS RAM is powerd by a trickle of electricity from a small battery located on the motherboard or comoputer case
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A+ Study Guie
chapter one reviewing the basics