
  1. Name the 7 Layers of the OSI Model.
    • 7 - Application
    • 6 - Presentation
    • 5 - Session
    • 4 - Transport
    • 3 - Network
    • 2 - Data Link
    • 1 - Physical

    • 7 - Away
    • 6 - Pizza
    • 5 - Sausage
    • 4 - Throw
    • 3 - Not
    • 2 - Do
    • 1 - Please
  2. At what Layer is "FCS" added or removed?
    2 - Data Link
  3. What is FCS?
    Frame Check Sequence
  4. What Layer are Packets defined?
    3 - Network
  5. What Layer are Segments Created?
    4 - Transport
  6. What is added to a packet in the Data Link Layer?
  7. What Layer provides connectivity and Path selection between two host systems that may be located on Geographically separated networks?
    3 - Network
  8. If one computer wants to send data to another computer the data must be packaged by a process called?
  9. NIC?
    Network Interface Card
  10. At what Layer do Hubs operate?
    1 - Physical
  11. At what Layer to Switches operate?
    2 - Data Link
  12. At what Layer do Routers operate>
    3 - Network
  13. IP?
    Internet Protocol
  14. ARP - RARP?
    • Address Resolution Protocol
    • Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
  15. DHCP?
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  16. SOHO?
    Small Office Home Office
  17. IEEE?
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  18. What was the number given for the Ethernet standard by IEEE?
  19. What is the name of the address "burned" on every NIC?
    MAC Address
  20. How many bits is a MAC Address?
  21. True/False - Stations on the Network can access the Network at any time?
    True (p.2-14)
  22. CSMA/CD?
    • Carrier Sense
    • Multiple Access
    • Collision Detection
  23. What does CSMA/CD use when it detects Collision?
    Backoff Algorithm
  24. What are the two sublayers of the Data Lind Layer?
    LLC (Logical Link Control) and MAC (Transitions down to Physical)
  25. True/False - Each Device must have a unique MAC address to participate on the Network?
    True (p.2-17)
  26. Whar is the name of the "container" into which data is placed for transmission?
  27. What is the name of the field that signals the receiving computer that the actual frame is about to start?
    SOF - Start of Frame
  28. What is the field that checks to ensure the packet of data has been transmitted without corruption?
    FCS - Frame Check Sequence
  29. What are the 3 major types of Network Communication?
    • Unicast
    • Broadcast
    • Multicast
  30. What is the proper name for the Binary System?
    Base 2
  31. What number system is express by writing 0x in front of the number?
    Hexadecimal - Base-16
  32. What are the 16 symbols used to represent Hexadecimal?
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
  33. What is another name for a NIC?
    LAN Adapter
  34. What is the cable of choice in a 10MB/100MB mixed Network?
  35. UTP?
    Unshielded Twisted-Pair
  36. What is the name of the connector for a CAT5 cable?
  37. What two types of cables can be made with RJ45 and CAT5?
    • Straight-Through
    • Crossover
  38. Network Connection made by a single unbroken Network cable?
  39. Name a device that can extend a network buy amplifying and retransmitting.
  40. What at the two forwarding methods?
    • Cut-Through Switching
    • Store-and-Forward Switching
  41. TCP?
    Transmission Control Protocol
  42. Name the 4 layers of the TCP/IP Stack
    • Application
    • Transport
    • Internet
    • Network Access
  43. What is the Core Layer of the TCP/IP Stack?
  44. What Layer of the OSI is IP?
    3 - Network
  45. UDP?
    User Datagram Protocol
  46. What Layer of the OSI is UDP?
    4 - Transport
  47. What Layer of the OSI is TCP?
    4 - Transport
  48. Name 4 TCP/IP Applications:
    • FTP
    • TFTP
    • Email (SMTP)
    • Telnet
    • SNMP
    • DNS
  49. In the Transport Layer of the OSI which protocol is "reliable"? TCP/UDP
  50. Single computer with single IP address able to have many connections?
    Session Multiplexing
  51. What is it called to have data broken into chunks for shipment?
  52. Method to maximize transfer rate while minimizing the requirements to retransmit?
    Flow Control
  53. Name Protocol - (Reliable) - (Best Effort)
    TCP - UDP
  54. FTP? Port/Protocol
  55. Telnet? port/protocol
  56. SMTP (email)? port/protocol
  57. DNS? port/protocol
  58. TFTP? port/protocol
  59. SNMP? port/protocol
  60. RIP? port/protocol
  61. Well-Known Ports
    1023 and below
  62. Registered Ports?
  63. Dynamically Assigned Ports
  64. How many Bits in the UDP header?
  65. How many bits is the IP address?
  66. What are the two parts of an IP address?
    Network ID/Host ID
  67. Calss A IP Range (public)?
    1-126 (host 16,777,214)
  68. Class B IP Range (public)?
    128-191 (host 65,534)
  69. Class C IP Range (public)?
    192-223 (host 254)
  70. Loopback IP Address?
  71. NAT?
    Network Address Translation
  72. Formula: Subnet? Usable Host?
    • Subnet - 2s
    • Usable Host - 2h -2
  73. Default Route for any host or network device?
  74. What is the name of the /n notation? (default notation - Class A,B,C)
    CIRD - A/8, B/16, C/24
  75. What part of the IP Address does the Router use?
    Network ID
  76. IOS?
    Intelligent Operating System
  77. What are the two primary EXEC modes? (what is the symbol for each)
    • User Mode >
    • Privileged Mode #
  78. How do you change from User to Privileged Mode?
    Enable (en)
  79. How do you exit Privileged Mode?
  80. CLI?
    Command Line Interface
  81. How do you enter "Global Configuration Mode"?
    Type: configure terminal
  82. In Global Mode, What is the command to change the Hostname?
    hostname(config)#hostname good_name
  83. What are the start up steps of a configured router?
    • POST
    • Finds and Loads IOS
    • Finds and Applies Config
    • Goes to "command prompt" (CLI)
  84. Where is the router config stored when the power is off?
  85. New Router - When the power on and no config found what is the startup steps?
  86. After setup is finished and all is correct. What number is selected and what two locations are saved to?
    • 2
  87. What is the Default and Maximum command lines stored in the history buffer?
    • Default - 10 lines
    • Max - 256 lines
  88. What command will show you "current configuration: and from where is this data?
    • #show running-config
    • RAM
  89. What should you type to apply a change/command?
    no shutdown
  90. What is the command to set timeout? in what config mode?
    (config-line)#exec-timeout mm ss
  91. What is the command to set message-of-the-day?
    (config)#banner motd #message#
  92. True/False
    CDP is enabled by default on all interfaces (except for frame relay)?
    • True
    • (p.9-6)
  93. How do you disable CDP on a device?
    • #no cdp run
    • (p.9-6)
  94. What is the command to disable CDP for an interface?
    • #no cdp enable
    • (p.9-6)
  95. What is the PING command used for?
    • Verifies Network Connectivity
    • (p.9-18)
  96. What will happen if you run the command: copy running-config startup-config?
    • Makes copy from RAM to NVRAM
    • (p.9-47)
  97. What is the command to close a TELNET session from a "foreign" user?
    • clear line (linenumber)
    • (p.9-17)
  98. If you use the config-register command to set the boot field value to end with 0 what will happen at the next boot?
    • ROMMON
    • (p.9-32)
  99. What is first in sequence of events during power-up or boot-up?
    • POST
    • (p.9-22)
  100. What can be used to aid in design and future troubleshooting or changes?
    • Topology Documentation (Network Map/Diagram)
    • (p.9-10)
  101. What is the command to set "message-of-the-day"?
    • #banner motd *message*
    • (p.8-67)
  102. What is the command to set sessions timeout?
    • router(config-line)#exec-timeout mm ss
    • (p.8-70)
  103. Where do you configure virtual interfaces?
    • subinterface (config-subif)#
    • (p.8-64)
  104. In what mode can you name a switch (hostname)?
    • Global Configuration Mode
    • (p.8-26)
  105. Where is the running-config located?
    • RAM
    • (p.8-60)
  106. What command is used to go from privileged exec mode to user exec mode?
    • disable
    • (p.8-46)
  107. To enter privileged mode use what command?
    • enable
    • (p.8-45)
  108. Primary purpose to rapidly bring up a minimal feature config for any router uses what?
    • Setup
    • (p.8-39)
  109. An Ethernet frame under what size is a runt?
    • 64-bytes
    • (p.8-77)
  110. What command shows the current active config?
    • show running-config
    • (p.8-60)
  111. What command shows the system hardware, software version?
    • show version
    • (p.8-58)
  112. How do you force config change to take affect?
    • no shutdown
    • (p.8-74)
  113. If the router.switch has a link fault what will display on LED?
    • alternating green and amber
    • (p.8-18)
  114. What mode are you in when you see the # prompt?
    • privileged
    • (p.8-23)
  115. What do you use to enter command into switch/router?
    • CLI (Command Line Interface)
    • (p.8-23)
  116. What mode are you in when you see the > prompt?
    • user
    • (p.8-23)
  117. What specifies the number of unacknowledged segments to be sent to the receiver?
    • Fixed Windowing
    • (p.6-26)
  118. By what process is data re-ordered and determine in any data is missing?
    • sequencing
    • (p.6-10)
  119. What protocol can be used to manage devices on the network?
  120. Window size can be changed dynamically during connection?
    • Sliding Windowing
    • (p.6-28)
  121. What is sent if no more data can be accepted?
    • "not ready" signal
    • (p.6-22)
  122. To avoid overflow of traffic what is used?
    • Flow Control
    • (p.6-22)
  123. TCP establishes connections by using what process?
    • 3-way Handshake
    • (p.6-21)
  124. Acknowledgement and sequence numbers are where?
    • TCP Header
    • (p.6-24)
  125. What protocol covers FTP, Telnet and SMTP?
    • TCP
    • (p.6-12)
  126. What protocol has packets not guaranteed for delivery?
    • UDP
    • (p.6-9)
  127. Protocol for reliable connection?
    • TCP
    • (p.6-10)
  128. Protocol used for "connectionless" session?
    • UDP
    • (p.6-7)
  129. What Class can support 275 (hosts) workstations?
    Class B
  130. Class C address "borrows" 2-bits - what is the CIDR?
    /n = /26
  131. Minimum number of bits that can be "borrowed"?
  132. What Layer defines how data is transformed for transmission, error detect and correction?
    Data Link
  133. What Layer provides data reliability segments?
    Transport Layer
  134. What wraps data with necessary header into before transmission?
  135. What Layer creates Packets?
    Network Layer
  136. What Layer turns data into segments?
    Network Layer
  137. What is the name of the first field in the Ethernet frame?
  138. Shat are the 3 functions of a LAN?
    • Share Resources
    • Applications and Data
    • Gateway to other Networks
  139. What is the cable to connect switch to switch (like network hardware)?
    Crossover Cable
  140. What are the three things a switch does?
    • Filter
    • Forward
    • Flood
  141. A switch does switching in two ways - Store-and-Forward and Cut-Through - which is faster?
  142. Data Link and Physical Layers of the OSI compare to what Layer of the TCP/IP Stack?
    Network Access
  143. Foundation of computer operations?
  144. Number of octets in IP address?
  145. IP address octets are separated by what?
  146. What Class is used for multiplexing?
    Class D
  147. What is the private address range for Class B?
  148. Total possible host in Class A address?
  149. Total possible hosts in Class B address?
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JNC Course - Intro to Cisco