Normal Newborn heart rate
120-160 BPM
Normal blood pressure range for an infant
80/40 to 80/50
Caput Succedaneum:
A simple “bun” of newborn’s head corresponding to concavity of vacuum cup or pressure against cervix which disappears within a few hours
- Little, fine point pimples that are obstructed sebaceous glands
- No special tx. required, normal
Two principle factors that cause Icterus Neonatorum (Jaundice) in infants:
- 1) Increased
- destruction of RBC no longer needed after birth
- 2) Functional
- immaturity of the newborn liver which is unable to excrete elevated biliruban
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum:
- Blotchy, hive like rash that looks a lot like pimples
- Occurs around 3-4 week after birth
- No special treatment needed
- Normal first stool
- *Black and Tarry
- *Should occur within first 24 hrs after birth
Why are preemies more susceptible to infection?
Not enough IgG received in utero due to premature delivery & immature immune system
Major Neonatal Reflexes
- Perez, 3 months disappear
- Stepping, 7-8 months
- Fencer’s position, 3-6 months
- Trunk incurvation, 2 months
Second period of reactivity
- Presence of increased mucous production
- May need suctioning
Brown fat
- Present in full-term babies
- *Source of heat in baby
Radiation heat loss
- 90% of heat loss is through the head
- Put caps on baby to prevent heat loss
Bathing considerations for infant with umbilical cord still attached
- Sponge bath until cord falls off (usually 10 days)
- Tub bath after cord falls off ok
Precaution regarding iron and breast feeding
- Milk not good source of iron
- Iron from mom depleted by 3-4 months
Results from inadequate oxygen to the cell
Why would Gavage (tube feeding) be performed in preemie?
Because of poor suck/swallow reflexes
Needed to produce milk
S/s of post-mature infant
Desquamination (peeling of hands & soles of feet
Retrolental Fibroplasias (Retinopathy):
Caused by excessive levels of oxygen in preemies
S/s of intracranial Hemorrhage
High-pitched cry
3 conditions that must be met before giving RhoGam
- Rh neg. mom
- Rh pos. baby
- Negative coombs test
Why is drug addicted baby very irritable?
Liver cannot excrete drug rapidly
Biggest complication of diabetic baby
RDS and hypoglycemia in first 24 hrs
Treatment of diabetic baby
Check blood sugar immediately after birth and continue to monitor closely
Purpeirum period
- Last the 6 weeks after delivery
- Also known as Post partum
Post partum, what should be done if mother reports feeling fatigued and drained?
Need to inform MD
Diaphoresis post partum:
- Normal
- Process of elimination of excess fluid
Menses post partum
- Bottle feed baby momma expect menses in 4-8 wks
- Much longer for breast-feeding mothers
s/s of mastitis
- Cracked, sore, hot, feels like they have the flu
- Tx: notify MD-need Rx
After pain of fundus post-partum
Caused by uterine contractions
Before checking fundus, what should nurse ask pt. to do
- Empty bladder- full bladder pushes uterus up and to the side and causes it to be boggy
- Massaging contracts uterus
What is one cause of hemorrhage post partum
Large baby (10 lb +)
Prevention of DVT post-partum
- No blood thinners
- *ambulate legs
- *warm moist heat application
What is foul, offensive smell of lochia indicative of?
Sign of infection
Treatment of episiotomy
Ice packs
Dietary considerations while breast feeding
- Increase protein
- Increase calories
Statement that might be sign of postpartum blues
States she does not think they are a good mother