
  1. When and what gave women get the right to vote?
    19th amendment, in 1920
  2. Carrington v Rash decision did what in TX?
    invalidated a TX law that prohibited any member of the Armed Forces of the US the right to vote
  3. What is the voting eligibility today in TX?
    • -18 yrs of age or older
    • -a US citizen
    • -not determined mentally incompetent by court
    • -not a convincted felon unless sentence completed or pardoned
    • -be a resident of the county in which application for registration is made
    • -register at least 30 days prior to the election
  4. informed citizen participation?
    • -Kaufman county example: 2 people showed up at election and approved a $340 million bond proposal
    • -citizens who did not vote were outraged but had no one to blame but themselves
    • -successful democracy depends on informed citizen participation from ALL OF US!
  5. How many do not vote?
    • Presidential election:
    • 1980- 74,000,000 didn't vote
    • 1988- 90,000,000 didn't vote
    • -lowest since 1924 election of calvin coolidge... has been much lower: 1996- 49% voter turnout
    • -2000- over 100,000,000
  6. TX voter turnout:
    • 12.2% 9/ 03
    • 9% 2001... 4.7% in Tarrant County and 7% statewide 1999
    • 6.9% state voter turnout 1997
  7. What rank was the U.S. in the percentage of voting age citizens who actually cast a ballot in their country's elections in 2007?
    139th out of 172 nations
  8. Why do so many not vote?
    • - too many are poorly educated regarding why participation is so important.
    • - too many feel alienated b/c they believe gov't does not address their concerns
    • - too many are discouraged from participation due to structural obstacles.
  9. Voter registration reforms: poor turnout
    • Mail in voter registration:
    • - TX and some other states do this
  10. voter registration reforms: high turnout
    • -election day registration: Maine, Minnesota, Winsconsin & Oregon (only vote by mail)
    • -Universal registration: Idaho
    • -no registration at all: North Dakota
  11. TX election primaries
    • A. party screens its candidates & selects its nominees
    • B. "Dual primaries" in TX conducted from 7AM-7PM
    • 1st primary held 1st tuesday in March of even years
    • - majority wins or 2 highest vote earners advance to run-off => 2nd primary
  12. Elections
    • -Majority must win to avoid runoff in primary
    • -win by plurality in general election
  13. TX primary run-off election:
    • - 2nd primary held 1st Tuesday in April of even years.
    • - 2 candidates in race; majority win.
    • - Winners advance to November general election to compete against nominees of all other political parties
    • -win by majority or if no majority winner then by plurality
  14. Voter forgot registration? What forms of ID are accepted at poll?
    • the "Help America vote Act 2002" allows:
    • - DL or a personal ID issued by DPS or a similar doc from another state
    • - ID w/ photo, birth certificate, U.S. citizenship papers, a passport
    • - official mail addressed to the person by name from a gov't agency
    • - current copy of a utility bill, bank statement, a gov't check, a paycheck or other governmental doc that shows the name and address of the voter
    • - any other form of ID prescribed by the Secretary of State
  15. The "Provisional Ballot": What happens when voter doesn't bring proper registration card & isn't on voter roll?
    • 1. Voter shows ID, signs affidavit verifying info. Put in envelope.
    • 2. Voter casts ballot, placed in separate envelope. Provisional ballot & affidavit placed in larger envelope.
    • 3. voter registrar collects provisional ballots & verifies whether came from eligible voters.
    • 4. eligible provisional ballots forwarded to ballot board & counted.
    • 5. Registrar & ballot board authenticate whithin one week.
    • 6. Counties must provide people whose votes not counted an explanation why.
    • 7. Canvassing of the election done no earlier than 8th day and no later than the 11th day after Election Day.
  16. Primary Characteristics:
    • A. No party purity law in TX like in other states
    • B. Crossover voting: good motive... voter seeks best candidate regardless of party
    • C. raiding voting: Darth vader motive... voter seeks worst candidate easiest for home party candidate to beat!
  17. closed and open primary:
    • open- all parties' candidates are in one ballot
    • -closed- voting limited to party membership only
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pols test 1