What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the trapezius?
- Origin: Medial third of superior nuchal line, External occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament, and Spinous processes of C7-T12 vertebrae
- Insertion: lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula
- Innervation: Spinal accessory
- Action: Superior fibers elevate, middle fibers retract, and inferior fibers depress scapula;Superior and inferior fibers act together in superior rotation of scapula (inferior angle outward)
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the latissimus dorsi?
- Origin: spinous process of inferior 6 thoracic vertebra, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, & inf. 3 or 4 ribs
- Insertion: floor of intertubercular groove of humerus
- Innervation: thoracodorsal nerve (C6, C7, C8)
- Action: extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus & raises body toward arms during climbing.
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the splenius capitius?
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the levator scapula?
- Origin: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1-C4 vertebra
- Insertion: superior part of medial border of scapula
- Innervation: dorsal scapular and cervical nerves
- Action: elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula, also sidebends neck and rotates it to the same side
What is the origin, inseration, innervation, and action of the rhomboid major?
- Origin: spinous process of T2-T5 vertebra
- Insertion: medial border of scapula from level of spine to inferior angle
- Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
- Action: retract scapula, rotate inferior angle medially to depress glenoid cavity, & fix scapula to thoracic wall
What is the origin, inseration, innervation, and action of the rhomboid minor?
- Origin: spinous process of C7 and T1
- Insertion: medial border of scapula from level of spine to inferior angle
- Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
- Action: retract scapula, rotate inferior angle medially to depress glenoid cavity, & fix scapula to thoracic wall
What is the origin, inseration, innervation, and action of the serratus posterior superior?
What is the origin, inseration, innervation, and action of the serratus posterior inferior?
What is the origin, inseration, innervation, and action of the posterior scalene?
How many total vertebra are there and how many of each?
- 33 vertebrae
- cervical: 7
- thoracic: 12
- lumbar: 5
- sacral: 5
- coccyx: 4
What is the difference between superficial and deep fascia?
- superficial fascia: deep to the skin and contains subcutaneous tissue, including variable amounts of fat
- deep fascia: surround the skeletal muscle