Walrad Vocab

  1. querulous
    Complains alot
  2. Lechery
    Unrestrained in sexual activity
  3. Poignant
    Distressing to the mind, arousing affect
  4. Benign
    Benificial in nature, kindness of disposition
  5. Egrigous
    Orategously bad or reprehensable
  6. Supple
    Very flexible or adaptable
  7. pallor
    Unantural skin color
  8. guile
    the use of tricks to decieve someone
  9. callow
    young and inexperienced
  10. perdition
  11. lull
    a pause of calmness, to become quiet, to make quiet and still
  12. salient
    thrusts itself into atention- less than 180 degrees
  13. fortuitous
    no apparent couse
  14. semantic
    relating to the study of meaning
  15. trepidation
    a feeling of dread
  16. caveat
    a warning against certain acts
  17. wily
    skill in deception
  18. adminitory
    serving to warn
  19. ameliorate
    to make or get better
  20. visage
    the face
  21. quandary
    state of uncertainty, unable to choose
  22. predilection
    a predisposition in favor, a strong liking
  23. timorous
    timid in nature
  24. ingratiating
    capable of gaining favor
  25. sullen
    darkened by clous
  26. voliotion
    capable of making a choice
  27. genial
    The Jaw, warm and friendly, agreeable
  28. morose
    showing an ill humor
Card Set
Walrad Vocab