The 5 vital signs
- Blood pressure
- Respirations
- Pulse
- Skin (color, temp, condition)
- Pupils
- Signs & Symptoms
- Allergies
- Medications taken
- Past pertinent history
- Last oral taken
- Events leading to injury or illness
Acronym for determining level of consciousness
- Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive
Skin color: Pale
Constricted blood vessels possibly resulting from blood loss, shock, hypotention, emotional distress
Skin color: Cyanotic (blue-gray)
Lack of oxygen in blood cells and tissues resulting from inadequate breathing or heart function
Skin color: Jaundiced (yellow)
Abnormalties of the liver
An indication of a patient's condition that can be seen, heard, smelled, or felt that is observed by another person
(sweaty skin, staggering, vomitting)
An indication of a patient's condition that cannot be observed by another person but rather is subjective, or felt and reported by the patient
(pain, dizziness, nausea)
Pupil appearance:
- Fright
- Blood loss
- Drugs
- Treatment w/ prescription eye drops
Pupil appearance: Constricted
- Drugs (narcotics)
- Treatment w/ prescription eye drops
Pupil appearance: Unequal
- Stroke
- Head injury
- Eye injury
- Articial eye
Pupil appearance: Lack of reactivity
- Drugs
- Lack of oxygen to brain
The pressure created when the heart contracts and forces blood out into the arteries
Systolic BP (top)
The pressure remaining in the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is relaxed and refilling
Diastolic BP (bottom)
Medications an EMT-B can administer or assist with:
- Activated charcoal
- Oral glucose
- Oxygen
- Prescribed inhalers
- Nitroglycerin
- Epinephrine auto-injectors
A treatment for a consicous patient (who is able to swallow) with an altered mental status and a history of diabetes
Oral glucose
A drug that helps to dilate the coronary vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood
A drug that helps to constrict the blood vessels and relax passages of the airway. Maybe used to counter a severe allergic reaction
INDICTIONS to administer Nitroglycerin
- Complaints of chest pain
- History of cardiac problems
- Dr. has prescribed
- Systolic BP is greater than 90-100
- Medical direction has authorized
CONTRAINDICATIONS to administer Nitroglycerin
- Systolic BP below 90-100 (hypotention)
- Pulse rate below 50 or above 100
- Head injury
- Patient is child or infant
- Erectile dysfunction meds has been recently taken
- Has taken max. dosage (3 times)
Cardiac arrest in the adult population is most often the result of:
Cardiac arrhythmias
Initial assessment
- Mental status
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Priority
Scene size up
- Scene safety
- Mech of injury/nature od illness
- # of patients
- Additional help
Perspiration (sweaty)
Describe Hypoglycemia
- (insulin shock)
- Cool, Clammy skin, and rapid onset
Describe Hyperglycemia
- (Diabetic coma)
- Warm. Dry skin, and slow onset
- (sometimes occuring over a period of days)
Two indications for removing an impaled object on a patient
- The object is causing airway compromise
- When the object interferes with your ability to perform CPR
Closed head injuries can cause a variety of signs and symptoms such as:
- "Cushing's triad"
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Altered respirations (slow & irregular to rapid & deep)
A convulsion associated with a significant rise in body temperature. Most commonly occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years and are twice as common in boys as in girls
Febrile seizure
Appropriate treatment for a child following a febrile seizure
- Ensure a patent airway
- Administer oxygen
- Remove clothing
- Apply moist tepid towels (to lower body temp)
- Transport
The most common cause of cardiac arrest in children
Respiratory failure
One of the most reliable indicators of perfusion in children 6 and younger
Capillary refill
After an initial attempt to ventilate a patient fails, you reposition the patient's head and reattempt ventilation without success. You should next
Initiate airway obstruction removal techniques and provide transport
A systemic reaction following ingestion of a poison
Tachycardia and hypotension
Airway management of a patient with labored, shallow breathing should consist of
Positive pressure ventilations
Skin will become cyanotic with a decrease in the amount of
Arterial oxygen
The most reliable indicator of an underlying injury
The presence of palpable pain
Children with no fever who have a sudden onset of respiratory distress is likely the result of
Obstruction of the airway by a foreign body
The position most appropriate for a mother in labor with a prolapsed umbilical cord
Supine with hips elevated
When is it most appropriate to clamp and cut the umbilical cord
As soon as the cord stops pulsating
If a mother has a moderate amount of bleeding following delivery of a newborn, the most appropriate management includes
treating her for shock and providing immediate transport
What is a pulmonary surfactant
A lubricant that lines the alveolar walls and allows them to expand and recoil
Initial management of a patient with a suspected allergic reaction
Provide 100% oxygen
If a joint is injured how should you immbolize it
In the position it was found
Signs of cardiac compromise
- Pain in the chest or epigastric area
- Nausea
- Irregular pulse (fast or slow)
The wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart
AED's are only used on patients who are
Pulseless and apneic (not breathing)
After delivery of a shock from an AED if the patient has a return of a pulse; you should next?
Assess the airway and ventilatory status