Speech Class

    • Personal Reasons
    • Public Reasons
    • Professional Reasons
  2. What is involved in choosing a topic?
    Is it Interesting to you and the Audience?

    • Is it Appropriate to the situation and
    • the time?

    Is it manageable and worthwhile?
  3. Define Channel
    The physical medium through which communication occurs
  4. Define Decoding
    The process by which a code is translated back into ideas.
  5. Define Feedback
    Audience member responses, both verbal and nonverbal.
  6. Define Transaction
    An exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people.
  7. Define Preview
    A forecast of the main points of the speech
  8. Define Signposts
    Transitional statements that bridge main points
  9. Define Credibility
    • The degree to which the audience trusts and believes
    • in a speaker.
  10. The primary function of a speech in which the three commonly agreed upon general purposes are:
    To inform

    To persuade

    To entertain
  11. Define Specific Purpose
    Goal or Objective a speaker hopes to achieve in speaking to a particular audience.
  12. Thesis
    A single declarative sentence that focuses the audience’s attention on the central point of the speech.

    Usually stated in the introduction of the speech.
  13. Name the 4 types of Speeches
    • Extemporaneous
    • Manuscript
    • Impromptu
    • Memorized
  14. Define Extemporaneous
    A combination of careful preparation with spontaneous speaking in which the speaker generally uses brief notes
  15. Define Manuscript
    Writing out a speech completely and reading to the audience
  16. Define Impromptu
    Speaking with very little preparation; Spontaneous and unrehearsed.
  17. Define Memorized
    Speaking with no notes.
  18. What are the ways that you can begin a speech with?
    Capture the audiences attention

    Connect with the audience

    Preview your main points

    Ending a Speech with impact


    Direct appeal

  19. Aristotle's 3 types of appeals to use when


  20. Define Ethos
    The audience's perception of a speakers competence, trustworthiness, and goodwill; credibility
  21. Define Pathos
    Appealing Emotionally
  22. Define Logos
    Appealing Logically
  23. What is the SMCRE Model?
    • Source
    • Message
    • Channel
    • Receiver
    • Enviroment
  24. What is ELM?
    Elaboration Likelihood Model
  25. Define the ELM
    It's the process of when the brain processes messages through the peripheral root and the central root of the brain.
  26. "Fear or Anxiety of Communication"
    What are some causes of Fear or Anxiety?

    Environmental Reinforcers

    Learned Helplessness

    Personality Traits

  27. What is CA short for?
    Communication Apprehension
  28. What are some effects of CA?
    Lower ACT Scores

    Lower Grades

    Class Selection: Groups/Participation

    50% lower graduation
  29. What are some ways that a person can reduce the effects of CA?
    Systematic Desensitation

    Cognitive Restructuring

    Positive Visualization


    Change your Perspective/Courage

    Be Prepared
  30. What is Cognitive Reconstructing?
    Changing your negative self talk into positive self talk.
  31. What is Systematic Desensitization?
    It's a type of behavioral therapy used in the field of psychology to help effectively overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders
  32. What is Kinesics?
    The study of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc., as a means of communication.
  33. What is Ethics?
    It is a system of of principles of right and wrong.
  34. What is Ethical Relativism?
    Belief that there are no universal Principles. Truth is relative and depends on the circumstances.
  35. What is Culture Relativism?
    Criteria for ethical behavior in not necessarily applied to other cultures.
  36. What is Universalism?
    The philosophy that there are ethical standard that apply to all cultures.
  37. What is Utilitarianism?
    The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

    "Sacrifice the few for the many"
  38. What is Situational Ethics?
    Belief that ethics depend on the situation.
  39. What are Some guidelines for Public speaking?
    • Be truthful
    • Show respect for the power of words
    • Choice/Respect: "Do unto others..."
    • Cultural Diversity
    • Treat people as means not ends (Don't manipulate)
    • Provide good reasons
  40. What is Plagiarism?
    The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
  41. What needs to be done to avoid Plagiarism?
    Cite the Source.
  42. Define Goodwill
    The speaker cares about the Audiences needs and concerns.
  43. Define Trustworthiness
    The perception by the audience that they can rely on a speaker's word.
Card Set
Speech Class
Professor Hudspeth is giving a speech Midterm here's flash cards. All of the Definitions are in reference to speeches.