
  1. Diversity
  2. Discrimination
    Unfair treatment to a group of people
  3. Values
    Standard behavior
  4. Racism
    The belief that one race is superior to others
  5. Immigrants
    People who move from one country to make a home in another
  6. Justice
  7. Service Jobs
    Work that provides a service for people
  8. Freedom
    The ability to say what you want, go where you want, and choose the friends you want
  9. Census
    Offcial count of the population made every ten years
  10. Demographics
    The study of the size, growth, and distribution of human populations
  11. Prosecution
    Government body that brings a crimal charge against the accused
  12. Plaintiff
    Individual or group that brings a complaint against another party
  13. Appeal
    Request for a higher court to review a case
  14. Judicial Review
    Power of the supreme court to review a case
  15. Precedent
    Guidelines for how similar cases should be decided in the future
  16. Judicial Activism
    Effort by judges to play an active role in making policy
  17. Opinion
    Written statement explaining a decision
  18. Defendant
    Party who defends against a complaint
  19. Judicial Restraint
    Work by judges to avoid overturning laws
  20. Original Jurisdiction
    The authority to hear a case first
  21. Subpoena
    A court order to produce a witness or document
  22. Complaint
    A legal document that charges someone with having caused harm
  23. Contract
    Legal agreements between buyers and sellers
  24. Lawsuit
    Cases in which a court is asked to settle a dispute
  25. Summons
    An order to appear in court
  26. Direct Democracy
    The citizens themselves make the laws in this form of government
  27. Ratification
  28. Natural Rights
    People are born with these and no government can take them away
  29. Republic
    The citizens elect representatives to make laws in this form of government
  30. Heritage
    The tranditions passed down to us from generation to generation
  31. Legislature
    A group of people chosen to make laws
  32. Seperation of Powers
    The division of government among legislative, executive, and judicial branches
  33. Tyranny
    The abuse of power
  34. Felony
    A crime for which the penalty is imprisonment for more then one year, a fine, or both
  35. Laws
    Rules for society that are enforced by government
  36. Civil Law
    The group of lwas that help settle disagreements between people
  37. Crime
    Any behavior that is illegal
  38. Legal Code
    A written collection of laws
  39. Civil Disobedience
    Breaking a law because it goes against personal morals
  40. Common Law
    A body of law based on judges decisions
  41. Misdemeanor
    A crime for which the penalty is often a fine
  42. Freedom of Speech
    Right to express one's opinions publicly
  43. Eminent Domain
    The government can take private property for a public project
  44. Double Jeopardy
    People cannot be tried twice for the same crime
  45. Due Process
    Accused persons get fair treatment by the government
  46. Patriotism
    The demonstration of love and of devotion to one's country
  47. Money
    Anything accepted as payment for a good or service
  48. Monarchy
    A form of government in which all or most of the power is inherited by one individual
  49. Price
    The amount you must pay for a good or service in market
  50. Economy
    A system for producing and distributing goods and services to fulfill people's wants
  51. Dictatorship
    A government controlled by one person
  52. Market
    A place where people exchangee goods or services
  53. Political Socialization
    The process of learning how to behave politically
  54. Family
    Most basic social institution in any society
  55. Democracy
    A system in which the power is shared by all the people
  56. Excise Tax
    A charge on certain goods such as alcoholic beverages or tobacco
  57. Revenue
    Income to government from money collected for a variety of purposes
  58. Referendum
    An opportunity for voters to approve or reject a law
  59. Sales Tax
    Charges collected on goods and services
  60. Impeach
    Bring charges against; Accuse an official of a serious wrongdoing
  61. Burglary
    Breaking into a building to commit an illegal act
  62. Terrorism
    Use of violent acts to get something from the government
  63. Treason
    Betrayal of one's country by helping its enemy
  64. Indictment
    A formal charge against a person accused of a crime
  65. Plea Bargain
    Agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or lighter sentence
  66. Probable Cause
    A good reason to believe that a suspect has been involved in a crime
  67. Delinquent
    A youth who is found guilty of a crime
  68. Warrant
    Court-issued paper giving police permission to make an arrest, seizure, or search
  69. Bail
    Money that a defendant gives the court as a kind of promise to return for trial
  70. Parole
    Letting an inmate go free to serve the rest of his or her sentence outside of prison
  71. Constituents
    People a member of Congress represents
  72. Budget
    Plan for raising and spending money
  73. Cloture
    Agreement to end debate on a bill
  74. Filibuster
    Use of long speeches to prevent a vote on a bill
  75. Bill of Attainder
    Law that convicts a person of a crime with no trial
  76. Speaker
    Presiding officer in house of representatives
  77. Bill
    A proposed law
  78. Pocket veto
    President prevents a bill from becoming a law by keeping it for ten days while congress is in session
  79. Great Compromise
    Plan calling for two house legislature in which the house would have representatives based on state population and the senate would have two representatives for each state
  80. Federalism
    The division of power between the states and the federal government
  81. Anti-Federalists
    Opponents of the constitution
  82. Amendments
  83. Concurrent Powers
    Powers shared by the federal and state government
  84. Bicameral
    Having two houses
  85. Checks & Balances
    System that gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two
  86. Federalists
    Supporters of the constitution
  87. Reserved Powers
    Powers that the constitution neither gives to congress nor denies to the states
  88. Three 5ths Compromise
    Counted each slave as three fifths of a person when calculating a states population
  89. Quantity
    How much
  90. Mixed
    An economy that is a combination of the three basic systems
  91. Technology
    The practical application of science to commerce or industry
  92. Command
    The government of a central authority makes basic economic decisions
  93. Capitalism
    System in which individuals in a market economy are free to undertake economic activities with little or no government control
  94. Sanctions
    Measures that stop or limit trade with another nation in order to change its behavior
  95. Isolationism
    A foreign policy that seeks to limit or relations with other countries
  96. Diplomacy
    The relations and communications between nations
  97. Intelligence
    Information about another country and what it government plans to do
  98. Summit
    A meeting in which the president talks about important issues with heads of other governments
  99. Deterrence
    The act of keeping a strong defense to discourage aggression by other nations
  100. Foreign Aid
    Military and economic help to other countries
  101. Boycott
    Refusal to buy a product
  102. Sole Proprietorship
    A business owed by an individual
  103. Entrepreneur
    A person who starts a business
  104. Strike
    Stop working until employers' demands are met
  105. Marker Price
    The price at which a buyer and seller agree to trade
  106. Supply
    The amount of a product that producers are willing and able to offer at a different price
  107. Partnership
    A type of business in which two or more people share an ownership
  108. Union
    Organizations of workers formed to protect members' rights
  109. Corporation
    Business that is serarate from its owners and legally acts as a single person
  110. Collective Bargaining
    Process by which representatives of unions and businesses trying to reach agreement about wages and working conditions
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Vocab for civics final