The scanning technique that can provide detailed internal views of bodies, often used on mummies, is known as
Computerised axial tomography
A field of research that is concerned with estimates of various aspects of ancient populations, such as size, density, and growth rates, based on archaeological data, is known as
Demographic archaeology
DNA is the material that carries the hereditary instruction (the blueprint) which determines the characteristics of all living organisms. DNA is an abbreviation of
Deoxyribonucleic acid
_____________ are composed of DNA and are the basic units of inheritance.
A linguistic classification term referring to a group of language families showing sufficient similarities to suggest that they are genetically related is known as
A macrofamily
Art and literature provide evidence of human activities in the past which may not be detectable from any other source. One such activity is ______________ as seen in the various representations on Moche pottery from Peru.
Sexual behaviour
The process by which human bones fuse together is known as ____________. This fusion process is an important indicator of age.
One of the key aspects of physical anthropology is the use of human remains to assess the _____________ and _______________ of the deceased.
Age, sex
Skeletal remains can inform scientists about
All of the above
The best indicator of sex is the shape of the ___________
It is possible to estimate the height of skeletons by measuring the length of the
Long bones
The formula for obtaining a rough indication of height from the length of the long bones is called a _________________ --the metrical relationship of the bone length to full body length.
Regression equation
Scientists were asked to reconstruct the facial features of Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa, an ____________ noblewoman, from her skull, so that it could be compared to her life-size image depicted on her sarcophagus.
___________________, a technique used for surgical reconstruction, has also been used to replicate the skull of Italy's 5300-year-old Iceman.
Scientific analysis of DNA sequences may indicate the relationships between members of royal families and determine whether or not members of a dynasty practiced
The scientific name of 'Lucy,' the skeleton found at Hadar, in the Afar region of Ethiopia, is
Australopithecus afarensis
The discovery at Kebara Cave, Israel, of a 60,000-year-old __________, a small U-shaped bone which affects the position and movement of the larynx, prompted some researchers to suggest that Neanderthals were capable of speaking a language.
Evidence of scabs, viruses, and parasites can be found in the soft tissue. Which of these can not be detected there?
____________ erodes the bones of the face and the extremities in a distinctive manner.
_________________ are opaque, calcified formations on bones, a few micro-millimeters thick, that occur when growth is interrupted during childhood or adolescence because of illness or malnutrition.
Harris lines
Paleodemography is the study of __________ to estimate population parameters such as fertility rates and life expectancy.
Skeletal remains
Basques are distinctive in speaking one of the very few ______________ languages now remaining in Europe.
Rebecca Cann and colleagues claim that we are all descended from one woman, nicknamed Eve, who lived in Africa about _____________ years ago.
Supporters of the 'Out of ___________' model, maintain that other lines of fossils and nuclear DNA evidence point to ____________ as the birthplace of modern humans. [Same answer for both blanks]
Lindow Man, a well-preserved top half of a human body found in a peat bog in Cheshire, England, has been dated to ________________.
The Late Iron Age or Roman Period
The best indicators of age are teeth. True or False?
As we age, circular osteons in our bone, as revealed by microscopic analysis, become less numerous. True or False?
Arm bones were used to estimate the height of Lindow Man. True or False?
Dental anomalies can be used to assess familial relationships. True or False?
Curved finger and toe bones are direct proof of a life entirely lived in trees. True or False?
According to some scholars stone tools alone can tell us a lot about language. True or False?
A study of skeletal remains from Little Big Horn, Montana, where General Custer and his force were wiped out by the Sioux, revealed extensive use of clubs and hatchets. True or False?
Unusually low levels of lead in skeletons of white servants working for white tenant farmers suggests a sharp segregation from their employers. True or False?
A deficiency in animal fats can be detected in teeth. True or False?
Luca Cavalli-Sforza has argued that genetic change takes place much more quickly than language change. True or False?
Card Set
Quiz - Archaeology of People
From Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice (4th edition), 2006, Renfrew and Bahn, Thames & Hudson