A road or passageway that is required to ensure a meas of access and parking fire apparaus is a?
A. FD right of Way
B. Emergency services access lane
C. Fire Lane
D. Standard requirement under federal law
E. Requirement for hospital emergency room enty doors
An inspector should determine whether the ____ and ____ between fire aparatus accss roads and public roads meets fire code requirements?
A. Curb, driveway
B. Slope and angle
C. Grade, slope
D. Angle of approach, departure
E. Drainage and Degree of slope
A dead-end fire access road greater than 150 feet from a Public road must conform to one of ____ types of turn arounds.
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six
E. Saftey
Generally road markings and signs take____ general forms they are?
A. Two, painted curbs and signs
B. Three, signs, stripes, and stencils
C. Two, stripes, signs and stencils
D. Three, stripes, signs and stencils
E. Four, painted curbs, stripes, signs, and stencils
The __ having jurisdiction should specify driveway and entrance requirements into a facility. Acess requirements should be based on weight, height, length, and width of the?
A. State, fire engine
B. City ladder truck or engine
C. AHJ, largest fire apparatus
D. Fire district, largest water tender
A concern of inspector around convention centers, sports arena, and colleges is
A. Double parking in fire lanes
B. Traffic congestion when the event lets out
C. Pedestrian flow and Saftey
D.Illegal Parking
E. Overcrowding in public and private parkways
Overhead obstruction are a concern for inspetors. Overhead obstructions may prevent or limit the use of?
A. Aerial ladders
B. Ground ladders
C. Wagon Monitors
D. All the Above
E. Only A & B
All fire hydrants should be Inspected for?
A. Visibility & Access
B. Blue reflective dots
C. Location
D. Hydrant pole bands
E. All of the above
Knox-box rapid entry systems are a lock box wall mouted safe that the ?
A. Fire dept. has keys to open
B. Building owner has keys to open
C. Police dept. proides keys for
D. Building owner places keys inside
E. A & D
When inspecting exterior fire escapes, to insure that they will operate properly an inspector should look for?
A. proper operation & are rust free
B. securely mounted to structure
C. Tests and certification
D. Meet Constructed requirements, are tested and certified
E. All of the Above
Hazardous materials that are manufactured, stored, processed, or used within the AHJ are subject to regulations of the?
a. Local NFPA
b. Fire Code
c. Building Code
d. Federal emergency management district (FEMA)
e. B and C
___ is the first line of defent agains the dangers presented form hazardous matials.
a. Firefighters
b. Inspectors
c. B.& S. plan checkers
d. Zoning compliance officers
e. Building and saftey codes
which of the following is not designated by federal or state governments to be a hazardous material?
a. Explosives
b. Flammables
c. Poisons
d. Corrosives
e. None of the Above
Flammable liquids are grouped together by classification. Clas me flammable liquids are liquid having a flash point ___.
a. Above 100 degrees
b. At 100 degrees
c. Near 100 degrees
d. Below 100 degrees
e. At 212 degrees
Of the following gases which one is not considered a fuel gas?
a. LNG
b. LPG
c. CNG
d. MEP
e. all the above are considered fuel gases
Cryogenic liquids are etremely cold and dangerous maerial and can injue human tissue in all of the following ways except ?
a. Severe burns
b. Repiratory tract
c. Freeze water in the eyes
d. Freeze any moisture
e. All of the above
MSDS are detailed bulletins that describe hazardos material. what do the letters MSDS mean?
a. Materials safety data sheets
b. Manufactures saftey data sheets
c. Manufacures safety detailed sheets
d. Manufactures shipping detailed seets
e. Materials shipping data sheets
Under the UN system for identifying hazardous material the have divided all of the hazardous material into ___ separate classes.
a. Six
b. Seven
c. Eight
d. Nine
e. Eight plus ORM's (other regulated materials)
Which DOT placard uses the trefoil symbol to identify a hazard
a. Etiological agents
b. Biohazards
c. Radioactive materials
d. Hazardous materials
The emergeny response guidebook (ERG) is useful to ___ who maybe first to arrive on scene of a transortation emergency.
a. Emergency service personnel
b. Coast Guard
c. Cal Trans
d. BLM
e. Fire Inspectors
1. There are three basic classifications of fixed-site storage tanks, they are?
A. Above ground, underground, & inside
B. Gas, liquid, Granular
C. Compress gas, solid, & liquid
D. Steel, concrete, & fiberglass
E. Round, square, & rectangle
2. Radioactive material packagings are found in Title 49 CFR 143. The two categories used for shipping of radioactive material are?
A. Class 1 & 2
B. Level I & II
C. Type A & B
D. UL 1& 2
E. Class 1A & 1B
3. In regards to explosives, generally packaging consists of all of the following except.
A. Wood
B. Glass
C. Plastic
D. Fiberboard
E. Metal
4. What code contain the requirements for the storage of explosive material?
B. NFPA495
E. Both A & B
5. There are types of storage facilities or magazines for the safe keeping of explosive materials.
A. 8
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5
E. 4
6. Type__ magazines are the only permanent facility magazine which is used to store explosive material sensitive to initiation by No._ test blasting cap.
A. 7, & 7
B. 1& 8
C. 4 & 10
D 2,&5
E. 5, & 8
7. cars carry the majority of hazardous materials transported by rail
A. Hopper
B. Boxcars
C. Flatcars
D. Tank cars
E. Container cars
8. Common carriers used to transport hazardous materials via public roadways are frequently called.
A. Cargo tank trucks
B. Tank motor vehicles
C. Tank trucks
D. Cargo Tanks
E. All of the Above
9. Compressed gas cylinders must be secured to wall or other secure object with
chain around tank/s so they cannot be knocked over accidentally.
A. True
B. False
C. True only if they contain flammable gases
D. True if they contain hazardous materials
E. False, they don't need to chained if they are empty
10. Vehicles that are transporting pounds of flammable solids are required by DOT to have placards.
A. 500
B. Over 500
C. 1000
D. 1001
E. Any amount