chapter 25 urinary system.txt
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Why do we need a urinary system?
To eliminate waste products
(Nitrogenous wastes, toxins, drugs)
To maintain water and electrolyte balance
To regulate blood pressure
To control the level of red blood cells
To activate vitamin D
To control a constant level of pH
What are organs of the urinary system?
Urinary bladder
Where are the kidneys located?
Located retroperitoneally
Anchored against the dorsal body wall by a lot of adipose tissue
At the level of T12-L3
Attached to a ureter renal artery and vein and the nerves at the renal hilium
Has an adrenal gland located at the top of each kidney
Frontal section through the kidney
The kidneys contain two layers
: renal cortex and renal medulla
The renal medulla contain few pyramids
Renal pyramids lead to the minor calyx which leads to the major calyx
Major calyces collect in the renal pelvis which leads to the ureter
Nephrons: the functional unit of the kidneys
Nephrons are the functional units of the kidney where urine formation occur
Each kidney has 1 million nephrons
Blood Pathways of the nephrons
The renal artery leads to the interlobar artery to the articulate artery then to the interlobular artery
The interlular artery leads to the afferent arteriole
This in turns leads to a network of capillaries called glomerulus
Parts of the nephrons
Glomerular capsule
: receives filtrate from glomerulus
Proximal convoluted tubule
Descending loop of henle
Ascending loop of henle
Distal convoluted tuble
Glomerular filtration
Filtration is the process of the fluid leaving the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule of the nephrons
Urine formation
Three processes:
Glomerular filtration:
Movement of water ions urea glucose
amino acids from the blood to the lumen of nephron
Tubular reabsorption
The movement of substances from the nephron into the blood (water ions glucose)
Tubular secretion
Moving substances from the blood into the nephron (hydrogen ions, toxin)
Urinary bladder
A hollow distensible muscular organ
Stores urine and forces it into the urethra
Includes a triangular area called the trigone which has three openings
Has four layers
Layers of the bladder
Mucousal layer
Made of transitional epithelium
Submucousal layer:
connective tissue and elastic fibers
Muscular layer
Detrusor muscle (smooth muscle ) that is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system
Forms internal urethral sphincter that prevents the bladder from emptying
Serous layer
Parietal peritoneum and connective tissue
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chapter 25 urinary system.txt
chapter 25 urinary system
5/27/2011, 10:12:18 PM
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