Chapter 13 PNS.txt

  1. Peripheral Nervous System
    • The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves that branch from the CNS (brain and spinal cord)
    • Two major sets of nerves: cranial and spinal
    • PNS can be subdivided into somatic (control) and autonomic (no control) nervous system
    • Somatic nervous system consists of cranial nerves and spinal nerves that connect to the skin and skeletal system
    • Autonomic nervous system connect to visceral organs (heart, stomach, glands...)
  2. Cranial nerves
    • Olfactory nerve (I): sense of smell
    • Optic nerve (II): sense of vision
    • Oculomotor (III): movement of eye muscles
    • Trochlear (IV): movemetn of eye muscles
    • Trigeminal (V):
    • Sensory to face at the anterior scalp and the lacrimal glands, upper teeth, upper lip, behind the ear, and the lower lip
    • Motor to muscles for mastication and the floor of the mouth
    • Abducens (IV): motor fibers to the eye muscle
    • Facial nerve (V):
    • Sensory to taste
    • Motor to muscles of facial expression
    • Vestibulocochlear nerve(VI): sensory for balance and hearing
    • Glossopharaneal (IX):
    • Sensory to tongue and pharynx
    • Motor to pharynx and swallowing
    • Vagus nerve (X): sensory and motor to larynx, heart, and viscera
    • Accessory nerve(XI): motor to neck and upper muscles
    • Hypoglossal nerve(XII): motor fibers to tongue during chewing, speaking, and swallowing
  3. Spinal nerves
    • 31 pares of cranial nerves originate from the spinal cord
    • Mixed nerves that allow communication between the spinal cord and various parts of the body
    • 5 groups of nerves: cervical (8), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (5), coccygeal (1)
    • Spinal nerves form complex network called plexus
  4. Cervical plexuses [NECK]
    • Lie deep within the neck
    • Supply muscles and skin of the neck
    • Includes the phrenic [central respiration] nerve which innervates the diagram
  5. Brachial plexuses [ARM]
    • Located deep within the shoulder
    • Supply the skin and muscles of the arm, forearm, and the hand
  6. Lumbosacral plexuses [LEG]
    • Extend from the lumbar region of the back into the pelvic cavity
    • Supply the muscle and skin of the lower abdominal wall external genitalia, thighs, legs, and feet
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Chapter 13 PNS.txt
PNS bio