Define the OSI model.txt

  1. What layer on the OSI model is Application?
    • Layer 7
    • Responsible for network services to applications
  2. What layer on the OSI model is Presentation?
    • Layer 6
    • Transforms data formats to provide a standard interface for the Application layer
  3. What layer on the OSI model is Session?
    • Layer 5
    • Establishes, manages and teminates the connections between the local and remote application.
  4. What layer on the OSI model is Transport?
    • Layer 4
    • Provides reliable transport and flow control across a network
  5. What layer on the OSI model is Network?
    • Layer 3
    • Responsible for logical addressing and the domain of routing
  6. What layer on the OSI model is Data Link?
    • Layer 2
    • Provides phyisical addressing and media access procedures
  7. What layer on the OSI model is Physical?
    • Layer 1
    • Defines all the electrical and phyisical specifications for devices
  8. Two Mnemonics to help you remember the seven layers of the OSI?
    Some examples include: "All People Seem To Need Data Processing" and "Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away".
  9. There are 4 Layers of data communication process of TCP/IP?
    • 4.Application
    • 3.Transport
    • 2.Internet
    • 1.Network Access
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Define the OSI model.txt
7 Layers of OSI model