Consumer Attitude Formation and Change

  1. Attitude
    A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable way with respect to a given object.

    Learned predisposition, consistency, occur within a situation/influenced by situational factors, have a direction
  2. Tricomponent Attitude Model

    Cognition: Knowledge and perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with the attitude object and related information from the various sources. (takes form of beliefs/expectations)

    Affect: A consumer's feelings or emotions about a particular service/brand/product.

    • Conation: The likelihood or tendency that an individual will undertake a specific action or behave in a particular way. (intent to actually purchase)
    • Knowing, feeling, doing.
  3. Multi-Attribute Models
    Attitude-towards-Object: (product/brand/service)

    Attitude-towards-Behavior: Focuses on the consumer's attitudes about their behaviour or actions towards a brand/service.

    Attitude-towards-the-ad: After exposure to the ad, a consumer forms various Feelings (affect) + Judgements (cognitions)

    Theory-of-Reasoned-Action: Combines Tri-Component Model in a different format. There are Subjective Norms (come from relevant others).

    Theory of Planned Behaviour: Consumer behaviour is influenced by the level of perceived behavioural control experienced by each consumer.
  4. Strategies of Attitude Change

    • Value-Expressive function
    • Utilitarian function
    • Knowledge function
    • Ego-Defensive function

    • Elaboration Likelihood Model (ACP)
    • Central Route to Persuasion
    • Peripheral Route to Persuasion (without focusing on info)
  5. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
    Consumers can feel discomfort about a purchase because they have conflicting thoughts about a belief or an attitude object.
  6. Consumer and Marketing Strategies to Reduce Post Purchase Dissonance
    • Consumer:
    • Rationalise
    • Seek out ads that support their choice
    • "sell" friends on the benefits
    • look for known satisfied owners for reassurance

    • Marketers
    • Structure ads to show benefits
    • Warranties, guarantees
    • Detailed brochures
    • After sales service
  7. Attribution Theory
    Attempts to explain how people assign causality to events.
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Consumer Attitude Formation and Change
Consumer Attitude Formation and Change