
  1. 4 types of headaches and a common cause for headaches
    • Tension headaches
    • Cluster headaches
    • migraine
    • secondary headaches
    • common cause: cranial arteries
  2. Tension Headaches are:
    • Band or tightness - steady constant feeling of pressure
    • more chronic than severe
    • Probably the most common type of headache
  3. Cluster headaches
    • Severe form of vascular headache
    • unilateral - clusters of 1 to 8 daily: excruciating pain,localized to one eye and orbit and radiating to face
    • prolonged/steady lasting 30 to 90 minutes
    • crescendo to decrescendo
    • seen 5 times more frequently in men
  4. Migrainesand its 4 phases
    • A symptom complex characterized by re occurrence and period attacks of severe headaches
    • unidentified cause but the patho is a vascular disturbance
    • Phases: Prodrome, acute, headache, recovery
  5. Secondary headaches
    • A symptom associated with an organic cause
    • Brain aneurysm
    • May be symptom of: brain tumor or subarachnoid hemorrhage.
    • Stroke
    • Severe hypertension
    • Meningitis
    • Head injuries
  6. Types of stroke
    • Ischemic Stroke
    • Hemorrhagic
  7. Ischemic stroke, pathology and manifestations
    • Defined as a sudden loss of function resulting from disruption of the blood supply to a part of the brain - usually a result to long-standing cerebral vascular disease
    • Patho: Th disruption of blood flow to the brain is caused by an obstruction of the blood vessel
    • Manifestations: numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
  8. Hemorrhagic Stroke causes, patho, and manifestations, and how can it be diagnosed?
    • caused by intercranial or subarachnoid hemorrhage from intercranial aneurysm
    • more deficits and longer recovery time than with ischemic strokes
    • patho: bleeding into the brain
    • - 80% are caused by uncontrolled hypertension; spontaneous rupture of small blood vessels
    • - other causes are arteriovenous malformations, intracanial aneurysms or certain medications (anticoagulants and amphetamines)
    • Manifestations: wide variety of neurologic deficits similar to an ischemic stroke
    • Diagnosed through CT scan
Card Set
Basic Patient Care Stroke