Body Defenses

  1. How does the immune system protect the body?
    Protects the body by recognizing harmful substances known as antigens
  2. Antigens are (List 6):
    • Viruses
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Toxins
    • Chemicals
    • Foreign Particles
  3. The Immune Response consists of:
    • Recognition
    • Proliferation
    • Response
    • Effector
  4. 2 types of immunities are:
    • Natural: Passive, Innate
    • Acquired: Adaptive
  5. What is a immunodeficiency?
    Disorders clinically a result of impaired function of one or more components of the immune system or the inflammatory response.
  6. Clinical hallmark for immunodeficiencies in children and adults.
    • Children: 6 to 12 infections per year
    • Adults: 2 to 4 infections per year
    • Congenital: Always genetic
    • Acquired: Nutritional, Iatrogenic, Caused by trauma (AIDS), Caused by stress
  7. What does a nurses assessment include?
    Health history, disorders and diseases, medications/blood transfusions, lifestyle and other factors, physical examination.
  8. Disorders and diseases during a nurse's assessment should include:
    • Autoimmune disorders
    • Neoplastic disease
  9. Physical Examinations during the Nurse's Assessment should include:
    • Skin and Mucous Membranes
    • Chronic Illness and Surgery
    • Special Problems
    • Lymph Nodes
    • Joints
  10. Name 7 Diagnostic Evaluation tests:
    • Leukocytes and Lymphocyte Tests
    • Humoral and Cellular Immunity Tests
    • Phagocytic Cell Function Tests
    • Complement Component Tests
    • Hypersensitivity Tests
    • Specific Antigen-antibody Tests
    • HIV Infection Tests
  11. 2 types of Inflammation are:
    • Acute Inflammation
    • Chronic Inflammation
  12. Symptoms of Inflammation
    • Redness
    • Swelling
    • Heat
    • Pain
    • Loss of function
  13. What causes inflammation?
    • Infection
    • Injury
    • Foreign Bodies
  14. 3 possible outcomes to inflammation are:
    • Elimination of the stimulus
    • Arrest of the disease
    • Progression of the disease.
  15. What happens when the body's defense system does not response appropriately?
    When the immune system does harm to the body by way of an exaggerated immune response, it leads to inflammation and tissue injury.
  16. Hypersensitivities include 2 types:
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • Allergies
  17. Autoimmune disease is:
    when the body's immune system begins to recognize self antigens as foreign.
  18. 3 facts about latex allergies:
    • 1. 10-17% of health care workers
    • 2. 1-3% of general population
    • 3. Types of exposure: cutaneous, mucous membranes, inhalation, internal tissue, intravascular routes.
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Body Defenses
Basic patient care body defenses