TCM Pathogenesis

  1. Yang Pathogen
    Apt to Attack and invade the Upper Part of the body
    Migration - wandering
    Change - disease is sudden and disease liable to change rapidly
    Leading Pathogen, Apt to cause disease in combination with others Pathogenic factors
    Apt to Move - abnormal movements or rigidity occurs in the body and limbs
  2. Yin Pathogen
    Tends to impair Yang Qi
    Coagulative - causes constriction
  3. Yang Pathogen, scorching in nature
    Apt to impair body fluid and to exhaust Qi
    Usually accompanied by Dampness
  4. Yin Pathogen, tending to obstruct the functional activities of Qi and impair Spleen Yang
    Heavy and turbid in nature
    Heavy - heaviness of the body and head
    Turbid - refers to secretion and excretion - eye secretions, mucus stools with pus and blood, turbid urine, yellow and white leukorrhea, turbid nasal discharge
    Viscous and lingering
    Tending to go downward, apt to attack the lower part of the body
  5. Tending to impair the body fluid
    Tending to impair the Lung
  6. Yang Pathogen, tending to flare up
    Tending to consume Qi and impair body fluid
    Tending to promote production of Liver wind and accelerate circulation of blood (internal wind)
    Accumulation liable to cause painful swelling on the body surface
  7. Anger damages ___________
    Anger causes Qi to rise
  8. Fear damages the ___________
    Fear causes the Qi to descend
  9. Fright damages the ___________
    Fright causes derangement of Qi
  10. Joy damages the ___________
    Joy causes Qi to slacken
  11. Thought damages the ___________
    Thought causes Qi to bind
  12. Worry damages the ___________
    Worry causes Qi depression
  13. Sorrow damages the ___________
    Sorrow causes Qi dispersing
  14. Leads to Qi and Blood deficiency
    Due to the deficiency of Qi and Blood, the patient may be susceptible to other diseases
    Excessive Hunger
  15. Stomach inability to digest or absorb
    Spleen's inability to transform and transport
    Leading to retention of food and water
  16. impair the Spleen and Stomach Yang Qi leading to internal cold - dampness
    The effects of overconsumption of cold or cool natured food
  17. retention of Stomach heat leading to thirst
    The effects of overconsumption of hot and spicy natured food
  18. internal dampness
    internal heat
    retention of damp-heat
    The effects of overconsumption of alcohol
  19. Qi: tiredness, shortness of breath, reduced appetite, loose stools, and mental fatigue
    The effects of physical overstrain
  20. Spleen Qi deficiency: reduced appetite, loose stools, abdominal distention

    Heat Qi/Blood deficiency: pale complexion, palpitation, shortness of breath, dream disturbed sleep, insomnia, poor memory

    Liver Blood deficiency: dizziness, blurred vision
    The effects of Mental Overstrain
  21. exhausts or impairs Kidney Essence: dizziness, tinnitus, back pain, weak knees, reduced sexual function
    the effects of sexual overstrain
  22. Slow down the circulation of Qi and Blood: may decline the Stomach and Spleen function: reduce the production of Qi and Blood

    Manifests as loss of appetite, obesity, shortness of breath

    More susceptible to other diseases
    effect of Excess Rest
  23. What does Physical injuries and Trauma cause?
    Qi/Blood Stasis = Pain
  24. What is the difference between stagnation and stasis?
    • Stagnation: slow or impeded movement
    • Stasis: no movement
  25. What are the causes of Blood Stasis?
    • Qi Def - not pushing enough
    • Qi Stagnation - not pushing
    • Pathogenic Cold - constriction
    • Pathogenic Heat - consumption of Qi and Body Fluid
    • Traumatic Injury - cut off of flow
  26. What happens when Anitpathogenic Factor = Pathogenic Factor?
    Conflict or Struggle to go one way
  27. What happens when Anitpathogenic Factor > Pathogenic Factor?
    No Disease
  28. What happens when Antipathogenic Factor < Pathogenic Factor?
  29. What is the meaning of "Deficient Cold"?
    Yang Deficiency (or Empty-Cold)
  30. What is the meaning of "Deficient Heat"?
    Yin Deficiency (or Empty Heat)
  31. In cases of Excess Cold Syndromes, How is pain like?
    • Worse on pressure (tonification)
    • Relief by Warmth
  32. In cases of Deficient Cold Syndromes, How is pain like?
    Relief with Pressure (tonificaiton) and Warmth
  33. What is tongue coating representative of?
  34. What are signs of the tongue in Excess Heat Syndromes?
    Coating Thickness?
    Coating Color?
    Body Color?
    • Thick Coating (Excess of Coating)
    • Yellow Coating (Sign of Heat)
    • Red Body (Sign of Heat)
  35. What are signs of the tongue in Excess Cold Syndromes?
    Coating Thickness?
    Coating Color?
    Body Color?
    • Thick Coating (Excess of Coating)
    • White Coating (Sign of Cold)
    • Pale Body (Sign of Cold)
  36. What are signs of the tongue in Deficient Heat Syndromes?
    Coating Thickness?
    Coating Color?
    Body Color?
    • Thin or Less or No Coating (Deficiency of Coating)
    • Yellow Coating (Sign of Heat)
    • Red Body (Sign of Heat)
  37. What are signs of the tongue in Deficient Cold Syndromes?
    Coating Thickness?
    Coating Color?
    Body Color?
    • Thin or Less or No Coating (Deficiency of Coating)
    • White Coating (Sign of Cold)
    • Pale Body (Sign of Cold)
  38. How might pulse feel like in an Excess Cold Syndrome?
    • Rate: Slow (Cold, Constricting)
    • Width: Full (Excess)
    • Strength: Forceful (Excess)
  39. How might pulse feel like in an Excess Heat Syndrome?
    • Rate: Rapid (Heat)
    • Width: Full (Excess)
    • Strength: Forceful (Excess)
  40. How might pulse feel like in a Deficient Cold Syndrome?
    • Rate: Slow (Cold, Constricting)
    • Width: Thin or Thready or Fine (Deficiency)
    • Strength: Weak (Deficiency)
  41. How might pulse feel like in a Deficient Heat Syndrome?
    • Rate: Rapid (Heat)
    • Width: Thin or Thready or Fine (Deficiency)
    • Strength: Weak (Deficiency)
  42. Please draw the Qi Dynamic Chart
  43. What is Wiry Pulse indicative of?
    Qi Stagnation
  44. What is Slippery Pulse indicative of?
  45. What is Blood Stasis indicative of?
    Choppy Pulse (the inverse is not true)
  46. Obstruction
    Cause "hundred disease"
    Long duration of disease
    Tend to disturb the Shen
    Thick-greasy Tongue coating & Sloippery Pulses
    characteristics of Water, Dampness, and Fluid when they cause disease
  47. Insufficient Formation - cold impair Spleen T/T
    Excessive Consumption - Heat, misused diuresis
    Excessive Excretion - profuse sweating, urination, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhage
    the pathogenesis of Body Fluid
  48. What is the relationship between Qi and Yang? Blood and Yin?
    • Qi and Yang represent warming and promoting function of organ
    • Blood and Yin represent the nourishment of internal organs, calming the mind and emotions
  49. palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, tiredness, feeble voice, unable to speak, unable to warm body & blood stagnation
    Disorder of Heart Yang and Heart Qi
  50. malar flush, 5-palm heat, night sweating, palpitation, insomnia, poor memory, Empty blood vessels, coagulation of Blood
    Disoder of Heart Yin and Heart Blood
  51. cough, asthma, no sweating, obstruction of water passages & accumulation of phlegm, overflow of fluid - edema, spontaneous sweating
    Disorder of Lung Qi
  52. dryness of LU system, produce empty-heat
    Disorder of Lung Yin
  53. cold limbs, diarrhea with undigested food, edema
    Disorder of Spleen Yang and Qi
  54. pain or distention in the right hypochondrium & fullness of both hypochondria, distention or pain in: breast, lower abdomen, testis, irregular menstruation, headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, cough with blood, nosebleed, vomit with blood
    Disorder of Liver Qi and Yang
  55. malnourishment of tendons, eyes, dryness and internal Wind (itching, spasms), lower back pain, nocturnal emission, headache, dizziness, red face, red eyes, trembling / spasms / convulsions
    Disorder of Liver Blood and Yin
  56. What is the difference of Kidney Essence and Kidney Qi?
    • Essence refers to development
    • Qi refers to Physiology
  57. soreness / weak back, seminal emission, prolapse of uterus, miscarriage, habitual abortion, cough, shortness of breath, asthma, urination problems, diarrhea
    Disorder of Kidney Qi
  58. malnourishment of lumbar region & bones, fails to
    nourish the ears & eyes, empty bone and insufficient marrow, generate empty-heat, inability to warm Qi, Blood & body, declining Ming Men fire (impotence, leukorrhea, infertility), failure of Qi Hua Function (urination problems, edema, diarrhea)
    Disorder of Kidney Yin and Yang
  59. What is the physiological function of the Heart?
    Sensory Organ?
    Body Tissue?
    • Governs Blood & Houses the Mind
    • Sense - Tongue
    • Body Tissue - Blood Vessels
    • Manifestation - Complexion
  60. What is the physiological function of the Lung?
    Sensory Organ?
    Body Tissue?
    • Governs Qi & Respiration, D/D Function, Regulate water passage, Controls the Vessels
    • Sense - Nose
    • Body Tissue - Skin
    • Manifestation - Body Hair
  61. What is the physiological function of the Spleen?
    Sensory Organ?
    Body Tissue?
    • T/T
    • Controls Blood
    • Sense - Mouth
    • Body Tissue - Muscle
    • Manifestation - Lips
  62. What is the physiological function of the Liver?
    Sensory Organ?
    Body Tissue?
    • Stores Blood, Ensure smooth flow of Qi
    • Sense - Eyes
    • Body Tissue - Sinew / Tendon
    • Manifestation - Nails
  63. What is the physiological function of the Kidney?
    Sensory Organ?
    Body Tissue?
    • Stores Essence, governs birth, growth, reproduction, development
    • Sense - Ears
    • Body Tissue - Bone
    • Manifestation - Head Hair
  64. What is the physiological function of the Stomach?
    • Receive, digest, and transform food and water
    • Send digested food down to next area
  65. What is the physiological function of the Small Intestine?
    • Receiving, transforming, and absorbing food from stomach
    • Separating Clear from Turbid
  66. What is the physiological function of the Large Intestine?
    Passing and eliminating waste
  67. What is the physiological function of the Gallbladder?
    • Storing and excreting bile
    • Controls Judgement
  68. What is the physiological function of the Urinary Bladder?
    Storing and excreting urine
  69. What is the physiological function of the San Jiao?
    • Control the activities of Qi of the human body
    • Passage through which water, food & fluid are transported
  70. intense epigastrium pain, pain with pressure relief with warmth, aversion to cold, vomiting with clear fluid, no desire to eat, nausea, vomiting
    Disorder of Stomach with Cold Retention
  71. burning sensation and pain in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, belching, sour regurgitation, constant hunger, thirst, constipation, insomnia
    Disorder of Stomach with Heat Retention
  72. sharp, fixed pain in the epigastrium, pain worse after eating, pain on pressure and warmth, vomiting dark blood, bloody stools
    Disorder of Stagnation of Blood in the Stomach
  73. no appetite, red tongue with coating shining like a mirror, distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, hiccups, thirst, dryness of the mouth and throat, constipation
    Disorder of Stomach Yin Deficiency
  74. abdominal distention, diarrhea containing undigested food, abdominal pain, abundant urination,
    Disorder of Deficiency Cold of the Small Intestine
  75. painful urination, scanty dark urine, possibly bloody urine, mental restlessness, tongue ulcers, thirst, insomnia
    Disorder of Excessive Heat of the Small Intestine
  76. abdominal pain, urgency of defecation, diarrhea, or dysentery, with mucus and blood in stools,
    offensive odor of stools, burning in anus
    Disorder of Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
  77. constipation (esp. chronic type), abdominal pain, high fever, great thirst, profuse sweating, irritable, Big Pulse (rapid & forceful)
    Disorder of Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
  78. inability to make decisions, hesitation, fear, restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, and fright, hypochondriac pain, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, thirst without desire to drink, distention and pain and
    swollen scrotum, turbid vaginal discharge, dark yellow urine, thick sticky yellow coating, slippery and wiry pulse
    Disorder of Gallbladder
  79. frequent pale abundant urination, incontinence (trouble holding it), enuresis (bed-wetting), frequent and urgent urination, burning urination, or blood in the urine, sand urine (stones)
    Disorder of Urinary Bladder
  80. LU failing to regulate water passages
    SP failing to T/T
    KI & BL failing to send up fluids
    SI & LI fail to transmit and absorb
    LR & GB fail to discharge and disperse
    Disorder of San Jiao
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TCM Pathogenesis