Popular name for pharangeal tonsil located in the nasopharynx
Substance produced in response to a specific antigen; immuoglobulin
Foreign substance that produce an immune response
Serum containing antibodies that may be given to provide passive immunity; immune system
Agranular white blood cell that gives rise to antibod- producing plasma cells in response to an antigen
B cell
Milky- appearance fluid absorbed into the lymphatic system from the small intestine. It consists of lymph and droplets of digested fat
Group of blood proteins that help antibodies to destroy foreign cells
Protein fraction in the blood plasma that contains antibodies
gamma globulin
Power of an individual to resist over come the effects of a particular disease or other harmful agent
Use of a vaccine to produce immunity
Response of tissues to injury; characterized by heat, redness, swelling and pain
Group of substabces released from virus-infected cells that prevent spread of infection to other cells; also nonspecifically boost the immune system
Fluid in the lymphatic system
Vessel of the lymphatic system
lymphatic duct
Agranular white blood cell that functions in the immunity
Mass of lymphoid tissue along the path of a lymphatic vessel that filters lymph and harbors white blood cells active in the immunity
lymph node
Large phagocytic cell that developes from monocyte; presents antigen to lymphocytes in immune response
Cell derived from a B cell that produces antibodies
plasma cell
Lymphoid organ in the upper left region of the abdomen
Lymphocytes active in immunity that matures in the thymus gland; destroys foreign cells directly
T cell
Endocrine gland in the upper portion of the chest; stimulates development of T cells
Mass of lymphoid tissue in the region of the pharynx
Substance used to produce active immunity; usually, a suspension of attenuated or killed pathogens or some component of a pathogen given by inoculation to prevent a specific disease