Marketing Research Process:
Defining the problem
allows the researcher to focus on securing the exact information needed for the solution
Marketing Research Process:
Conduct exploratory research
seeks to discover the cause of a specific problem by discussing the problem with informed sources both within and outside the firm.
Marketing Research Process:
formulating a hypothesis
a tentative explanation for some specific event.
Marketing Research Process:
creating a research design
research layout for data collection
Marketing Research Process:
collecting data
Methods for collecting data:
observation method
researchers view the overt actions of the subjects
Methods for collecting data:
survey method
ask qustions to get info on attitudes, motives and opinions. interviews or questionnaires.
Methods for collecting data:
experimental method
- conduct actual test of the situation.
- test marketing
Methods for collecting data:
selecting survey respondents or research participants.
- every want-satisfying attribute a consumer receives in making an exchange.
- the actual physical product and all the peripheral factos that contribute to a consumer's satisfaction.
- goods, services or a combination of the two!
*Total Product definition includes
- brand
- package and label
- guarantee/warranty
- services such as delivery, installation and credit
- speacial features of product
- physical attributes
- safety products
- prestige and image of product
- other intangible benefits
industrial goods
products meant for use in producing other products
consumer goods
goods destined to be used ultimately by the consumer.
Convenience goods
products consumers need but are nto willing to spend much time or effort for.
Convenience goods
staple goods
products bought routinely
Convenience goods
impulse goods
unplanned purchases
Convenience goods
emergency goods
products bought when there is an urgent need.
shopping goods
those products that a customer feels are woth the time and effort to compare with cometing products
shopping goods
homogeneous shopping goods
goods that consumer s see similar. typically bought for the price
shopping goods
heterogeneous shopping goods
goods consumers view different. usually bought for quality
specialty goods
goods the consumer really wants and is willing to make a special effort to find.
unsought goods
goods the consumer either does not know about ot knows about but does not have an interest in buying
unsought goods
mew unsought goods
new product with special features that consumers don't know about
unsought goods
regularly unsought goods
- products consumers don't about buying until the need comes up.
- life insurance, enclyclopedia, coffins...
*Product Positioning
the place a product occupies in the consumer's mind relative to competitors offerings.
*Product Positioning
by specific product features
(most common) comparing your products features to the competition
*Product Positioning
by benefits, problems solutions or needs
based on consumer needs
*Product Positioning
for specific usage occasions
maing product for specific ocassions
*Product Positioning
for user category
making a product specifically for a target market. breaking it down by sex, age...
*Product Positioning
against another product
against top competitor
*Product Positioning
product class disassociation
disassociating the product from the competition or similar products
the name, term, symbol, design or combination of these that identifies a product
- brand name-world letter or group of words or letters.
- trademark-only thsoe words or symbols are legally registered for use by a single company.
why are brands useful?
- make shopping more efficient
- assures regular satisfaction
- may satisfy status need
- enables comany to sell more at a possible higher price
packaging provides two main functions
Product Life Cycle
- reminds marketers that al products have a limited life
- gives marketers an indication of what to expect in the future
- gives marketers strategies to follow once the product enters a stage
problems with PLC
- not all products follow a predictable PLC
- the length of each stage can vary widely
- difficult to tell when one stage ends and another begins
- product definition for PLD
Why is PLC becoming shorter?
- accelerating pace of technological change
- unlimited innovational opportunities
- high research and development budgets
*Why is PLC becoming shorter?
Planned Obsolescence
- Style-change of style or trend by company
- material- companies using bad materials that aren't durable
- functional-not releasing all new technology at once
Diffusion Process
- the manner in which product ideas that are perceived as new are communicated within a social system
- innovators
- early adopters
- early majorty
- late majorty
- laggards