COM 110

  1. debilitative emotions
    emotions that prevent a person from functioning effectively
  2. emotional contagion
    the process by which emotions are transferred from one person to another
  3. facilitative emotions
    emotions that contribute to effective functioning
  4. Fallacy of approval
    the irrational belief that it is vital to win the approval of virtually every person a communicator deals with.
  5. Fallacy of catastrophic expectations
    the irrational belief that the worst possible outcome will probably occur
  6. Fallacy of causation
    the irrational belief that emotions are caused by others and not by the person who has them
  7. Fallacy of helplessness
    the irrational belief that satisfaction in life is determined by forces beyond one's control
  8. Fallacy of overgeneralization
    irrational beliefs in which 1) Conclusions (usually negative) are based on limited evidence, or 2) communicators exaggerate their shortcomings.
  9. Fallacy of perfection
    the irrational belief that a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle every situation with complete confidence and skill
  10. Fallacy of shoulds
    the irrational belief that people should behave in the most desireable way
  11. rumination
    dwelling persistently on negative thoughts that in turn intensify negative feelings
  12. self-talk
    the non-vocal process of thinking. On some level, self-talk occurs as a person interprets another's behavior
Card Set
COM 110
Key Terms