a type of odd or eccentric behavior
-tense, guarded, suspicious, holds grudges
a type of odd or eccentric behavior
-socially isolated with restircted emotional response
a type of odd or eccentric behavior
-perculiarities of thought, appearance, and behavior that are disconcerting to others; emotionally detached and isolated
a type of dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior
-seductive behavior; needs immediate gratification and constant reassurance; rapidly changing moods; shallow emotions
a type of dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior
-self-absorbed; expects special treatment and adulation; envious of attention of others
a type of dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior
-cannot stand to be alone; intense, unstable moods and personal relationships; chronic anger; drug and alcohol abuse
a type of dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior
-manipulative, exploitive; dishonest; disloyal; lacking in guilt; habitually breaks social rules; childhood history of such behavior often in trouble with the law
a type of anxious or fearful behavior
-easily hurt and embarassed; few close friends; sticks to routines to avoid new and possibly stressful experiences
a type of ancious or fearful behavior
-wants others to make decisions, needs constant advice and reassurance; fears being abandoned
a type of ancious or fearful behavior
-perfectionisticic; overconscientious; indecisisive; preoccupied with details; stiff; unable to express affection