Dead layer of integument is called? Living? And its origin?
Made of?
Consists of?
- Stratum corneum (ecto); Stratum germinativum (meso)
- Keratin
- Shedding scales, claws, hooves, nails, layer outside horn, ballen, beaks cover, feathers, hair
Name some glands (6)
- Mucous
- Granular
- Avian or uropygial
- Sebaceous
- Sweat or sudoriferous
- Mammary
Examples of dermal bones, and orgin?
- shark scales, pushed out of epidermis
- antlers andd horns
- armadillo
- turtle
- teeth and scales are derivative...
- mesenchyme origin
Name the types of scales and key characteristics.
- Cosmoid: cosmine enamel, bone, pulp
- Ganoid: ganoin enamel, lamellar or vascular bone, pulp
- Placoid: enamel, dermal derivatives, dentine, goes thru epidermis, eg dogfish
- Cycloid (round): dermal bone, thin epidermal cover
- Ctenoid (comb): same as above
Teeth, 3 main components
- enamel [epi] (hardest) ; eg ganoin
- dentin [dermal + neural crest] (harder "bone") ; eg cosmine
- pump cavity (contaisn blood vessels and nerves)\
- Dermal bone origin...
Name 3 types of teeth attachment/insertion.
- Acrodont (end)
- Pleurodont (side)
- Thecodont (cup)
Teeth shape (2)
- Homodont / isodont
- Heterodont ; eg mammals
3 parts of the skull and origins
- Neurocranium or chondrocranium: neural crests + mesenchymes
- Splanchnocranium: dermatome (epimere mesoderm)
- Dermatocranium: neural crest
Temporal Fossae
- space for jaw muscle expansion
- attachment
- Anapsid (fish)
- Diapsid (rep, birds)
- Synasid (mammals)
- Parasid or euryapsid (extinct
- Otic notch (turles)
Splanchnocranium archs
- Mandibular = platoquadrate, meckel's cart
- Hyoid = hyomandibular, ceatohyal, basihyal
- Gill = pharyngobrachial, epibranchial, ceratobranchial, hypobranchial. basibranchial
Jaw suspension (7)
- paleopstyly (agnathans, ostracoderms = jawless)
- uutostyly (placoderm, ratfish)
- amphistyly (primitive fish, 6 gilled sharks)
- hyostyly (swining jaws)
- modified hyostyly (most fish) (sympletic)
- metautostyly (amphibians, rep, birds)
- craniostyly = dentary, squamosal
- agnathans ostracoderms
- jawless
- hyoid arch with girll arch
- placoderms, ratfish
- hyoid arch gives no support
- platoquadrate, meckel's cart = mandibular
- primitive fish, 6 gilled sharks
- double suspension
- hyomandibular stabilizes posterior end of jaws
- some fish
- swinging jaw
- to poen wider and striking purpose
- retracted to swim
- hyomandibular = ear
modified hyostyly
- telost fish
- sympletic bone
- hyomandibular = ear
- squamosal ; upper
- dentary ; lower
- hyomandibular = stapes
- articular = malleus
- quadrate = incus
- amphibians, reptiles, birds
- uppder suspense lower
- quadrate
- (hyomandibular) columella = ear
- articular
- dentary