Spinal Nerves
- Spinal nerve roots , becomes plexus network
- 31 pairs
- bilateral nerves
- mixed nerves (sensory & motor)
- asending and desending
- divide and turn into small branches
- cross eyes
- muscles dont cooridinate
- eyes drift
Outter or External Ear
- arical
- auditory meatus
- tymapnic membrane
- ear drum
Middle Ear
- 3 bones (ossicles)
- They transmit sound waves from drum to inner ear
Inner Ear
- cochlea lined with hair cells
- filled with fluid
- transmitts to auditory nerve
- goes to primary auditory area in cerebral cortex
Ringing in the ears
- Fight or Flight system
- BP, Heart rate , pulse , respiration, & senses increase
body returning to normal resting state
Cervical Plexus
- C1-C4
- Neck and shoulder
- nerve supply
- referred pain
Choroid (eye)
- Middle Layer
- Provides nourishment
- pupil , iris , lens (biconvex)
Extension Neuralgia
referred pain
Brachial Plexus
- C5-T1
- Armpit (axillary)
- radial
- median
- musculotaneas nerves
Lumbar Plexus
- T12-L4
- Femoral nerve (thigh muscle)
- Obturator never (groin and inner thigh)
Cornea (eye)
- window of the eye
- layers , transparent
- lets light in
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Affects the median nerve
- pinched nerve
- over use injury
- first phase sensory
- second phase motor
Sclera (eye)
- Outter layer
- white of eye
- fiberous, tough capsule
- Shape , protects structures within orbit (eye socket)
- 5 Crainal bones
- extrinsic muscles of the eye tie it to the orbit (smiskel)
- Pink Eye
- bacterial infection
- highly contagious
- irregular curve of the cornea or lens
- blurred vision
Retina (eye)
- Inner most layer of eye
- rod/cones
- cells are photo receptors
- *cones=bright lights, color vision
- *rods=dim light
- Neuritis turns into neuraliga
- rash (h.zoster)
- oppertunstic infection
- Leading cause of blindness
- atrophy
- pressure behind eye (optic nerve)
- Prevents blood flow (ischemia)
- Edema>ischemia>atrophy>neckosis
- Eye becomes cloudy
- gradual loss in vision
- happens in old age
- lens loses elasticity
- loses focus
- Farsightedness
- Cant see close up
- must be moved further away
- Nearsightedness
- Objects must be close up to see
- cant see far away
Sacral Plexus
- L4-S2
- Sciatic is largest nerve in the body
- Lateral
- Butt, side of thigh & calf
- tibeal nerve
Tingeling and weakness
increased pain sensory
decreased sensory
- Peripheral nervous system
- 3 Parts
Otitis Media
- infection in the ear
- common in children
- middle ear
- tubes may be used to drain fluid
Inflammation of nerves
neritis of the sciatic nerves
Cranial Nerves
- Brain & brain stem
- 12 pair
- go to head, neck , and face
- mixed (sensory & motor)
Autonomic Nervous System
regulating NS