MA 203 A & P

  1. Terminology
    • nulli = none, gravida = pregnant
    • nulli = none, para = bring forth (never borne viable child)
    • primi = 1st, gravida = pregnancy
  2. Ovulation
    • Release of mature egg from follicle on surface of ovary
    • After ovum released, ruptured follicle enlarges, becomes corpus luteum
  3. Corpus Luteum
    • Secretes progesterone
    • Maintain growth of lining
    • No fertilization = corpus dies, lining sloughs
  4. Conception
    • Sperm penetrates ovum
    • Becomes zygote
  5. Embryo
    Conception to 8 weeks
  6. Fetus
    9 weeks to birth
  7. Placenta
    • Temp organ, allow nutrient exchange, no blood exchange
    • Chorion = outer membrane, encloses embryo, forms placenta
    • Amniotic Sac = innermost membrane, surrounds embryo, bag of water
    • Amniotic Cavity = fluid filled space between embryo and sac
    • Amniotic Fluid = protects fetus
  8. Gestation
    • 280 days
    • 40 weeks
    • 3 trimester (13 weeks each)
  9. Gestation Calculation
    • Nagele's Rule
    • 1st of last cycle
    • subtract 3 months
    • add 7 days
    • add 1 year
  10. Quickening
    1st movement of fetus
  11. Antepartum
    • Final stage
    • Just before labor
  12. Labor & Delivery Stages
    • 1st Stage = dilation, rupture sac
    • 2nd Stage = delivery
    • 3rd Stage = deliver placenta
  13. Puerperium
    • Time from placenta delivery to 6 weeks
    • Non-pregnant state
  14. Lochia
    Postpartum vaginal discharge
  15. Involution
    Return to normal size (uterus)
  16. Apgar Test
    • Heart Rate
    • Respiratory Effort
    • Muscle Tone
    • Response Stimulation
    • Skin Color
  17. Abruptio Placentae
    Placenta separates from uterine wall
  18. Placenta Previa
    Placenta on lower portion of uterus
  19. Premature
    Before 37 weeks
  20. Episiorrhaphy
    Surgical suturing / repair episiotomy
  21. IUD
    • 5yr = Mirena (hormones)
    • 10yr = Paraguard (no hormones)
  22. Alpha-Fetoprotein Test
    • Detects birth defects
    • Blood draw at 16 weeks
  23. Pediculosis Pubis
Card Set
MA 203 A & P
Chapter 11 Unit 13