VLI Intensive Lecture 8 – Restoration Literature – Daniel

  1. Which settings are most receptive to apocalyptic literature?
    Apocalyptic literature is popular during times of distress and need. People are eager to hear that, in the end, it will turn out good for them. While under oppression and traumatic change.
  2. List (in 1 long phrase each) five (of seven) characteristics of apocalyptic literature (see chart in section 51):
    • Pessimistic regarding the present
    • Sees God as absent in the present
    • At the end of time, God will have the last word
    • Pessimistic about ordinary believers (as dumb and gullible)
    • Special elite are privy to God’s secrets
    • Secrets are coded in colors, numbers and patterns that the special elite know.
    • The means of revelation are dreams and visions
  3. List (in 1 long phrase each) five (of seven) characteristics of biblical eschatology (see chart in section 51):
    • Sees the downward trend of the world
    • God is active in the present. God is now guiding history towards his intended conclusion
    • Has a higher view of the ordinary believer than apocalyptic literature.
    • God’s secrets are available to all the faithful
    • No special knowledge is needed to interpret God’s secrets
    • Language is often image-laden
    • The means of revelation are speech, as well as dreams and visions
  4. What is this a key theme of? God’s reign- God is the king of the world
    One of the key themes/lessons of Daniel
  5. What is this a key theme of? God’s will cannot be thwarted
    One of the key themes/lessons of Daniel
  6. What is this a part of? You can be separate people from their conquerors.
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  7. What is this a part of? You can be inspired and know God’s heart.
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  8. What is this a part of? You can be courageous in not worshipping idols (ch 3- the fiery furnace)
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  9. What is this a part of? God can be trusted- God rules the “Nebuchadnezzars” of the world (chs 4-5)
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  10. What is this a part of? God will close the books- he holds and will balance the scales
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  11. What is this a part of? God can be trusted when faced with intimidation to not be exclusive in worshipping God alone (ch 6- Daniel in the lion’s den)
    One of the six encouragements Daniel gives to the exiles by selecting and recounting his experiences
  12. List (in 1 sentence each) the two purposes of biblical predictive prophecy and describe (in 1 sentence) what its purpose is not.
    • To encourage our faith by our knowing that the future is in God’s control.
    • To confirm our faith by demonstrating that God is in control when the prophet’s prediction comes true.
    • The purpose of Biblical prophecy is not to provide us a timetable so that we can confirm our destiny or to get intellectual control of the future.
  13. What are the four kingdoms whose rises were predicted by Daniel (see sect 56)?
    • Babylon (2:38)
    • Medo- Persia (8:20)
    • Greece (8:21)
    • Rome
    • God’s Kingdom
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VLI Intensive Lecture 8 – Restoration Literature – Daniel
Lecture 8 – Restoration Literature – Daniel VLI Intensive