Common Medical Abbreviations

  1. A
  2. a
  3. ABI
    acquired brain injury
  4. afib
    atrial fibrillation
  5. A-line
    arterial line
  6. A-V
  7. AAA
    abdominal aortic aneurysm
  8. AAL
    anterior axillary line
  9. AAROM
    active assistive range of motion
  10. Abd
  11. ABG
    arterial blood gases
  12. ACL
    anterior cruciate ligament
  13. Add
  14. ADL
    activities of daily living
  15. AFO
    ankle foot orthosis
  16. ALS
    amotophic lateral sclerosis
  17. AMA
    against medical advice
  18. amb
  19. ANS
    aoutonomic nervous system
  20. AP
    anterior posterior
  21. ARD
    adult respiratory distress
  22. ARDS
    adult respiratory distress syndrome
  23. ARF
    acute renal failure
  24. AROM
    active range of motion
  25. ASAP
    as soon as possible
  26. ASCVD
    asteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  27. ASHD
    arteriosclerotic heart disease
  28. AVM
    arteriovenous malformation
  29. AVN
    avascular necrosis
  30. AVR
    aortic valve replacement
  31. AVS
    arteriovenous shunt
  32. B
  33. BBB
    bundle branch block
  34. BBFA
    both bone forearm (fracture)
  35. BID
    twice a day
  36. BOS
    base of support
  37. BP
    blood pressure
  38. BPD
    bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  39. BPF
    bronchopleural fistula
  40. BR
  41. BS
    breath sounds, bowel sounds
  42. c
  43. c/o
    complains of
  44. CA
  45. CABG
    coronary artery bypass graft
  46. CAD
    coronary artery disease
  47. CAT
    computerised axial tomography
  48. CF
    cystic fibrosis
  49. C & DB
    cough and deep breathing
  50. CHD
    congenital hip dislocation
  51. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  52. cm
  53. CMV
  54. CN
    cranial nerve
  55. CNS
    central nervous system
  56. CO
    cardiac output
  57. COPD
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  58. CPAP
    continuous positive airway pressure
  59. CPR
    cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  60. CPT
    chest physical therapy
  61. CPM
    continuous passive motion
  62. CRF
    chronic renal failure
  63. CSF
    cerebral spinal fluid
  64. CVA
    cerebrovascular accident
  65. CXR
    chest x-ray
  66. D/C
    discontinue, discharge
  67. DIC
    disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
  68. DIP
    distal interphalangeal (joint)
  69. DJD
    degenerative joint disease
  70. DM
    diabetes mellitus
  71. DNR
    do not resuscitate
  72. DOB
    date of brith
  73. DOE
    dyspnea on exertion
  74. DSD
    dry sterile dressing
  75. DTR
    deep tendon reflex
  76. DVT
    deep venous thrombosis
  77. DX, dx
  78. ECG, EKG
  79. ECR
    extensor carpi radialis
  80. ECU
    extensor carpi ulnaris
  81. EEG
  82. ENT
    ear, nose, and throat
  83. ETT
    endotracheal tube
  84. ES
    electrical stimulation
  85. Ex
  86. Ext
  87. FCR
    flexor carpi radialis
  88. FCU
    flexor carpi ulnaris
  89. FEV1
    forced expiratory volume - 1 sec
  90. FiO2
    fraction of inspired oxygen
  91. Flex
  92. FRC
    functional residual capacity
  93. FTSG
    full thickness skin graft
  94. FVC
    forced vital capacity
  95. FWB
    full weight bearing
  96. Fx
  97. GCS
    Glasgow Coma Scale
  98. GI
  99. GSW
    gun shot wound
  100. GXT
    graded exercise test
  101. h
  102. HBP
    high blood pressure
  103. Hct
  104. HEENT
    head, ears, eyes, nose, throat
  105. Hemi
  106. HEP
    home exercise program
  107. HNP
    herniated nucleus pulposus
  108. HOB
    head of bed
  109. h/o
    history of
  110. HO
    heterotopic ossification
  111. HR
    heart rate
  112. HTN
  113. HWR
    hardware removal
  114. Hx
  115. I
  116. IABP
    intra-aortic balloon pump
  117. ICBG
    iliac crest bone graft
  118. ICH
    intracranial hemorrhage
  119. IDDM
    insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  120. I/E ration
    inspiratory/expiratory ration
  121. ILV
    independent lung ventilation
  122. IMV
    intermittent mandatory ventilation
  123. IRDS
    infant respiratory distress syndrome
  124. IS
    incentive spirometry
  125. PC
    pressure control
  126. PCL
    posterior cruciate ligament
  127. PCO2
    partial pressure of carbon dioxide
  128. KAFO
    knee ankle foot orthosis
  129. L
  130. lat
  131. LBBB
    left bundle branch block
  132. LBP
    low back pain
  133. LLC
    long leg cast
  134. LLE
    left lower extremity
  135. LLL
    left lower lobe (lung)
  136. LOC
    loss of consciousness, level of consciousness
  137. LMN
    lower motor neuron
  138. LOS
    length of stay
  139. LP
    lumbar puncture
  140. LTG
    long term goal
  141. LTM
    long term memory
  142. LUE
    left upper extremity
  143. LUL
    left upper lobe (lung)
  144. MAP
    mean arterial pressure
  145. max
  146. MCA
    motorcycle accident
  147. min
  148. mm
  149. MMT
    manual muscle test
  150. mod
  151. MRSA
    methecillin resistant staph aureus
  152. MS
    multiple sclerosis
  153. MVA
    motor vehicle accident
  154. n/a
    not applicable
  155. NAD
    no acute distress
  156. NG, ng
  157. NIDDM
    non0insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  158. NIF
    negative inspiratory force
  159. NKA
    no known allergies
  160. nl
  161. nn
  162. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  163. NTT
    nasotracheal tube
  164. NWB
    non-weight bearing
  165. OA
  166. OGT
    oral gastric tube
  167. OOB
    out of bed
  168. ORIF
    open reduction, internal fixation
  169. OT
    Occupational Therapy
  170. STSG
    split thickness skin graft
  171. Sx
  172. PD
    postural drainage
  173. PE
    pulmonary embolus
  174. PEEP
    positive end expiratory pressure
  175. PLO
    posterior leaf orthosis
  176. PMH
    past medical history
  177. PO
    by mouth
  178. POD
    post op day
  179. PRE
    progressive resistive exercises
  180. prn
    as often as necessary
  181. PROM
    passive range of motion
  182. PS
    pressure support
  183. PT
    Physical Therapy
  184. Pt, pt
  185. PTA
    prior to admission
  186. PTB
    patellae tendon bearing
  187. PVD
    peripheral vascular disease
  188. PWB
    partial weight bearing
  189. PWP
    pulmonary wedge pressure
  190. qd
    every day
  191. q i d
    four times a day
  192. R
  193. RA
    rheumatoid arthritis
  194. RBBB
    right bundle branch block
  195. RLE
    right lower extremity
  196. RLL
    right lower lobe (lung)
  197. r/o
    rule out
  198. ROM
    range of motion
  199. rr
    respiratory rate
  200. RUE
    right upper extremity
  201. RUL
    right upper lobe (lung)
  202. Rx
  203. s
  204. S
  205. SAQ
    short arc quads
  206. SAH
    subarachnoid hemorrhage
  207. SB
    spontaneously breathing
  208. SDH
    subdural hematoma
  209. SIMV
    synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation
  210. SLB
    short leg brace
  211. SLC
    short leg cast
  212. SLP
    Speech Language Pathology
  213. SLR
    straight leg raises
  214. SOB
    shortness of breath
  215. STG
    short term goal
  216. TB
  217. TBI
    traumatic brain injury
  218. TCO
    total contact orthosis
  219. TENS
    transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation
  220. TF
    tube feeding
  221. THA
    total hip arthroplasty
  222. ther ex
    therapeutic exercise program
  223. TIA
    transient ischemic attack
  224. t i d
    three times a day
  225. TKA
    total knee arthroplasty
  226. TKE
    terminal knee extension
  227. TLC
    total lung capacity
  228. TMJ
    temporomandibular joint
  229. Tx
  230. TV
    tidal volume
  231. UE
    upper extremity
  232. UMN
    upper motor neuron
  233. US
  234. VC
    vital capacity
  235. vc
    verbal cues
  236. VO
    verbal orders
  237. W/C
  238. WBAT
    weight bearing as tolerated
  239. WNL
    within normal limits
  240. wt
  241. y/o
    years old
  242. s/p
    status post
Card Set
Common Medical Abbreviations
Common Medical Abbreviations