
  1. A cupshaped outpouching lined by simple squamous epithelium and supported by a thin elastic basement membrane...
  2. Consists of two or more alveoli that share a common opening...
    alveolar sac
  3. The walls of the alveoli consist of two types of alveolar epithelial cells
    • Type 1 alveolar cells
    • Type 2 alveolar cells
  4. The most numerous, simple squamous epitheial cells that form a nearly continous lining of the alveolar wall...
    type 1 alveolar cells
  5. Fewer in number and found between type 1 alveolar cells...
    type2 alveolar cells or septal cells
  6. Included in the alveolar fluid is a complex mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins is called...
  7. Phagocytes that remove fine dust particles and other debris from alveolar spaces, associated with the alveolar wall...
    alveolar macrophages (dust cells)
  8. The exchange of O2 and CO2 between the air spaces in the lungs and the blood takes place by diffusion across the alveolar and capillary walls, which together form the...
    respiratory membrane
  9. Extending form the alveolar air space to blood plasma, the respiratory membrane consists of four layers.
    • (1) A layer of type1 and type 2 alveolar cells and associated alveolar macrophages that constitutes the alveolar wall
    • (2) An epithelial basement membrane underlying the alveolar wall
    • (3) A capillary basement membrane that is often fused to the epithlial basement membrane
    • (4) the capillary endothelium
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Chapters 22-23