Intensive Lecture 6 Restoration Literature—1 Chron 23–2 Chron 36

  1. What is this a function of? We may well owe to these singers and musicians the preservation of the Psalter. In 2 Chr 20:14ff., we see their role in God’s intervention in battle.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  2. What is this a function of? In two of the Psalms we hear the levitical worship leader and prophet taking part in a service of worship, challenging the worshipers to believe in their hearts what they have said with their lips and to do in their lives what they have heard with their ears (Pss 81:5b-16; 95:7b-11). This dynamic role was woven into their ministry of sacred song.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  3. What is this a function of? In two of the Psalms we hear the levitical worship leader and prophet taking part in a service of worship, challenging the worshipers to believe in their hearts what they have said with their lips and to do in their lives what they have heard with their ears (Pss 81:5b-16; 95:7b-11). This dynamic role was woven into their ministry of sacred song.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  4. What is this a function of? In 25:1-3 we have 3 references to these levitical worship leaders prophesying and 3 references of them doing so under royal supervision (David directing Asaph and his sons, who direct the sons of Heman and Jeduthun, who, in turn, direct the worship leaders—cf 25:6). This is important to note, because we see the freedom of prophetic inspiration working harmoniously under the structure of strong authority. It can be done in God’s economy.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  5. What is this a function of? In 25:7, we see high standards set forth: all of these levitical worship leaders were “trained and skilled in music for the Lord.” In the Jewish Talmud it is stated that these singers and musicians were diligently trained for a minimum of 5 years before they could perform these duties.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  6. What is this a function of? In pre-exilic times there were temple prophets who had an important role alongside the priests, esp. in transmitting divine answers to prayers of lament brought in times of national or personal crisis. In Ps 85:8-13, such a prophet delivers God’s one-word answer, “peace,” and proceeds to expound its meaning to a distressed people. Their ministry underlies the “Do not fear” of Lam 3:57.
    One of the five functions carried out by the Levitical prophetic musicians that David established
  7. What is this a key theme of? Seeks wisdom to rule God’s people, ch 1
    The key themes of Solomon’s reign
  8. What is this a key theme of? Builds the temple, ch 2-7
    The key themes of Solomon’s reign
  9. What is this a key theme of? Solomon’s glory through God’s blessing
    The key themes of Solomon’s reign
  10. What is this a part of? Seek the Lord- personally and seek his guidance.
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  11. What is this a part of? Obey his commands, especially regarding worship
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  12. What is this a part of? Destroy the pagan worship, especially your own idols
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  13. What is this a part of? Do not trust the godless (people) in place of God
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  14. What is this a part of? Do not forsake the Lord
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  15. What is this a part of? Do not be treacherous with the Lord
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  16. What is this a part of? Walk with the Lord
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  17. What is this a part of? Know the Lord- fix your heart on him
    The Chronicler’s formula for success in life
  18. What is this describing? The decree of Cyrus provided for the Jews to return to Jerusalem and build the temple; cf. Ezra 1:1-3a (538 B.C.)
    The content of Cyrus’ decree (36:22-23)
  19. What is this describing? God is truly sovereign (c. Isa 45:1-7)
    The significance of Cyrus’ decree (36:22-23)
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Intensive Lecture 6 Restoration Literature—1 Chron 23–2 Chron 36
Lecture 6 Restoration Literature—1 Chron 23–2 Chron 36, jbi2