Primary Function
- Produce hormones
- Work together to maintain homeostasis
- Chemical messengers
- Secreted by glands directly into blood stream
- Regulate activities of specific cells / organs
- Meaure levels by urine / blood tests
13 Major Glands
- 1 Pituitary 1 Pineal 1 Thyroid
- 1 Thymus 1 Pancreas 4 Parathyroid
- 2 Adrenal 2 Gonads
- Secreted
- Man-made
- Relieve swelling & inflammation (asthma)
Fat Cells
- Sectrete Leptin
- Travels to brain
- Controls balance of food intake & energy expenditures
Secreted by specialized brain cells
Endocrine specialist
- endo = within, crin/o = secrete, pathy = disease
- hyper = excessive, crin = secrete, ism = condition
- hypo = deficient, crin = secrete, ism = condition
- somat/o = body, tropics = afinity for.
- oxy = swift, tocin = labor (pitocin = synthetic)
- acr/o = extremities, megaly = enlargement (excessive GH after puberty)
- Gigantism = overgrowth entire body (GH before puberty)
- algia = pain
- hyper = excessive, glyc = sugar, emia = blood
- poly = many, dipsia = thirst
- phagia = eating
- uria = urination
Pituitary Gland
- Master Gland
- Anterior & Posterior Lobes
- Hangs from infundibulum
- Below hypothalamus
Pituitary Gland
Stalk like structure
Pituitary Gland
Primary Function
- Master Gland
- Secrete hormones to control other glands
- Acts in response to stimuli from hypothalamus
Pituitary Gland
Anterior Lobe
- Adrenocorticotropic = adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol
- Follicle Strim Hormone (FSH) = stim secretion of estrogen & ova growth in ovaries; sperm in testes
- Growth (GH) = grow bone, muscle, tissue, etc...
- Interstitial Cell-Stem (ICSH) = stims ovulation; ecrete testosterone
- Lactogenic (Prolactin) = stim / maintain secretion breast milk
- Luteinizing = stim ovulation / produce progesterone; stim testosterone
- Melanocyte Stim = produce melanin, darker skin
- Thyroid Stim (TSH) = stim growth / secretion of thyroid gland
Pituitary Gland
Posterior Lobe
- Antidiuretic = maintains water balance, urine / no urine
- Oxytocin = stim uterine contractions, stim flow of milk
Pituitary Adenoma
Produce large & unregulated amounts of hormone
Pituitary Adenoma
No production of hormone
- Benign tumor
- Pituitary
- Too much prolactin
- Cause infertility
- Changes in menstruation
- Male impotence
Diabetes Insipidus
- Insuficient production antidiuretic
- Inability kidneys respond to hormone
Pineal Gland
Central portion of brain
- Influence sleep / wake cycle (cercadian cycle)
- Secretes melatonin
- Delays the onset of puberty
Thyroid Gland
- Regulate metabolism
- Influence growth
- Influence nervous system
- Just under Larynx
Thyroid Gland
- Thyroxine & Triiodothyronine to control metabolism by rate they are secreted
- TSH controls rate of secretion
- Calcitonin = decreases calcium blood levels by moving into bones and teeth
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
(Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis)
- Autoimmune disease
- Attack / destroy cells of thyroid
- Fatigue, Depression
- Cold sensitive
- Decrease metabolism
Congenital form of Hypothyroidism
- Adult Hypothyroidism
- Swelling around eyes & cheeks
- Fatigue & subnormal temperature
- Increase metabolism
- Sweating, Nervousness
- Weight loss
Thyroid Storm
Thyrotoxic Crisis
- Life threatening
- Fever, chest pain, palpations, short breath
- Tremors, sweat, fatigue, disoriented
Grave's Disease
- Caused by Hyperthyroidism (most common)
- Goiter in neck
- Exophthalmos = protrusion of eyeball
Thyroid Stim Hormone Assay
- Test of circulating blood levels
- Excessive pituitary stimulation
Thyroid Scan
Nuclear Medicine
Chemical Thyroidectomy
- Radioactive Iodine Therapy
- Destroys thyroid cells
- Treat Grave's Disease
- Grain of rice, posterior surface to thyroid
- Regulates calcium levels
- Para hormone increases calcium levels
- Release calcium from bone storage
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
- Weakened bones
- Kidney stones
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
- Disorder elswhere (kidney failure)
- Weakness, fatigue, depression, aches, pain,
- loss appetite, N&V, constipation,
- Impaired thinking / memory,
- Increased thirst / urination
Osteitis Fibrosa
- Complicated Hyperparathyroidism
- Bones soften / deformed
- Devlope cysts
- Insufficient / absent hormone
- Causes Hypocalcemia
- Leads to Tetany (muscle spasms / tremors)
- Midline thorasic cavity
- Posterior to sternum
- Part of early immune system developement
Thymosin = stims lymphocytes into T-cells
- Feather shaped
- Posterior to stomach
- Both endocrine and digestive system
- Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans = endocrine system
Pancreas Function
- Controls blood sugar levels & glocuse metabolism
- Glucose = basic form of energy
- Glycogen = liver stores as excess glucose
- Alpha cell secretion
- Reacts to low blood sugar
- Stimulates liver to convert glycogen into glucose
- Beta cell secretion
- Reacts to high blood sugar
- Allows sugar to enter cells
- Excess will stimulate liver to convert glucose to glycogen for storage
- Inflammation of pancreas
- Long term alcohol abuse
Can cause hypoglycemia
Type 1 Diabetes
- Insulin deficiency
- Destruction beta cells
- Blured vision
- slow healing
- Insulin Injections
Type 2 Diabetes
- Insulin resistance disorder
- Insulin not used effectively
- Body produces more insulin
- Childhood obesity
- Recuring infection
- Tingling hands / feet
- Oral Medications
Diabetes Tests
- FBS = no eat 8-12hrs
- Oral GTT to diagnose Hypoglycemia
- Fructosamine Test = measures past 3 weeks
- HbA1c = measures past 3-4 months
Insulin Shock
- Very low blood sugar
- Sugar orally to raise quickly
Diabetic Coma
- Very high blood sugar
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Prompt insulin
Diabetic Retinopathy
- Blood vessels in retina leak
- loss of vision
Adrenal Glands (Suprarenals)
- On top kidneys
- Outer portion = Cortex
- Middle portion = Madulla
- All surrounded by Capsule
Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal)
Primary Function
- Control electrolytes (sodium & potassium)
- Regulate metabolism & interaction with sympathetic nervous system
Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal)
- Secretes corticosteroids
- - Aldosterone = regulates salt and water levels by increasing sodium reabsorption & potassium excretion by kidneys
- - Androgens = influences sex related characteristics; adults use gonads
- - Cortisol = Hydrocortisone = anti-inflammatory action, regulates metabolism of carbs, fats, & protiens
Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal)
- Epinephrine = adrenaline = stims symp nerve sys to stress
- Norepinephrine = fight or flight
Addison's Disease
- Not enough adrenal cortex hormone
- Chronic fatigue
- Muscle weakness
- Loss appetite
- Weight loss
- Abnormal electrolyte balance
- Excessive aldosterone
Cushing's Syndrome
- Prolonged high level cortisol\Moon face
- Pad on back of neck
- Secrete responsible develope / maintain 2nd sex characteristics during puberty
- Gamete = sex cell
- Ganodotropin = stims gonads
- Capable of reproducing sexually
- Maturing of organs
- Develope 2nd sex characteristics
- 1st menstruation
- 12yrs = female
- 14yrs = male
Precocious Puberty
- Before 9yrs female
- 10yrs male
Properties of adult male
- Develope / maintain 2nd sex characteristics
- Regulate monthly cycle
- 2nd half of cycle
- Produced by Corpus Luteum in Ovary
- Function = complete prep for pregnancy, if preg = placenta produce progesterone
- If no preg = progesterone stops, period starts, reset cycle
Male mammaries